Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any associated copyrighted property. I also do not own "Addicted" by Saving Abel. All I own is my imagination and therefore, this plot.
Rating: Mature for language, drug usage, sexual references, and lesbianism (because apparantly, that's only for mature audiences).

"No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly." -Oscar Wilde

Chapter 1

Thick white smoke floated about the inside of the car in a lethargic, almost hypnotizing, manner. Ino's head felt light and warm but she didn't question whether or not she should be doing what she was; she only took a long drag of whatever it was Sasuke had brought to her late that night. He leaned forward, kissing her gently but sloppily on the neck and Ino nearly lost consciousness. Her skin felt so sensitive. Her body was on fire.

What was this feeling? What the hell was she smoking?

He stealthily snatched away her smoke, leaving her mouth to fall open empty. His eyes strayed from her glazed, red rimmed eyes to her pale pink lips. Taking a drag, his dark eyes connected with hers again. They were a brilliant blue, but that was hard to see when they were half open due to inebriation. He watched her watch him, wondering what she was thinking. In reality, it didn't look like much but he knew otherwise. He vaguely remembered his first time getting high; he knew her mind was everywhere.

He leaned forward and his dark onyx locks fell towards Ino, brushing against her skin. Her body tensed up and her cheeks reddened even more. He parted his lips, allowing the joint to fall from his mouth and into Ino's generous cleavage. He grabbed her wrists and smashed his lips against her quivering ones. His mouth captured her scream as she fought to free her arms and remove the item that was burning the flesh between her breasts.

Ino never stood a chance because Sasuke was incredible built and she… well she was about as weak as she'd ever been in her lifetime. Tears slipped between her closed eyelids and she wondered how a night out with her boyfriend had turning into something like this.

Sasuke pressed his body against Ino causing her breasts to smother out the burning drug. Pulling away, his ears rang with the pained scream that finally met the warm air. He still held her arms down, watching her squirm and pant due to the fact that her skin was burned and she was in a great deal of pain. She screamed again, her unfocused eyes flashing hate as she opened them and glared at him.

"Bastard!" she yelled at him causing him to smirk. "What the fuck is your problem!?"

"Sorry babe," he muttered before kissing her on the corner of her mouth. He reached into her shirt and Ino tensed once again. His fingers brushed against the burning flesh, causing her to groan in pain, as he fished out his joint.

He finally let her go and pulled back before lighting it again. He took a long drag of it before passing it back to Ino. He was kind of glad that Ino had insisted they drove her car. He knew his older brother would have a fit if he smelled the slightest bit of weed.

His fingers met her long blonde hair which was loose and messy. She looked absolutely sexy; he had never wanted her more before in his life. He took the joint from her lips and kissed her, taking in the thick smoke that seeped from her lungs as she exhaled slowly. He stubbed out the smoke in her cup holder before losing his fingers in a river of silky blonde.

Ino moaned, knowing what was coming next. She had wanted it all night and the drugs had only made her lust grow. Sasuke knew how to make her feel good and with this new feeling flowing through her system she knew that she would feel better than she ever had before. His fingers played with the hem of her soft purple plaid skirt and she knew that it was only a matter of time.

Her head was throbbing and it was dark; sort of. Her unfocused eyes seemed to be overwhelmed by sudden, blinding light. She sat up, despite the pain in her head, and squinted, trying to look around.

"Please step out of the vehicle, miss," she heard an unfamiliar voice request.

"Oh shit," she muttered realizing she was on her own. Sasuke was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Sasuke?" she asked out loud.

"Excuse me?" the officer asked. "Was there someone else with you?"

She didn't reply, but shakily pulled herself out of her car. The cool breeze of the night, or early morning, caused a revelation as it played with the edges of her skirt. She looked around before spotting her underwear in the passenger seat. Glancing back up at the officer who had a disgusted look on his face, she blushed.

"Please turn around and stand with your feet apart."

Ino blushed as the light from his flashlight fell to a spot on the ground. Her eyes widened as the flashlight revealed a half smoked joint in the dirt. The officer didn't pat her down much and Ino felt grateful for that.

"May I look around in your car?" he asked and Ino nodded dumbly. She couldn't think straight.

Unfortunately for her, what Sasuke had left behind caused the police officer much alarm and she was taken to the station.

