~Hey Kiddies. Sorry for the late update. I'm being lazy and not typing like I should be. So instead of being up to date for you guys, I have chapters 4 and almost 5 done...Just not typed... heh. xD

This one is a little more...I don't know revealing. I started to realize that I rated this M but in all honesty, there's nothing M about it...haha!

The POV's get shorter and rotate more because everyone is running into each other and events are happening so quick. So if it's annoying...get over it xD

From here on out things are going to start getting interesting. The ending is still in progress but I don't expect this story to be over 7 chapters (Hence the term 'Short Story') The only thing that'll change this from being 7 chapters is if i get a hoard of fans attacking me...But then what the hell would i have to write about?!

Annnnyways~ Enjoy. Please excuse my chessey-ness in some parts...xDD


I hear a low yawn on the other line.

"Yawn~ Miku, I'm going to bed. I'm really tired."

'Of course you are.'

"Okies! Well, I'll see my Lenny tomorrow morning, bright and early!"

"Yeah." I hear a sigh. Time to act concerned. "What's wrong, Lenny?" Ugh – The name 'Lenny' makes me want to hurl. But you know, it's tough to play innocent.

"No. Well, something happened between Rin and Me. I'm just feeling bad about it."

"Did you guys get into a fight?" Oh god! Please say yes!

"Yeah- I over reacted a bit too much. She won't talk to me now. I'm regretting what I said."

Rin's not speaking to him? Haha! My plan is flowing smoothly! Now all I have to do is get Len to go to the Talent Contest with me and Kaito will realize how much he still needs me…How much he really wants me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm sure things will come around soon!"



'Now's my chance!'

"Oh! Lenny! Did you see if you're free for the contest? We need to start practicing soon you know."

'Yeah- Can't have you screwing it up…'

"Oh…Um, honestly, I haven't checked. I'll find out tomorrow."

UGH! Len is so freaking unreliable. Why can't he just say 'Yes dear.' and be done with it? "Okies, I'll be looking forward to hearing a yes!"

'Oh yeah, and Rin's destruction.'

"Alright. Night, Miku." Len mumbles over the phone. Thanks for the enthusiasm, brat.

"I love you, Lenny! Night!"


He really doesn't deserve an older, beautiful, mature girlfriend like me. If I wasn't out for revenge, Len and his beloved sister, Rin, could be pathetic together.

'Rin. Her name brings a bad taste to my mouth…'

I hate her. I hate her with a fiery passion. She's a whiny bitch whom get in the way of everything!

Jealousy, you ask?

Nope. Jealous doesn't begin to cover it. That girl; that THING; has my status, my career, and my man. But that's ok. I have a plan. A marvelous plan. And so far, everything is going into effect…

~The MikuMiku Revenge Plan!~ (MMRP)

Len (Sadly, Mission accomplished.)

so called Len to accompany me to the competition (Mission underway!)

RIN And Len fight over competition. (I think that happened already…?)

RIN+KAITO at the competition and kill her dreams! . (Oh, that'll be the night!)

Len and win Kaito's heart!

And that's my plan! People call it ridiculous. People call it insane. But I believed it would work and look where it got me so far!

What's better about this situation is the fact that no one has caught on yet!

Time to put my ingenious mind to rest~


I think Miku's out to get me. I mean, she doesn't even like Len…and she's still clinging to Kaito, whom by the way hates her guts. He instead…loves me. I see reason enough to be at my throat, but she has NO right to drag Len into this. This is our war. Len has nothing to do with this.

I find myself closed and cramped in the corner of my closet with a book light, a pen and pad of paper, and a bombarded mind.

The big-blue sky is like

A big taunting sign

"You're not with her"

The pen glides across the paper. Everything on my mind finds it place on the lines. The words flow and mesh together making feelings, emotions; the lyrics of my heart.

As I look down at my feet

I patiently wait for something to just occur.

Why did I scream at him? How stupid can I get?

It's really ironic actually. Why do I hate the person I love the most? Maybe it aggravates me that I'm completely obvious when it comes to loving him but Len- being as intelligent as he is- can't see my true feelings.

Ah! The world is slowly

Falling apart

But even so

My love for you will still shine-

But maybe, Len being the oblivious nit-wit that he is truly is better than him knowing.

Please understand

I'm letting go of that

But how do I make you see

This secret code of mine?

I am a fool…But I will-


A light tap on the door causes me to flinch. The pen that a moment ago was endlessly gliding along the paper made an involuntary U-Turn and drew a line through the middle of the page. So what? It's just a crap sheet of crumpled notebook paper anyways, Right? Sure, but as I age, I realize that maturity comes with a handful of OCD related problems. None the less, this troublesome line makes me cringe uncomfortably. That doesn't last long, however. The book light decides to die out and leave me there in the dark.

Well at least the Paper isn't pushing my OCD buttons anymore.

Another tap on the door; this one a bit louder. I figured it was Len seen how he's the only one I live with. If it was him, his apologies are in record time for once. Never has he come to say sorry to me this early before. Or maybe he's come to tell me him and Pinky ARE singing together after all. Wouldn't that just make my fucking night?

