Hey this is Brittney. First off I will only be able to update about once or twice a week due to me being in school. Second, thanks for even bothering to read this because I am sure the summary sucked. Last, for me to go on I need lots of encouragement. So if you like what I write and you want me to go on, please review. I have been known to stop writing a story when I get no reviews. (Just a warning) I'm writing in 3rd person but sometime I like to write what someone is thinking so if you see this ' ' then that person is thinking. And I trust you know that these ""are that person is saying something. So now please enjoy this chapter as to this will only be my second fan fiction so be nice =D

Harry Potter and the Tragedy of Love

Chapter 1

An Unexpected Surprise

Harry was sitting in his bed looking at his ceiling. There were only 4 more days before he could board platform 9 ¾ and head to Hogwarts, his true home. It was possibly the most boring summer of any summer spent with the Dursleys. As he grew older the Dursleys seemed to want nothing with him. Not like they did before but still it was less and less. When he wasn't busy getting his head thrust through a toilet by Dudley or doing slave work by Aunt Petunia, he was in my room either reminiscing over his friends or lying in bed.

He would be to start 6th year this time and he was thinking of ways of how not to ruin it. Every time he went to school it seemed like there was always something or someone after him he would have to fight, but not this year. Harry was determined not to let his curious ambitions or instincts get the best of him. He was known to get fixated over the tiniest things everyone thought was foolish but in the end turned out to be a life threatening situation. He liked saving lives but he was beginning to feel like he was watching his teen years go by. All the normal teens his age all had numerous girlfriends over the years and minor teenage mellow drama involving someone getting stabbed in the back. His idea of drama was Voldemort trying to kill him.

The thought of a girlfriend aroused him. He hadn't had one since Cho last year and that ended in disaster of his own accord…

There was a sudden bump at the window by his head and Hedwig went into a flutter. A dusty looking owl with a befuddled look was standing there as if confused.

Oh of course it was Ron's stupid old owl, thought Harry. He was use to this owl's type of behavior.

"What do you want?" said Harry to the owl as he lifted the thresh hold. He took a brown envelope from it's beak that was covered in stamps. If the owl wasn't a clue of who it was from, the stamps were. Over the years Harry saw that Mrs. Weasly had a knack for over stamping; nearly embarrassed Ron to death one time. Harry laughed quietly, remembering his expression.

The letter read:

Dear Harry,

We are sorry we could not give you more of a warning but under Dumbledore's rule he does not want you to travel alone or with muggles to the train station. We are coming to get you….

…in 5 minutes.

Love and Kisses,

The Weasly Family

Harry was so full of joy he could have screamed but then he saw the words "in 5 minutes" and his excitement turned to panic. The Dursleys hated magic folk; he was proof to that. What should he do, he pondered for a couple of seconds then he decided on just warning them. The closest thing they hated to magic was surprises.

Then there was a loud pop downstairs and Harry saw the words "in 5 minutes" change to "presently".

What a warning Harry thought.

He ran down stairs flying past two steps at time till he came to a sight he thought he'd never see. Ron, Ginny, Mrs. and Mr. Weasly, and Fred and George were all standing in his kitchen.

"Harry!" said Ron, crossing over to pat me on the back.

"Good to see you."

"Good to see you to Ron" none of them had any idea how much them being here meant to him; though he wasn't quite ready to tell them yet.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ginny giving him a most appraising look though he wasn't sure why and why it pleased him.

Mrs. Weasly was next to cross over to him.

"Oh Harry how I've missed yet has my eyes deceived me. I believe you've gotten even scrawnier." He heard Fred and George give a low chuckle at this. "Not to matter. A couple of days at the Burrow and we'll fix you up right."

They all had amused looks on their faces. It was common for them to pick on his size, though often the twins took it farther than needed to.

There was big booming sound from the living room door and out came Aunt Petunia, Dudley, and Vernon, each looking a fool in their own special way.

Vernon came out with prongs in his hands as a weapon. He looked like he was trying to stick his neck out as if it would scare the intruder but instead it made him look like a turtle sticking his head out its shell.

Petunia had a wooden spoon as her weapon and was pointing her beady eyes the Weaslys' with more hate than I ever thought possible.

Dudley was hiding behind Petunia but was slowly peaking out as it looked like to steal a glance at Ginny. This set an unidentifiable feeling in Harry's stomach. All he knew was that he wanted to rip his eyes out.

"Ah you must be Harry's noble family" said Mr. Weasly. Harry quietly scoffed at the word noble but the Dursleys noticed. It was a bit to obvious that Mr. Weasly was all to willing in becoming friends with the Dursleys, most likely just because they were muggles.

"You're magic folk aren't you? Don't you know you're not welcomed here?" sneered Vernon. The complexion of his skin was steadily turning a dark shade of red. He had his pudgy pointer fingure in Mr. Weasly's face. Harry grew hot at this.

"Look, I had no idea they were coming and I'm sorry I couldn't have given you more of a warning…" he would have like more of a warning himself. "…but that is no reason--."

Vernon stopped Harry short and turned his pudgy fingure toward him.

"You brought these, these creatures to my house! How dare—."

"Creatures!" now it was Ron's time to cut in. "Who are you calling creatures?"

"All right, all right, Ron get back." She turned to the Dursleys. "Now I'm sure we could agree on some terms." Mrs. Weasly said politely but Vernon wasn't having it.

"I will not be having this nonsense. Get out of my house now!" he was so full of rage his voice sounded choked. Mr. Weasly continued to try his hardest on befriending the family.