Ino sat in the back seat of the car only wanting to sleep. The sun was now peaking over the horizon and dawn was breaking the hard, cold darkness of the night. The calmness of nature was not mirrored by what was going on in the car, however. Her father was driving and her mother was in the passenger seat. The two of them were arguing mercilessly; like they did whenever they were put together.

"Weed?! Do you see why it would've been better for Ino to stay with me? She wouldn't be like this if she were staying with me," her mother huffed before crossing her arms and looking out of the window with a hard blue glare. Ino seemed to be a spitting image of her beautiful mother; long blonde hair, amazing blue eyes, generous breasts, and a feisty mouth were what she inherited from her.

"What?! As if she's not already exactly like you anyways!" her father argued back. "She'd probably be worse off with you; I at least make time for her every now and then."

"And how long is that "every now and then"? Hmm?" the blonde woman argued back.

"We spend time together every month," he muttered and Ino scoffed. It was more like every five months because, quoting his own words, "He was a very important and busy businessman."

"Fuck him and his stupid CEO job," Ino wanted to spit at him. Clenching her jaw tightly, she only listened on, fighting back a few choice words for the both of them.

"Whatever," her mother scoffed in reply. "She could've at least chosen a better drug; Marijuana? Really? I thought I raised her better than that."

"Are you serious? Did you really just say that?!" Ino's father was enraged. "The only thing you taught her to be is a whore… Sleeping around with boys at her age. Unbelievable. And her fucking eating disorder is all your fault too. If you weren't such a narcissistic bitch, she wouldn't think she had to vomit all of her food all of the time!"

Ino sighed, shutting her tired eyes.

"Does it fucking matter?" she asked herself. "Does it matter why I'm like this? The both of you fucked me up anyways; so what does it matter?"

It would be a long week at home, without her car. Her dad had "grounded her indefinitely" but knowing him, he'd forget all about him within a few days and she'd be free to do as she pleased. For some reason, that thought didn't comfort her as much as she thought it would.

"Ino knows how to take care of herself well. She knows if she ever wants a good man, she'll have to lose all of that baby fat that she got from your fat ass," her mother insulted.

Silence soaked into the car eerily, but Ino knew that it was just a hoax. "Well if she's anything like me then this guy she's with is probably the scum of the Earth!" her mother spat, emphasizing the last four words of the sentence.

"As if you're any less the scum than I am. I didn't decide to leave my family because I wanted to 'be young again'!" he accused in a mocking way.

Ino bent over in her seat, pressing the hard ends of her palms, where her wrists met her hands, into her sweaty temples as hard as she could. Her parents were so wrong for each other. "Why the hell did they ever get married? As if a kid was worth sitting through this," she groaned internally. Why did she get stuck with such a pathetic pair?

"You know what? Fuck you," Ino's mom spat. "And fuck you for getting me pregnant! And fuck you for making me marry you and have that little bitch!"

Ino didn't have to see her mother's gesture to know that the "little bitch" was her. She'd heard that story time and time again—so much in fact, that it shouldn't hurt, but it did. It did still hurt.

Ino hated it.

Ino hated her life.

Ino wanted to die.

Her father came to a stop in front of her mother's boyfriend's house. He was rich and the blonde woman seemed to be living off of him, like some sort of parasite. She merely got out of the car and slammed the door shut as hard as she could.

"Fuck her," Ino heard her father hissed before driving off towards their house.

When they arrived, he merely got out of the car and said absolutely nothing to Ino, too furious to even look at and speak to her. The blue eyed girl sighed, completely sober. She'd kill to have that high she'd had in the car with Sasuke at that exact moment. Stumbling up to her room Ino stripped down for a shower.

Within the cascading water, she fell into her mind which was still quite hazy despite the fact that the effects of the drug were over.

Getting out of the shower Ino hobbled over to the mirror. She hadn't known that her father knew about her eating disorder… she thought she had hidden it well, not that he'd care anyway. Her deep blue eyes were rimmed with dark bags and she was hungry. Ino had learned to fight the urges for food for a very long time; she'd be alright until lunch that day.

Her fingers traced her collar bones, which were beginning to protrude in a questionable fashion. Her eyes fell to the small burn that was between her breasts. Ino marveled at the idea of something so small causing such a large kind of pain. It didn't seem right, but what was right in her world anyways?

