Hee everyone thanks so much for your patience and reviews.

I've been really busy and I've tried to update as soon as i could!

I think this will be the last chapter. I might be able to do a sequel but.. ah well Review and let me know what you think!!

-------------------------------------------------------chapter 2------------------------------------------


'You could be really sick. Your temperature is really high as well. This is not good for you and the baby Draco. We have to get Madame Pomfrey. Can you stand?'

Draco shook his head. 'I feel too drowsy'

Harry lifted him and carried him over to their bed. Draco looked really pale and was sweating he was also breathing unsteadily. Harry fire-called Madame Pomfrey and then Severus.

Madame Pomfrey and Severus barged into the room immediately. 'Draco?!' Severus was immediately checking Draco's vitals. Madame Pomfrey lead harry away from his lover. 'Harry, what happened?'

Harry looked at her; 'I don't know. He was nauseous when he woke up this morning and then his temperature started rising. He was completely fine last night.'

'Poppy it might be stress, I cannot find a clear cause' Severus said softly. He gave Draco another potion. Draco looked at him.

'Could it have anything to do with my being a Veela? I mean my body is still adjusting to the baby.'

Severus looked at his godson and nodded. 'That is a possibility.'

Madame Pomfrey nodded. 'I would still like to keep you in here for a few days. To see if your body adjusts the way it should'

Draco groaned. 'Harry can take care of me just fine in our chambers.'

'No not enough. He will be teaching during the days and I want you monitored all day long.' Madame Pomfrey's tone booked no room for arguments.

'Fine' Draco grumbled. Harry smiled at him. 'You know this is just for your safety and that of our babies'.'

Severus looked at his godson. 'Fine I'll stay' Draco complied and adverted his gaze away from Severus. He folded his arms across his chest stubbornly while Severus smirked.

'Well, now that I am certain Draco will be completely fine, I have duties to return to. If you will excuse me' and with that Severus left.

'Dray I have to teach. I'll promise to come by later today alright?'

'Sure leave me too, why don't you' Draco grumbled moodily. Harry smiled and ruffled his hair. 'You can act so incredibly childishly cute' he gave Draco a kiss and left laughing.

Draco sighed and stared at the ceiling. This was going to be a long few days. He was already bored!


After three days Draco was dismissed from the hospital wing and he practically ran to his and Harry's shared quarters, only to find them empty. Odd, Harry didn't have lessons now Draco was sure of that. he knew Harry's schedule by heart.

He thought Harry might be dealing with detentions or other annoying pupils, so he sat down on the sofa and relaxed. He fell asleep soon after as his body had use much more energy for everything because of the baby.

Harry entered their shared chambers a bit later and sighed tiredly. Then he noticed Draco sleeping on the sofa. He smiled and went over to him. He took Draco in his arms and went to bed.


The next few months passed without much incident. Draco was now 8 months pregnant and for a Veela that meant he was due any day now.

Both Harry and Draco were on paternity leave. 'Pff I'm done with this whole pregnancy, can't I just hold my baby already' Draco sighed one evening. Both of them were lying in bed.

Harry looked at him and put his hand on Draco's stomach. 'Yes I wish to hold her too!'

'What makes you so sure it's a she, she could be a he' ah yes the famous gender argument Draco couldn't resist arguing every time harry mentioned a gender.

Harry sighed. 'I think we should have asked that would spare us this arguing all the time'

'Now where would be the fun in that!' Draco giggled. Then he groaned. Harry was alert instantly.

'What's wrong Dray? Should I call for help'

'Harry will you relax, it's just cramps. Nothing serious' he pointed at himself and said; 'Veela remember? I know when I will give birth to this little one.'

'I know Draco I just worry. Sorry. Are you okay then?'

Draco smiled and nodded.

Then his smile became more of a grimace. 'I don't think I'm fine. I think you should get Severus' He put his hands on his stomach and gasped.

Harry didn't need to be told what to do twice. He nodded and ran to fire-call Severus. Then he returned within a few seconds with Severus following close-by.

Draco was grasping his stomach and curled into a ball. He gasped in pain and had tears in his eyes. Harry sat down next to him to support him as Severus checked him. 'It is time. I will get Poppy. Harry keep him on his back and support him' Severus said and ran to the fireplace to call poppy.

'Harry please do something! This hurts so much' Draco groaned. 'Severus and Madame Pomfrey are going to help you. You will be fine. You can do this baby. Think of our child, we will get to see it for the first time.' Harry said softly. Holding his lover close.

Severus and Madame Pomfrey returned hastily. They prepared Draco, whose pain kept getting worse.
Harry had to restrain Draco tightly from trashing about. Severus held him still as well. Madame Pomfrey had warned them about the birth. Draco was turning into the Veela he was born as. He wings appeared from his back his skin seemed to glow and his ears turned pointy. He was beautiful and incredibly strong. Both Harry and Severus, being powerful wizards themselves, had trouble holding Draco as still as possible. Madame Pomfrey was working on getting the baby out of Draco.

Draco screamed and then went absolutely still and silent. Harry looked at him, 'Severus what's going on?'

Severus looked just as bewildered as Harry, 'I do not know Harry'.

Then a cry echoed the silent room. Harry looked at Madame Pomfrey who was holding a tiny, green winged, pointy eared, glowing baby. He gasped at the pure beauty of his child. Draco opened his eyes and noticed his beautiful child. 'She is Veela' he said, very weak from her birth. 'She is beautiful' Harry whispered as Madame Pomfrey lay the little girl down in Draco's arms. 'She looks just like you' Harry smiled and hugged his little family.

Severus was smiling at them. 'What is her name' he asked.

Draco looked at harry. His big grey eyes filled with tears as he said 'Eithne Narcissa Potter- Malfoy'

The little girl opened her eyes when she heard her name. Draco and Severus gasped. Her eyes were bright green with a grey edge.

Harry kissed his tired lover and smiled at his little girl.

Things would truly be wonderful for them.

The end!

OMG my fic, it's finished! I hope you liked it!

The name eithne is pronounced as ETH-NA. It is an irish name and means "kernel" in Gaelic. This was the name of a 5th-century Irish saint, sister of Saint Fidelma and follower of Saint Patrick.