"…Rin?" A muffled peep arises from behind the door. Hey, he remembers my name. That's a plus.

I don't answer (like an idiot) and wait to see if he's really here to make-up.

"Rin…Are you asleep?"
'If I were asleep, why the hell would I answer you?!'

He waits for a response. No more than 20 seconds later do I make a slight movement in the cramped closet space which leads to a shift in objects original positions. This makes a noise, a noise loud enough to heard from across the house.

"Rin? Rin, it's one in the morning. Please climb out of the closet and open the door."

The actual bedroom door is not locked; Len's just being polite. I finally admit defeat and decide to face him. However- something is preventing me from this…

The closet door is locked- And it locks from the outside.

"Rin, please don't ignore m-"

"HELP!" I unintentionally scream. A booming sound fills the closet as, I assume, Len rams his way into my room.


"…In here…" Wow, I feel pathetic.

I hear a light sigh as footsteps approach the closet door. A moment later, light intrudes my eyes and a silhouette figure stands before me.

"How the hell did you manage this?" Len questions following with a half-hearted chuckle. Even in the dark, I could make out a goofy grin plastered to his face.

Len offers a hand; I take it willingly and he lifts me out of the closet and into a hug. But this hug- this hug was not his usual twin brother hug. No. This one appeared affectionate…Maybe even passionate?

He wraps his arms around my smaller frame (when did he out-grow me??) squeezing me tightly. I can't help but slightly blush.

Len sighs and nuzzles his face down into my shoulder. He moves one of his hands up my back and to the back of my head, pulling me closer to his warm, shirtless (shirtless?!) body and runs his fingers through what little hair I have.

'What's gotten into him???'

"Rin, I'm really sorry…I was a major ass. Everything I said was utterly stupid."

'That makes the two of us-'

"I realize I hurt you, and I can never live with myself if you don't forgive me."

Len is practically whispering in my ear at this point which is sending massive amounts of chills down my body. Hope he doesn't notice..

No-But he does pull me closer, which obviously does NOT help my situation.

My heart beat races. Why the hell did I scream at him? Why was I such a bitch about the whole thing? Why am I feeling guilty as Len holds me now? Why do I want to cry….?

'Don't do it! Don't show weakness! At least not twice in the same night…'

"Rin?" Len asks.I realize that my mental pep-talk is failing miserably as the tears slip off my cheeks and I begin to sniffle. Goddamnit.

"Please don't cry. I'm so sorry."

'Easy for you to say'

"I'm here…" And that's the last thing I hear before my mind shuts off completely.


Yet another restless night. Instead of actually sleeping, I find myself watching Rin sleep…is that creepy?

She fell asleep crying in my arms earlier so I ended up carrying her over to her bed. And for some reason, something demanded I stay with the rest of the night.

It's fascinating to watch her sleep. She's so peaceful and quiet. Her chest moves in a slow rhythm with her deep breathing. Her small red lips part just slightly as if she was getting ready to whisper something to me…

Len…I love you…

What the fuck am I saying, or thinking, rather?

I mean, call me cheesy, but I love Rin- As a sister, of course. I've always slight feelings for her though, but I'm pretty sure those feelings have never been returned. So I set it aside in the back of my mind a long time ago…but recently, something has prevented me from freeing my thoughts of her.

She's matured. I mean, we both have. We turn 17 in a couple of months. Rin's older now…everything about her is more appealing.

What's NOT to like about her. She's beautiful yet independent. She's spunky yet delicate. Her voice is to die for and he heart is of gold. I look forward to waking up every morning and seeing her blue eyes, though like mine, more vivid and they sparkle in the sun light. Her hair, a perfect golden color, complements her eyes. And her small frame completes her perfection…

What am I saying? She'll never like me more than what I am now; her twin brother. But for now, I think I'll enjoy this moment a little while longer. At least until she wakes up that is---


For some reason, I can't seem to remember what exactly happened last night…All I know now is the fact that I'm Really warm at the moment and I could stay in this position forever. But, unfortunately, school calls. So I should probably check the time and-

Erm…I don't think I'm the only one in my bed…

Rin's eyes fly open to a sleeping Len wrapped around her. He has her pulled close to his bare torso, breathing deeply. Rin can feel the rhythm of his breath and a smile gently lying on his face. But instead of cherishing the moment, Rin screams bloody murder and kicks Len off the side of the bed, his back hitting the wooden flooring with an unpleasant thud.


"Len! I am SO sorry! I-I-I spazzed! Are you hurt? Are you bleeding?! Are you-!"

Len rises to his feet without saying a word and glares at Rin, his blue eyes piercing her soul. Rin feels a loss of breath as she looks upon his figure and blushes slightly. She attempts to get up to help him, but is suddenly forced down against the bed.

Len climbs on top of her and startles her waste, preventing a sprawled out Rin from escaping. His hands more to her wrists and pin them above her head on her pillow. He leans in closer, their bodies now barely touching. Len pressed his forehead gently against hers.

