A much lighter fic than Unwritten Sorrow by far. Still probably won't be as long as Unwritten Sorrow, which I'm pretty much getting nowhere with as of now. Yes, yes, I know it's not the smartest idea to start a new fic when I just published another one a few days back, but writer's block is killer and I have to put this awesome writing chi somewhere! Anyway, enjoy!


Ron Weasley can do the most idiosyncratic things.

I've known Ron for what must be about 4 or 5 years, and I can say, he's never failed to bore me. Not in the slightest. But what also never fails is his ability to get me to try new things, like Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans. In fact, the magic world is all about trying new things. New spells, new potions, new friends...

But today, at the end of our ninth day back at Hogwarts for the new school year, there is one thing that I won't try. One thing that I will evade. Partly for danger, and partly because it's so mainstream. So ordinary. So...

"So you have to try it, Harry!" Ron exclaimed, his face like lights on a Christmas tree.

"No, it's stupid. You can't make me."

"But YourSpace, Wiz Edition is so cool! You have to try it!" Seamus Finnagan said from my left. All the boys in the Gryffindor dormitory were gathered around on Ron's bed, fawning over a laptop, which many of them had never seen before.

"You don't even know what could be on here. What if You Know Who–"

Ron laughed skeptically. "You Know Who? Harry, think. Just rub together those two tiny brain cells you have left and do one simple calculation: You Know Who; evil genius, wants to take over the world, has no use for material things. Computer; innocent little Muggle device that no evil genius could ever find a good use for. Sound reasonable?"

(A/N: Everyone has a MySpace now, so who can say even Voldemort doesn't have one?)

Somewhere, in a castle far from Hogwarts, a certain criminal puts the finishing touches on his profile page. "Now, let's see, what's my favorite hobby? Killing people, destruction, world domination, cruel and inhumane torture or croquet? Hmm. Hard choice."

Let's ignore that for right now.

"Not really." Sooo tempting!

"Go on, Harry! Create an account, for God's sakes, or You Know Who will do it for you!" Fred (or George. I can never tell which) popped up behind me.

Fueled by their enthusiasm, my fingers tapped out a username and a password on the laptop's keyboard.

"Scary... no, scar," Ron murmured, squinting to see the fine type. "'ScarFace'? Boy, that's original. It'll be like a giant sign saying, 'I'm Harry Potter! Come stalk me on the internet!' You Know Who'll find you for sure."

(A/N: Watch someone, after reading this, actually look up ScarFace on MySpace. Heh heh, I love messing with people's brains...)

"Weren't you the one just saying You Know Who doesn't have a YourSpace account?" I asked, starting to doubt my choice of username.

"No, no, it's fine, Harry. Really, it's fine."


Username: ScarFace

Age: 15

Occupation: Student

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Preferred Broomstick Model: Firebolt, Nimbus 2000

Hobbies: Quidditch, magic


"Looks great, Harry." Ron said, clapping me on the shoulder when we were done.

"Yeah, Potter, looks great. Just hope you don't wake up with You Know Who standing over you with an airport sign saying, "ScarFace?" Fred (or George) grinned maniacally at the other Weasley twin.

"Shut up, you guys!" I chided playfully, secretly wondering if I really would wake up to that. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind as the small group of us resorted to getting ready for bed.


Before getting up and fishing around in the darkness for clothes, I had to make sure everyone in the dorm was asleep so that they wouldn't witness what I was about to do.

Dressed in a casual pair of jeans and one of Mrs. Weasley's hand-knit sweaters, no shoes, I crept down the spiraling staircase to the Gryffindor common room. Luckily, it was vacant, except for some dying flames in the fireplace and some overstuffed armchairs that tended to be less comfortable than the floor.

Laptop in hand, I stretched out in front of the fire on the rug, logging onto YourSpace with shaking fingers. Several characters were mistyped and had to be deleted.

Why was I so nervous?

I checked the Hogwarts database, hoping for any of my fellow classmates to chat with. As the page loaded, my eyes happened to glance at the clock out of habit. 2:43 AM. No one would be up at this time. I reached to close the laptop, but stopped as I saw one username pop up. Someone was still awake.

xSilverDragonx. Meet ScarFace.

Curious, I clicked on the highlighted blue words. Who could it be? The link led me to their profile, an elaborately made page that only frequent users made, with dark green wallpaper and apparently, hand-drawn artwork.

Username: xSilverDragonx

Age: 15

Ah, so they were in my year. That narrowed it down.

Occupation: Student

School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Preferred Broomstick Model: Nimbus 2001

Hobbies: art, Quidditch

I clicked on one of the artwork files. Slowly, a large picture filtered in on my screen, and I gasped. The craftsmanship was wonderful. The image depicted a large dragon, ivory in color, its wings spread in stark contrast to the icy black waters in which it was swimming. Snow-capped mountains shone behind its head, complimenting a cyan sky above. A secretive, almost sly, grin graced its face, giving the animal an air of mystique. Of all the dragons I had ever seen (and battled), this was the most beautiful.

Suddenly, a little ping! alerted me to the fact that an instant message box was glowing at the lower right hand corner of my screen. The text inside read:

xSilverDragonx: hi u go 2 my school?

I replied quickly with:

ScarFace: yeah who are you? do i know you?

It took a minute for the mysterious user to reply, as if he or she were contemplating my question.

xSilverDragonx: sorry can't tell you that. haven't you heard? you know who on yourspace right now

My stomach sank. Shit. Another ping! went off.

xSilverDragonx: lol jk u still there?

ScarFace: yeah so what are you still doing up?

xSilverDragonx: bored

ScarFace: me too. can't sleep.

xSilverDragonx: i see u created your account yesterday? noob

ScarFace: and you created urs 10 years ago, right?

xSilverDragonx: nope. just 2.

ScarFace: saw ur artwork. it's really good.

xSilverDragonx: thx ur artwork sux

ScarFace: don't have any art

xSilverDragonx: exactly.

xSilverDragonx: shit got 2 go too late/early talk to you tomorrow?

ScarFace: sure bye

I closed the laptop, having had my first YourSpace chat, and feeling very successful.


Okay, I was originally planning for this to be a one-shot, but it got too long. Oh well. Any guesses on who xSilverDragonx is? It's reeeeeeally obvious, I swear. So far, one of the most unusual fics I have ever done. And as for the artwork, definitely not mine. Thank photobucket for posting Arctic Dragon, which the description is based off of. And now, it's Michi's bedtime...