Inuyasha ran through the forest trying to catch Kagome's scent. The sweet smelling strawberry-vanilla shampoo he recognizes from Kagome's hair was being overpowered by Sango's natural floral scent. It mixed with forest and Inuyasha was becoming nose blind to where Kagome's location could be.

" Kagome…Damn it, where the hell did you go. You didn't have to run off like that." Inuyasha stopped in his tracks a few times to catch a whiff of the air to see if he recognized it, but no trace of the modern day human girl. However, as the wind blew past him, it carried a distinct smell that made his nose crinkle. "Phew…that…that isn't who I think it is?" Inuyasha began to run in that direction with an idea of who it might be.

Back at the village with Sango and Miroku, the sun began to set and Sango was feeling anxious. Miroku can see the restless look on her face, wishing she adorably furrowed her eyebrows in worry for him instead of Inuyasha. He had the urge to apologize, but at the same time it probably wouldn't make things any better.

"Hey Sango?"

"What is it Miroku?" She didn't even turn to look at him, she continued to look outside the doorway while Miroku sat inside with his arms folded inside his sleeves. He was tired of sugar coating the situation and just wanted Sango to handle things like a woman for once.

He though to himself, 'I'm beginning to think she was more attractive before she was in love…now she's like a damsel in distress waiting for her husband to come back from the war.'

"Sango, why don't you come in and sit down and relax. It's getting a bit breezy outside, keep standing outside and you'll catch a cold." Miroku spoke with a motherly tone.

Sango choked out a small laugh and looked at Miroku. "Monk, I'm a big girl I'm pretty sure I can handle the weather."

Miroku sighed. "Look, I know you're thinking of Inuyasha, but think about Kagome's feelings and-"

"You don't know what I'm thinking about." The demon slayer said coldly. "I'm practically coming in between two people who had loved each other, and they are both my best friends…I…I didn't want to hurt anybody and now someone could actually get hurt. Kagome ran away because that kiss implied that I'm the 'right' one for Inuyasha. She's not here and he's out there looking for her because of me." Sango walked inside and sat across from Miroku.

"Nobody saw this coming, I mean I always thought I would have you for myself but I guess I didn't play my cards right. Let my damn womanizing get in the way and I pushed you into his arms."

Sango let out a small chuckle. "I do blame you Monk." Miroku stared daggers at her.

"Now wait a minute, if you weren't all shy and punching me every time I grabbed your ass, I wouldn't think you were uninterested!"

"Why would any woman enjoy having their ass grabbed by some pervert?!" Sango argued.

"Why wouldn't they if they were IN LOVE with said pervert?!" Miroku exclaimed in his defense.

"Because a real MAN would respect a woman!" She huffed.

"You really think I don't respect you Sango?" Miroku lowered his tone and she looked up at him. She wasn't sure if what she said had offended him or he finally realized it, but she didn't feel right about it either.

She shook her head, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I shouldn't blurt out things like that."

Miroku brushed it off and suggested, "Let's get some rest, I convinced Inuyasha to let us take a break so let's make the best of it."

In Kouga's den, Kagome slept peacefully beside a crackling fire. Kouga watched her sleep and thought about what she said about Inuyasha and Sango. He already noticed how uneasy she feels right now about the whole situation so he decided to succumb to his animal instincts and stalk and trick his prey. Slow and steady.

The sun began to rise and the fire went out. Kagome awoke to the smell of grilled fish, already making her drool. She looked around and over her shoulder to see Kouga preparing a delicious meal.

"Mmm…it smells so good!" She said ecstatically.

"Your stomach's been growling all night, thought it was a demon!" Kouga laughed heartily.

Kagome blushed in embarrassment and laughed nervously. "Well jeez, being mistaken for demon sure boosts a girl's self esteem."

"Eat up! Since that demon belly of yours kept me up all night I hunted some of the best fish I could find."

Kagome brushed off his remarks with no regard for her feelings and began to dig in.

