Disclaimer: Once again, I do not own, nor am I, the creator of Skip-Beat.

Note: Characters may be OOC. Sorry, Ren might be OOC, since he's the only character in this chapter. (lol)

Author's Note: HAHA! Best chapter I've ever written, so I feel! XD


The heat; the agony; the suffering. . . It was all too much to take. He knew it wasn't enough to think that a one-sided love could steer a relationship towards a happy future with success. He knew above anyone else that such a relationship between co-workers—not to mention the age difference—was slightly disconcerting. To date. . .to strive for a serious relationship. . .to marry his Kouhai. . .he would be above his very own head—and he was quite tall as it was.

Ren had to quiet his thoughts. They had been on a rampage since late the previous night, keeping him up well past twenty-four hours. His head was pounding and his mind and body were restless, but he, himself, was quite exhausted. He had suddenly come down with a fever he had discovered sometime in the morning after an episode of insomnia, and yet, he knew it wasn't a cold or flu, but rather, something more. . .perhaps. . .self-inflicted? Yes, he felt as if there was a ravenous stirring within his very body that was causing him internal turmoil. And usually, he'd ignore it and go to work, but he wasn't exactly feeling up to working that day—no, it was just because he didn't want to see Kyoko at the set.

Ah, yes, Kyoko. What was it that was causing him to feel as if he was a thermometer about to explode? Replaying the scene of when he had gently kissed her on the cheek the previous night, of course. And her reaction was just. . .unsettling. Something within Ren really went on a rampage upon discovering her reaction to how he gently pressed his lips to her cheek. Indeed, he did feel rather disturbed that she reacted in such a horrified way, but it was expected. After all, Kyoko wasn't necessarily the type of girl who would just flip and gossip to her girlfriends—in this case, Kanae Kotonami—about how her Senpai had kissed her. She was a rather shy, one-minded girl who really didn't think much about love when it was staring her straight in the face. Well, not now anyway; not after what happened between that man and her.

Ren had to stop himself again before he could start ranting about that man, Fuwa Sho. The very man that had made Kyoko the way she was, and also gave her such an ugly side of wanting nothing more than to seek revenge upon the very man that had ruined her life. After all, she grew up at his side and did things for him. But, on the other hand, Ren realized that it was because of Fuwa Sho that he had the opportunity of meeting Kyoko. If it wasn't for his jerky personality and Kyoko suddenly finding out that she was just treated and used as a slave, then Ren would have never met Kyoko. In a sense, he'd have to thank that man when he'd next meet.

Sure, the voice in his head agreed in mock agreement. Show him some gratitude when you get the chance to punch him.

Ren smirked at this suggestion, but then turned over in his bed when his eyes came to rest on the side table that held the cube within.

For hours, Ren had done nothing but lie awake in bed, reflecting on the things that had transpired over the past twenty-four hours. And that involved the item within that neatly-wrapped box that Yashiro had retrieved for him earlier the previous day. Of course, everyone knows that what he had told his manager was a lie (the author of this story doesn't even know if Tsuruga Ren has an aunt on his mother's side). Ren wasn't really planning on giving the item to somebody in his family for their birthday, but, instead, to somebody he worked alongside. In fact, the tiny object within that box was an item that corresponded with his thoughts of marrying Kyoko.

You must admit that she has changed, the voice in his mind spoke up after some time.

"Yes," Ren mumbled aloud, "she has. She has become even more serious about acting for herself than taking revenge on that man than she did when she first took the job. She is stronger now, and much older."

Before, you would have had nothing to do with her because of her motivation being to just seek revenge on that man, the voice added.

"Yes, that was irritating to discover," he grumbled bitterly at the memory.

And today, you love her!

Ren slid the pillow from under his head and pressed it into his face. Yes. . .yes. . .yes. . .Ren loved her, alright. It burned in his chest—a fierce flame of fire that felt more like heartburn with each day he saw Kyoko. His heart would jolt to life when he'd see her, and his mood would lighten a slight fraction. But the reason behind that love wasn't exactly evident to him. Then again, when it comes to love, who needs a reason? It's love! All you know is that you accept the person for exactly how they are—everything good and bad. And Kyoko was definitely a formidable person to have a crush on (wouldn't you agree?).

I can wait, Ren thought to himself. Kyoko may not love me right now—or never, for that matter—but if she does make her decision to love me, I'll be waiting for her. I'll wait. . .no matter how many years pass during that time.

He frowned to himself. But how long would that be?

A recurring buzzing sounded on his side table, indicating that his cell phone was ringing. After a moment of debating mentally whether or not to answer it, he decided he'd better, and shoved the pillow aside. He reached for the cellular device without even sitting up, and then cast a lazy glance at the caller ID.

"Yashiro?" he mumbled at the name. "Hrrm." He flipped back the hood of the phone with a grumble, and then pressed it to his ear. "Yes, Yashiro?"

"Ren, it's terrible!" And then, he began to ramble on about something through slurred speech.

"Yashiro. . . No, Yashiro— Calm down!" Ren demanded of the manager as he stammered and rambled and kept breaking himself off through every other sentence from the other end. "Take a breath and calmly tell me what's the matter."

There was silence from Ren as he listened intently to what Yashiro had to say. After several moments of silence, a horrified, absolutely livid expression came to Ren's face, and he bolted upright in his bed as beads of precipitation began to erupt on his forehead.

"That bastard did what to Kyoko?!"

T-Lea: What. . .have I done? I didn't mean to make Ren look Schizo, either. Okay, here's the deal: First off, I want to thank you all for reading this through and reviewing—thanks so much! However, I'm not sure I'll be putting up the Sequel right now, only because I don't have the plot thoroughly thought-through. Also, I'm busy with other original works, and also a certain LoZ fanfic that needs my attention. However, I will be leaving something up on my Profile as an update for the Sequel. If I decide to make it, I'll post an update on my profile about it, so just keep checking in. Thank you all so much for reviewing and reading—you all have helped encourage me to finish this!