p class="p1"Hi All,/p
p class="p2" /p
p class="p1"I know it has been many years since I last wrote on here and my life has changed so much. I have a new career and have great opportunities ahead of class="Apple-converted-space" /span/p
p class="p2" /p
p class="p1"I have decided to remove my biggest stories that I wrote - Kidnapped and On the Run as I feel like they have been online to be enjoyed enough and I am unsure about my future with them and if I wish to take them further in another capacity. Especially On the Run which is yet to be finished…We shall see./p
p class="p2" /p
p class="p1"But for now, I just want to thank you all for all your support over the years. I cannot believe how popular they are still after all this time. Who knows, maybe it won't be the last you will see of these stories./p
p class="p2" /p
p class="p1"If anyone sees these stories reposted online anywhere, please let me know. I worked hard all those years ago to create these stories and the stories are still close to my heart, I'd hate for them to be taken under another's wing and get credit./p
p class="p2" /p
p class="p1"Much love,span class="Apple-converted-space" /span/p
p class="p1"Rhiannon./p