"I could almost cry, it feels like I haven't eaten in days." Kagome said happily with a full mouth.

"Well I can't make my lady starve!"

Kagome choked. "Your lady? Kouga, I thought-"

"I know Kagome. You've shot me down plenty of times I get it. You still love dog breath."

"Technically you have dog breath too you know."

Kouga's ears twitched and chuckled. "Hah. Kagome, I'm not going to try anything. Most of the things I say are just light-hearted humor. Don't take it so seriously now."

After they ate Kouga decided to show Kagome around the Wolves' Den and the nature around it. First he walked her alongside a river that led to a beautiful lake with two waterfalls. A small waterfall across from massive waterfall.

"Wow, it's so beautiful. The water is so clear, the air is so crisp, what a beautiful view!" Kagome was so amazed by how nature could make such an astonishing scenery.

"Watch your step Kagome, you might fall through the pebbles." Kouga warned her,

"Is that another fat joke?" Kagome asked with an annoyed expression.

"Just becare-"

Kagome lost her footing along the edge of the smaller waterfall and grabbed Kouga's arm, pulling both of them down the waterfall.


Kouga and Kagome stuck their heads out of the water gasping for air.

"HUH!" Kagome looked at Kouga with an apologetic look on her face.

"Are you okay?" Kouga asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Wow…this water feels amazing." Kagome waved her arms back and forth in the water and began to float on her back with her eyes closed.

"Hey, you're floating!" Kouga announced in disbelief.

"It's easy! Just lay on your back with you head resting against the water and the water will naturally carry you." She explained.

Koga reluctantly followed her lead and began to float beside her.

"W-Whoa I'm doing it Kagome! Usually when I see dead bodies floating, I just figured it was because they were dead and lost all their body weight."

Kagome giggled. "Well that's ironic, dead weight is heavier."

Kouga ignored her knowledge and stared at the blue sky. They both watched the clouds float by.

"Look it's the fish we ate earlier!" Kouga pointed out at a fish shaped cloud. Kagome laughed her heart out. She felt like a little kid again, floating in a swimming pool back in the present day era, cloud watching with her friends.

Kagome took a deep breath in and closed her eyes, taking in the tranquility and happiness of the moment, she didn't even care that it was with Kouga, she was actually enjoying Kouga's company.

"This is nice." Kouga said aloud.

Kagome agreed. "Don't you do this often? It's right outside your den."

"You would think. I don't normally float, but sometimes I do lay in the grass and think about stuff."

"Like?" Kagome asked curious to know more.

"Well one of the obvious reasons, the jewel shards in my legs. How long will I have til they're gone. Even when they are gone I believe I'll still be strong. Hell, I know I am. But I don't know, just one of the world's mysteries."

"Is that all you think about?"

"I think about you."

Kagome blushed and smiled.

"You know…I know Inuyasha's story. I know his past and about Kikyo, and all the bloodshed. But I don't know anything about yours."

"Well…my story is missing a piece of my life. I'd rather tell a story with all the right pieces in it." Kouga chuckled.

Kagome looked over at him and noticed a deep scar folded over with skin on his right shoulder. She caressed it with her left hand using the back of her fingers.

"Well how about this piece of the story?"

Kouga looked over at her. They looked into each other's eyes and Kouga crossed his left hand over to hold hers.

Both laid beside each other, floating in the lake, staring into each other's eyes with his hand gently grasped around hers.

Before Kagome could say anything…

Inuyasha appeared before them from the edge of the waterfall.

"Kouga? Kagome? What the hell is going on here!?"

To be continued…

A/N: OH MY GOD. I know. I'm so sorry it's been so long. I actually thought I had given up fan fiction. But after watching a Final Act episode that showed up on Adult Swim, I figured to give it another shot and continue to chapter 12. It seems a bit rushed and I'm sorry but I just wanted to get this out there. Also, I know the story is a little slow at the moment, but I'll try to make time to get to the juicy parts next chapter. THANKYOU SO MUCH. Your reviews really do motivate me to write more so please R&R.