Author: amai-kaminari

Fandom: Saiyuki

Character(s): Gojyo, Hakkai, mention of Sanzo

Pairing(s): 58, if you close your eyes and imagine. Really, though, it's GEN!

Warning(s): Language

A/N: Flashfic. Done in 10 minutes.

Community: all_unwritten

Prompt: #730

"Uh... Hey, Hakkai?"

"Yes, Gojyo?"

"What the hell are those things?"


"I can see that, but..."

"I picked them up at a yard sale this morning. Is there a problem, Gojyo?"

"Yes, there's a problem! They look like..."

"Disembodied heads?"

"No shit!"

"I don't see the issue."

"The issue is: there are severed heads on our kitchen table!"

"I see your point. Shall I move them to the bedroom?"


"No? How about the--"

"You're not helping, Hakkai."

"All right, then. What do you propose?"

"Hmmm... Oh, hey! I've got an idea. Hold on."

"Gojyo, why are you--"

"Hold on a sec."


"So what do ya think, huh?"

"I think I need to start making the funeral arrangements."

"Wha-- Why?"

"Because when Sanzo sees those, tomorrow will be the anniversary of your death."

"Aw, come on! He's already got Three Floating Heads. What's three more?"

"Gojyo, I really don't th--"

"These'll fit right in! Everyone already knows that he's a baldy! And a flaming one at that!"


"What! Am I wrong?"

"...I suppose Sanzo's desk could use some extra lighting."

"Now you're talkin'! 'Sides, how else is cherry-chan gonna get some head?"