Her hands rested on her perfectly flat stomach. She pressed down, feeling just the slightest bit of fat and suddenly felt disgusted with herself.

Ino got dressed quickly, no longer wanting to see her naked body. She sat on her bed knowing she was too wired now to fall asleep. Her head was throbbing and her heart was aching. Sasuke had left her behind and for the first time in a long while, she let the idea of her being unloved numb her heart.

Her parents didn't love her, her boyfriend didn't love her, and she obviously didn't have any real friends. She was at the lowest of lows, the deepest catacombs of the terrible cavernous earth and she just wanted to escape. Escape her pathetic life. Escape her parents' lack of love and selflessness. Escape her pain.

Escape. Escape. Escape.


Ino stood suddenly and slipped downstairs in an eerie calmness. She'd finally come to her conclusion. She'd find an escape alright; an escape much stronger and permanent than Sasuke, or drinking, or drugs, or sex. Tired blue eyes watched her from the mirror she stood before. Those eyes that had once seemed unfathomably deep and incorrigibly brilliant seemed depthless and tepid. All signs of life had bleed empty, leaking with the many tears she had shed for all of her past hopelessness. Those eyes stared back only to remind her of what she wished to escape; the pains of an insensitive world.


The whispered insanity drove her closer to her goal as she impatiently flung the mirror open. Shelf upon shelf of prescription medication was revealed to those tepid eyes. Eyes that were once empty were filled with the possibility of the final escape. Ino wasted no time in collecting as many bottles of pills as she could, making sure to grab the OxyCotin, Amoxicillin, and the other many different forms of pain relievers she could find. She soon found herself in her room on her oversized bed with about seven different pill bottles all laid out on her soft lavender comforter.

She opened up the first pain reliever bottle and dumped all of the pills on her bed. Viewing the small, white pills she wondered how many of these would she need to take to finish the job? Would they do her in while she danced in a light, dreamy drugged sleep or would they just cause damage to her liver and hurt her for a long while until she finally stopped functioning? She glanced over at her computer, wanting to research a little. Things as such always poked annoyingly at her lazy curiosity.

Somehow, she found herself sitting in front of her computer, but not searching for "how many pain killers would it take to finish the job". Instead she was on Facebook, because it happened to be her homepage. Instead she found herself publishing a new "Note" about god knows what. Her fingers moved swiftly across the hard clattering keys of her keyboard, pouring out words she knew not the origin of. A suicide letter—her final words before her permanent escape.

Title: What you didn't know: Why I did it.

Body: I'm writing this because I plan on killing myself. In fact, I might have already done it. The idea itself makes my body tense in anticipation. So I am dead and it is mostly of my own doing.

For the past few months, even years, I've been hiding away a pain so terrible that I decided to choose death over feeling it any more. I've been used, neglected, uncared for, and most of all ignored. I have been depressed for so long, that I don't even know what feeling happy feels like or even just feeling alright. I'm most of all tired of all of these synthetic substitutes for feeling better. I'd become an avid smoker and within the past three months I've never missed smoking three times a day.

I'm sure you're wondering why I started smoking and being chronically depressed. It's really a tender subject, but since I've decided to get everything off of my chest before I die today, I guess it doesn't really matter if I say it or not. When my parents divorced I felt like it was my fault. In fact, they often said that it was and complained about how much they just didn't want me. They argued and yelled and finally split up. When it came to deciding who was going to keep me, they argued about that too. I really did feel terrible enough, they didn't need to put me in the middle of their "who's going to keep the mistake" arguments, but they did. In the end, my dad took me because he felt that he'd be able to take care of me better.

I kind of agreed with that; my mom isn't financially stable in any way. She's a gold digger who just happened to get knocked up and have me. The bad thing was, in addition to the previous problems, I saw her in me in everything I did and the worst was looking into the mirror and seeing her stare back at me. I soon became very disgusted with my body and my appearance in general. Make up was being packed on and I began to throw up everything I ate and eat less.

When Sasuke finally decided to date me, I felt that I was doing something right. Turns out all he wanted from me was sex, of course. Fuck him. He's an asshole. I wish I could take him to hell with me. But then, this final deed would be in vain, wouldn't it? This escape wouldn't be an escape if Sasuke were to be with me. It'd just be an eternal hell, worse than I could ever imagine.