Rin's breathing picks up speed and her face is flustering scarlet red in response to this strange position between her and her twin brother. She looks up to find Len starring deep into her eyes. Seeing him is usually like looking in a mirror, seriously. But now…now she sees a mature young man that she has fallen in love with. Someone who's nothing like her at all.

Len tightens his thighs against Rin hips sending jolts of arousal up her spine. She gasps and Len chuckles.

"Why did you kick me off the bed?" He smiles seductively, waiting for a reasonable reply.

Rin stutters, "I- um- I'm-"

"Your?" He leans in closer to her, his chest propped against hers.

"I-I didn't mean to…"

"Oh?" Len licks his lips and Rin begins to shutter under his gaze. "What did you mean then?"

Len moves one of his hands from Rin's wrists to her face, brushing some golden strands away from her cheeks. She looks away trying to avoid his eyes but Len grabs her chin and pulls her back to him. He moves in closer, this time shortening the distance between his lips and her ears.

"Rin…I need to tell you something very important-?" He whispers to her. His breath against her ears made her involuntarily jolt, her body finding it arousing. It sent chills through her, and her nipples began to harden (something they've never really done before) pressing themselves against his warm chest.


Just as he was going to say those words to her, a sudden thud of textbooks hitting the floor startled the twins off each other.

A twin pig tailed hair girl stands motionless in the doorway of Rin's room. Her mouth hangs open and her eyes grow furious and confused and Len removes himself from Rin's bed.

The intruder inhales deeply. "You've got TWO minutes…" She snaps.

The girl spins on her heel and stomps out the door and down the stairs.


"And what the hell were you doing in my house?!"

I reach my locker and open it casually, as if nothing happened this morning. Which Something DID, but we won't let it affect our plans so soon…

"Again, I called you a million times but you never answer. I knocked on your door but you never came." I protest. Hey, most if what I am saying is true for the most part.

"And that gives you right to just enter my house and prance upstairs??"

'Of course.' I close my locker door and gaze up at Len with my innocent face.

"I was only worried about you. And sorry to interrupt you molesting your twin sister. Didn't know you were into that." I role my eyes and he stares at me as if I kicked his dog. I would if he had one…Rin works just as well, if not better.

I push Len up against my lockers and lean on him, my chest pressed into his. He's hesitant because he makes sure he doesn't touch me anywhere risky.

I brush the hair away from his ear with my left hand and reach up to whisper to him. "You know, If that's what you wanted, you could have called me up. I've been waiting for a good time."

With that comment I nip his ear with my mouth and feel shivers rush down his body, probably to his little friend. A bulge starts to form in his pants- And what better timing; Rin and Kaito are passing by.

One swift movement from my free hand and I reach for his crotch. Once I was sure I had a noticeable hold, I squeezed and played around. Len gasps , his eyes bulging out of the sockets. Oh yeah, I hit the spot. Something tells me I caught the twins this morning right before something was going to happen. Good thing too.


"Fuckin' slut." Kaito rolls his eyes. I would join him, but for some reason, my eyes are all puffy.

Besides that- I'm still so confused 'bout this morning. I mean…what the hell?

First, I wake up to find Len wrapped around me (What happened last night?!) Then he pins me to the bed and looks like he wanted to do some naughty things with me!

'And I would have soooo let him~'

But Damn Miku invites herself into MY ROOM, none the less!

How does Len really feel about me? Maybe he was just horn and needed some sexual release- but he has MIKU for that.

"Rin you alright?" kaito asks which pulls me out of my trance.

"O-Oh, yeah! S-sorry…"

He smiles sweetly, "Don't be. Um…"


"Look at the board…"


'Um' was right. Posted on the main bulletin board by the office is the signup sheet for the National Talent Contest. And Miku's name was first on the list- Right next to Len's.

"Well," Kaito coughs, "Still need a duet partner?"
'Oh yeah I do-' Len lied to me. So, we will see who wins this. This is now officially war.

"You know Kaito, I do need a partner. We need to beat them."

Kaito smirks evilly, "Hell yeah! We are going to kick some ass!"

'Indeed we will.'


'Ugh- What was up with Miku today- What was up with Rin…'

"Good afternoon students and teachers- Before the bell rings, we have just a few announcements! First off-"

Announcements- I usually tend to tune them out. Nothing exciting ever happens.

"And we have an interesting rivalry that has formed over the course of the day. We have collected the Nation Winter Talent Contest signup sheet and we found something fascinating."

I didn't sign up. Maybe Rin didn't either. I was hoping that is she saw that I wasn't going with Miku, she wouldn't go with Kaito. But I'm not going to stop her.

"We have a rivalry between two famous siblings at our school. Miku Hatsune and Len Kagamine VS. Kaito Daisuke and Rin Kagamine!"


~ Welcome to the Kagamine Face off. I'll be honest, this is not one of my favorite chapters but we have to put down some random info to get into the good stuffs later on.

+Miku is a bitch. I hate her so much but I think at the same time I'm starting to respect her.

+And Len is a Chessey-Son-of-a-Bitch. But we all love him, regardless. *glomps*

+Expect chapter 4 soon. xDD

Nite guys :D