Twice As Nice


this fanfiction, like most or all of mine, will include blood, sex and MPreg. I absolutely hate hetero pairings - to an extent where out of everything I like the only hetro pairings I like is Ron/Hermione [Harry Potter] and Koumi/Lenali []


I own nothing in this fic - other than the odd sexual twists and fetishes xD ;) and the names of some of the characters.

Main Characters:

Harrison James Potter[Harry Potter],

Harley Malcom Potter[Har Potter],

Draco Malfoy,

Severus Tobias Snape,

Sirius Orion Black,

Remus John Lupin,

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.


Prologue: THE LETTER


Dear Sirius,

Thanks for the brooms you sent for the twins for their birthday - Harrison absolutely refuses to get off of his broom, James finds it hilarious. I think Harley's scared of his broom in all honesty... even if it only raises a few inches off the ground. Har seems to prefer the potions kit Severus sent them - Harry refuses to touch his you'll probably be pleased to know - haha!

We've just got back from a trip to the hospital - Harley was sick again. He's better now but James is getting restless. The hospital's the only place he's been for months since Dumbledore took his cloak - still, at least I know he's safe here. The move here to Godric's Hollow was fine - as I've said the only downside was Har got sick again. But both twins are fine now and everyones so happy here!

In all honesty, I sometimes forget there's a war going on Padfoot, I do hope we can see you again soon. James keeps complaining that the only fun thing to do around here is teach the twins how to play pranks - much to my dismay I have to say. But, yeah. Since the move here I've been getting to know old Bathilda Bagshot who lives down the road - you know, the author?

She has loads of stories to tell about Dumbledore when he lived here as a boy - best mates with Grindewald one Summer he was - shocking I know! James is adament the "old bat" as he calls her is lying. I still think he puts far too much trust in Dumbledore.

I could carry on this letter for hours but I've left James to cook dinner and tend to the boys - and it sounds like Harley's crying. Enclosed is a picture of James and the twins on their brooms out the back - I hope you like it!

Lots Of Love



P.S: I know why he was crying - Harry crashed into his potions kit on the broom! Oh the joys of parenting!


A/N: so how was the prologue? Please review if you wish for me to continue this and put chapter one up.

next chapter: Chapter One: ANOTHER YEAR TOGETHER