Booth ran into Brennan a lot sooner than he had expected. She had one of her usual wry smiles on when she saw him.

"Hey Bones," Booth smiled. "I uh… kinda need to talk to you." Brennan nodded.

"Me too."

"Great," Booth touched Brennan's arm gently, motioning to her office. "Let's go in here." Brennan simply nodded again before walking towards her office, Booth following close behind.


"Bones…" Brennan held her hand up.

"Do you mind if I got first, Booth. I only just worked up the nerve to say this, and I don't know how much longer it will last." Booth smiled softly and nodded.

"That night. At the bar. I… I was thinking, maybe it wasn't such a mistake." Booth sighed heavily, turning his head away slightly. Brennan sighed softly.

"But you do." Booth looked back at Brennan apologetically.

"Bones," He sighed. "You and me… it was great, that kiss. And we probably would've made a great couple…"


"But… we just moved too slow. While we were busy with our ifs and maybes, I fell in love…" Booth looked away again, as his next words were uttered, barely a whisper. "With Zack." Brennan looked up, shocked for a second. Booth reluctantly met her eyes, but let out a relieved sigh when he saw her break into a soft smile.

"That's wonderful," She said, touching Booth's arm lightly. "It really is." Booth smiled back lightly, covering Brennan's hand with his.

"Thanks Bones," He mumbled, pulling her into a soft hug.


Booth sighed heavily; he never thought he'd be doing this. He was walking around the lab at a more than brisk pace, looking for Zack. His heart was pounding in his chest. He'd really said it. Booth had said he was in love with Zack. And he meant it, he knew it was true. Now, all he wanted was to see the young man. He wanted to wrap Zack up in his arms and never let him go. Booth smiled as he saw Zack, standing in the middle of the main lab. He had just put down a piece of wrist bone, and looked up to see Booth. Zack barely had time to smile before Booth had covered the ground between them and covered the PhD's lips with his own. Zack stood shocked for a second, but quickly began to kiss back. When they parted, the two men were wearing almost identical smiles.

"I love you," Booth whispered, brushing the side of Zack's cheek with his hand. Zack practically melted into Booth's chest, a small sigh.

"I think that means 'I love you too' Booth." Booth turned sharply at Angela's voice, to see her, Hodgins and at least half of the lab looking at them. Angela and Hodgins were both smiling widely at him. Booth felt Zack move, standing up straight. He looked at Angela worriedly.

"Oh, c'mon," She smirked. "You kiss in the middle of the lab, in front of everyone, and you don't expect us to notice?" Booth smirked lightly.

"That really wasn't my biggest priority at the time." Booth turned to look at Zack as the younger man touched his arm.

"She's right, Booth," He smiled. Booth looked confused for a second before Zack leaned in and kissed him softly.

"I love you too."