Fuck him. Fuck my parents. And most of all fuck me. And don't you even dare think about coming to my funeral and saying a damn thing about me. We aren't friends. We never were. Fuck you.

Ino hit the post button without hesitation, knowing no one would even look at it. She had made sure not to tag anyone anyways. Biting her lip, she changed her status to "Ino Yamanaka doesn't regret it" just for the extra hint of melodrama. Heading back to her bed, she laid on her side staring idly at the pills that littered the surface. She realized she hadn't even researched the effect of the drugs. No doubt her body would be in amazing pain.

Sitting up, she quickly swallowed three pills dry wondering if she should get any water. She didn't want to waste any time, but she felt that it might be necessary to make it comfortable for herself. Swallowing down two more pills, she went downstairs to obtain a glass of water. It was empty and silent. Ino knew her father was asleep. He'd find her dead, after he woke up, if he even bothered to seek her out later. Perhaps a maid would find her instead.

As the blonde filled up the glass, she wondered if her father would feel bad at all. Probably not, she finally decided. As the clear liquid rose to the rim, Ino suddenly felt filled with a strange kind of tranquility. She'd soon find her peace.

Heading back upstairs to her bedroom, Ino sat down on her bed again. She reached down blindly and grabbed three more pills to take. How much longer, she wondered, until her ultimate escape? Ino suddenly felt strange. Her body was on fire. Her heart was thundering and Ino could hear her pulse reverberating through her skull. Was she close, she wondered? Would she finally find her peace?

"I'm so addicted to all the things you do; when you're going down on me, in-between the sheets," Ino heard her ringtone blare causing her head to pound even more. She felt dizzy. How long had she really been sitting there?

"Or the sound you make with every breath you take," her cell phone continued to scream. Ino wanted to ignore the phone, she really did. No doubt it was Sasuke calling her up to get in her pants again, but it was annoying her. Something inside made her decide to answer it anyways. Her head was heavy and she lay down; the pills slid and rolled towards the dip in the bed she'd made. She would die there, in this little depression in her bed, in a few moments.

Lifting her phone she cut off the noise by answering it. Her fingers were numb and weak. She held the phone to her ear, not saying anything. Just breathing deeply; breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in… Breathe…

"Ino?" the person on the phone asked. She was surprised to hear a feminine voice. So it wasn't Sasuke… who was it then? She didn't answer. Her throat was tight and swollen. What was going on?

"Ino! Oh please, please don't… Ino!"

Who was this? Ino groaned into the receiver in pain due to the high volume of the voice through the cell phone. Her ear was ringing.

"Oh, Ino. You're still," the person paused before speaking. "Are you alright?"

Ino groaned once again, shutting her eyes. There was such a strong pressure behind them, plus she couldn't really focus on anything. Her stomach was in so much pain; it hurt so much.


"What?" the blonde managed to whisper before hearing a relieved sigh.

"I asked if you were alright. I read your note on Facebook, and I was really worried," the voice said. Ino felt utterly surprised. Someone was worried about her? Was that even possible? Who the hell was this?

"Who…" Ino felt very tired suddenly. "Who is…?"

"Ino… what's wrong with you? Why do you sound so…?"

Ino chuckled wry before curling up on her bed in a fetal position. Would she even be able to tell her?

"I just… took a lot of pills. I'll be fine soon."

"Ino, please listen to me. Don't take any more."

"Who is this?"

"That doesn't matter… Just don't take any more medicine, ok? I don't want you to die."

Ino groaned again, feeling light headed and numb all over. Her limbs were tingling.

"I'll be right over, Ino."

Ino didn't respond and pushed the phone away from her. How many pills had she taken anyways? How long would it take for the mysterious girl to come to her house? Would she be dead by then?

Her fingers slipped beneath the sheet of white pills. She put another one in her mouth, but didn't have the motivation to swallow it. It began to dissolve on her tongue. It was bitter and disgusting; just like her life.

A/N: I'm back... somewhat. I'm just trying something new - we'll have to see how it goes. Please leave reviews, they're the only things in my busy life that'll remind me/motivate me to actually update. (which is exactly why this story was posted to begin with :D). I suppose that's all.

Thank you for reading