A/N Weeee!! Hehe. Okay, I wrote this like..2 years ago in French class, and my bestest friend has asked me to post this. So...HERE I AM! :D


Nothing I Won't Give

Fullmetal Alchemist

Chapter One

The rain was heavy, and the clouds were dark.

Just another night, chasing a military order.

Nineteen-year-old Edward Elric ran down the cobblestoned roads belonging to Central, his younger brother Alphonse followed closely behind.

It had been seven months since Alphonse had been returned to his original body, and after a couple weeks of pure bed rest, he had been better than ever. Although instead of being eighteen years old, the gate had given his body back the way it had taken it; memories were lost.

It had been hard for Edward, raising Alphonse on his own, knowing he couldn't remember a thing they had shared over the years, but he had managed, and was still going.

Only hours before, Brigadier General Eric had been called down to the Fuhrers office where he was told there had been a rather strong rumor of a man committing Human transmutation and creating monsters without sacrifice.

Now, of course Edward would never want to cause any harm to Alphonse, nor put him in harms way for any reason, but tonight there was no time, and so the ten year old was being dragged along.

Fuhrer Mustang had told Edward that the place was an old church, abandoned during the Ishbal War.

They were fast approaching.

"Al? You still with me?"

Edward called, not looking back.

There was no time to stop.

"Here, brother!"

Alphonse chirped back. He had been closer than Edward expected.

"Alright. I'm going into the church. Mustang said to check the basement, so I want you to wait in the mezzanine while I check it out, okay?"

Alphonse tripped over his feet, but pushed himself off before he'd fallen.

Edward go in alone? Risk his life alone? That didn't seem too fair.

"But why? Why can't I go with you?"

Edward didn't look behind him.

"Because, Al it's dangerous. The last thing I need right now is you getting yourself killed?


Alphonse wouldn't have any of this.

"Exactly, brother. It's dangerous. Why should you go in alone, when I know I can help?"

They were at the church now.

Mustang had said the church had been abandoned for years but it didn't look all that…abandoned.

The lights were on inside, casting bright light on the streets, and the two front doors were left wide open.

It was a big church, with two large pillars on the side, and many more pillars with pointed tips following behind.

Inside, the pews were all dusty and black, with red velvet cushions. The altar was rather large, with numerous windows behind.

On each side of the altar was a door.

"Just wait here, Al. Okay?"

Edward looked back, now, at his younger brother, who looked like someone had just told him his cat died.


Edward knelt down, so that him and Al met eye to eye.

"C'mon Al. It's a boring job anyways, you'd have no fun. I promise, I'll be right back. Okay?"

Al shrugged, still not fully satisfied.

"You promise."

Ed stood up, placing his hand on top of Al's head.

"I promise."

With those words, he was gone, and Al was left alone.

A/N Okii. So, this is more or less an introduction. BUT! Keep reading, and review. Shit is gonna hit teh fan!!! :D