"We came here in our marry peace and we expect to be returned with hospitality. So my guess is in order that you will be treating us all with a cup of tea? Lovely."

It wasn't exactly in a light tone, to sure and demanding to be friendly. Harry wasn't quite sure Mr. Weasly knew how to talk to a muggle.

Mr. Weasly walked into the living room for the rest to follow where Harry knew the "conversation" would continue.

Everyone was a bit startled by Harry's family. They all had obviously thought he was over exaggerating when he told them bout how nasty they were. Ron seemed still bothered at the "creatures" crack. Fred and George were already making a bet on who would try to kill the Dursleys first while Mr. and Mrs. Weasly were looking like they were expecting an argument on letting Harry leave. To Harry, Ginny looked as radiant as ever.

The Dursleys however were a lost cause to even describe besides that Petunia was in the kitchen making tea.

For a while there was nothing but silence. Everyone to scared in their own reason to even speak.

Unexpectedly, Vernon was the first to break it.

"What do you even want with the boy? He was having a hard time keeping his voice calm. Having 7 witches and wizards in his living room set him uneasy.

"Dark times are going through our streets, not just ours but muggles as well. Harry is at most risk out of everything and he needs more protection than just, no offense, some odd couple of muggles."

"Then why not take him in the beginning of the summer? Why let him be a bother to us longer?"

"He is not a bother!" proclaimed Ginny. She hadn't talked the whole encounter and they were all surprised she spoke out at this. Her cheeks blushed and she bowed her head.


Mr. Weasly quickly moved on.

"Dumbledore and the order have placed several people in the neighborhood to watch after Harry—."

"Who?" Harry asked. His curiosity got the best of him and he had to ask. He already knew of one from last year but he didn't know it was plural. Sometimes how much Dumbledore cared for Harry scared him deeply.

"Don't interrupt Harry"

"Sorry" that would have to be a question he asked later.

"—and they have reported that you don't allow Harry to go places far away or anywhere very often which is when he needs protection. But now that he has to get his school books and head to school, those types of things require going away and Harry can't do that alone. Therefore they have sent us."

"Why you?" said Dudley bluntly. He tried to sound menacing but there was still a shake in his voice that gave his fear away.

"Dumbledore trusts us deeply and also knows that Ron and Harry" he points to them. "Are the best of friends."

"You have friends?" asked Dudley, fully confused now as Petunia came in with the drinks.

"What do you mean "you have friends? "You haven't told them about me Harry?"

"No I have its just because they think I'm wasted lot of air, they think that everyone thinks that way"

"Why would you think that?" spoke Ginny to the Dursleys again. She sounded rather offended. This confused Harry for he thought if anyone he should be offended. She wasn't backing down this time, she really wanted an answer which pleased Harry greatly but terrified him that it did so. What did that mean?

"Let me break this down for you I H-A-T-E M-A-G-I-C F-O-L-K!" said Vernon. The other 2 of them shook their head agreeing.

"How could you hate magic?" said Fred and George together. The Dursleys were startled by them like they hadn't noticed them. Harry was almost surprised they didn't instantly remark about their whole family in generally. He would if he saw 6 odd redheaded gits standing in his living room. Magic wouldn't even have come first in his mind.

The next 5 minutes include an argument between the Dursleys and the Weaslys. Only Ron and Harry stayed out, already wary.

"You want to go somewhere?" Harry asked.


Harry showed Ron into the kitchen where they both pulled up a chair at the island.

"It's very different here." Said Ron

"Yeah it's not like the Burrow" said Harry looking around. At the burrow he would see the dishes being done on their own instead of lying in the sink waiting for Harry to do it. At the Burrow he wouldn't be sitting in an island but instead standing against a wall, small but cozy. At the Burrow he would be miles a way from the Dursleys instead of right on the other side of the door. He missed it there.

He thought of Ginny and how she was holding up in the room. Last he checked she wasn't arguing with them. She was so beautiful.

'Whoa! I did not just think that' he thought. Harry continued to pander.

'What I meant was that she is pretty or very attractive…NO I can't say that either.'

Though as Harry saw Ginny's face in his mind it steadily turned into Hermione…

"Where is Hermione?" he asked suddenly.

"She wouln't be arriving at the Burrow till tomorrow. She went on some kind of family vacation or something"

Ron was saddened by this news, wishing she were here now. Harry saw this and was agitated greatly.

"What's the deal between you and Hermione?" asked Harry. He couldn't help himself. Every time he thought of Ron and Hermione together he felt like killing him. That sort of thing was out of character for Harry.

"What do you mean what's the deal between me and Hermione? We're friends just as you are."

"Well sometime it seems you're a bit more—."

"May we go now? Thank you." Mr. Weasly was pink faced, coming out the door with Mrs. Weasly to follow. Fred and George looked as though they just had a pleasant debate, though when Harry looked at Ginny, their eyes met for a moment that was more than just a friendly look.

"What happened?" asked Harry getting up. The lot was already heading out the door.

"Those are the most stubborn muggles I think I have laid eyes on." said Mrs. Weasly. They all were on the front lawn now.

"We shall be going"

"But wait what about my stuff?" This was happening all to fast for Harry. It seemed as though they wanted to get out as quickly as possible.

"Your stuff has already been taken care of dear, now take my hand, everyone come on now."

They all took some part of the elder Weaslys. Harry had no idea what was coming till the floor vanished and felt him self become more and more compressed till it all went away and they were standing in the Weaslys kitchen.

"Apparition, lovely"

"Well you're going to have to get use to it sometime" said a woman's voice behind them. They all turned to see.

~ to be continued ~