So here's the next chapter, it's a two part chapter but I need your help with the contents of the second part, so please read my AN at the bottom and then vote on the poll on my profile. Oh and thanks to all my reviewers!

"You lot really should have parties more often.' Carmen half shouted at me as Prime Circle blasted in my ears. I gave her a thumbs up instead of replying as Jenny came to chat with us.

"You – " Whatever she was about to say was cut of when my uncles voice echoed through the house.

"EVERYONE OUT OF MY HOUSE IN THE NEXT FIVE MINUTES OR I CALL THE COPS!" Everyone stopped to stare at him and a few of those closest to him even started to back away. My aunt was also there beside him and her eyes narrowed when she saw Jenny and I in the corner. People began to head to the door, some stopping to cast Jenny and I sympathetic looks as we stood frozen in place.

Once the room was almost clear my uncle headed over to the stereo which was now blasting The Parlatones and turned it off. With the room now completely empty, and looking like a disaster zone both he and my Aunt turned their attention back to us, my uncle with that classic 'you're in deep shit' look on his face, while my aunt just looked…disappointed.

We all stood in a terse silence until the tension got to Jenny.

"Sooo, you're back early." She observed nervously, drawing out the words.

"Yes, well when we got a call from the neighbours complaining about noise we didn't have much choice." My uncle observed dryly.

"Clean this up." Was all my aunt said, breaking her silence. I glanced at Jenny who just shrugged and began to gather up some of the empty containers, I decided to follow her lead, aware the whole time of my aunts disappointed, unwavering gaze.

That was until there was a knock at the door. My aunt and uncle went to open it while Jenny and I paused in our work.

"Can I help you?" My uncle enquired politely.

"Shit." Jenny mumbled quietly and I saw my aunts head whip around with a look that promised a lecture on proper language as soon as they got rid of whomever was at the door. I glanced at Jenny to see her staring out the window. I moved a little to the left to see what she was looking at – it was a shinny cop car!

"Yes, I'd like to speak to your parents." The cop said in a no-nonsense voice, clearly thinking my aunt and uncle were still teenagers – which was not technically incorrect

"Well you're welcome to try, but they're a bit hard to reach, being past away and all." My uncle quipped.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry about that," the guy sounded uncomfortable "Then who owns this house?"

"My wife and I."

"Little young to be married and own your own house aren't you?" I could tell this guy was really grating on my uncles nerves. "How old are you?"

"I'm 23 and my wifes 19." He replied coldly

"Was there something we could help you officers with?" My aunt interjected.

"Yes, well, we received a complaint about some kids apparently having a party at this address and it was disrupting the neighbourhood." The cop explained, clearly deciding to move on from the age issue.

"Ah, yes, that was my wards – we were out for the evening and they decided to hold a party without informing us. Thankfully Mrs Greenberg next door called us and we came home and shut it down. "

"I see." The cop responded, clearly unsure of what to say next.

"Well, as I'm sure you officers can see, we have it all under control, so if there's nothing else you need…?"

"Yes, well…please just ensure it doesn't happen again." He muttered, flustered.

"Oh I can guarantee it won't." Aunt Alice assured, though her pointed tone clearly meant her response was directed at Jenny and I as much as the cop.

They bid the policemen good night before shutting the door and turning to face us again, appearing, if at all possible even angrier. I was getting seriously worried when my Aunt still refused to so much as raised her voice, calming informing us that she had never given us permission to stop cleaning. It was not like her to just sit there watching us, and the worst part was the disappointment she exuded every time I glanced at her. I knew we had let her down, big time. By unspoken consent neither of us spoke, afraid that my aunts disappointment would turn into rage, although, frankly, I think I may have preferred that to the guilt that was now lying heavy on my chest.

Thankfully my aunt did not insist we work at human speed as my grandmother had done on occasion so we managed to finish relatively quickly, although now, as we waited for her to speak, I was thinking we probably should have drawn out the cleanup.

"So, let me see if I get this right" she said without moving from her seat, her voice perfectly level and controlled, while Jenny and I both stood before her and my uncle "When you asked if the pack could stay over while Jazz and I went away for the night, it was not only for their company, as you told us, but to block my visions?"

She raised an eyebrow and both Jenny and I knew better than to lie so we nodded our heads.

"And then, once you were sure I wouldn't see it you planned a house party?" Again we just nodded and waited nervously for her to go on. "The problem I'm having is there are so many issues to address that I don't know where to begin," She admitted after watching us in uncomfortable silence for a few more moments. I resisted the urge to fidget. "I suppose the most obvious question is why did you not just ask me if you could hold a party?"

At the time Jenny had argued that we shouldn't ruin their night of romance by having them worry about a party we'd be holding, but I knew that admitting this aloud would only come out as a feeble excuse and get us into more trouble.

"You girls are seriously going to make me reconsider talking about this civilly." She warned

"There is no excuse, Aunt Alice" I murmured, choosing my words carefully "We should have just asked you but we didn't."

Her face softened slightly "Thank you for admitting that, and you're right, there is no excuse for this. Currently I don't even know how to deal with this situation, and I'm shocked and upset at your premeditated attempts to deceive Jasper and I, not to mention your disrespect at inviting all those people into this house without our permission, and the fact that your reckless behaviour call police attention to our family, which has a hard enough time blending in as it is…"she trailed off into silence, each word had cut me like a knife. No one could bear to see my aunt hurt and upset, and it was ten times worse when you knew you had caused her to feel that way. I felt moisture running down my face and realised I was crying. My uncle had is hand on my aunts shoulder, lending her support. We all just waited in that painful silence before my aunt rose and silently left the room.

"That was what is called taking it too far." My uncle said before following his wife out the door.

I just continued to stare at the spot my aunt had vacated, I had known we would be in trouble if they found out about the party, but I had never expected that type of reaction.


Once out the house I took off into the woods at a run, already knowing there were no humans around to see me. I could sense Jasper some way behind me but he didn't try to catch up, letting me have my space.

I couldn't believe the strength of my disappointment at those two girls, though I had to admit that I was more disappointed in Nessie. This was the sort of stunt she would have pulled a few years ago, I had seriously thought she had changed, become more responsible, but when I came home to find my house full of hormonal teenagers I just saw the old Nessie again. As for Jenny, she still had a wild streak in her so I was not as surprised though her behaviour was no less acceptable and I was fairly certain that the party had been her idea in the first place. I couldn't begin to fathom how to deal with them, I knew that their seeing my disappointment had driven home how serious this was but I couldn't help feel that anything we did, however we punished them would have no effect.

I hadn't realised my legs had stopped moving until I realised I was standing in a small glade. I could sense Jasper near me and I gave a small nod, telling him that I needed his company now. He was at my side in a second, his arms wrapped around me and I leant into his chest. "It all just feels so hopeless." I murmured against him. "It's like the past few months never happened. Nessie's back to her old self, Jenny's behaviours only getting worse…"

"Hey," he shushed me gently "it's not as bad as it seems. We don't know Nessie is back to her old self, she just made a bad decision, all children will from time to time. And Jenny, well her we'll have to work on, but her general behaviour is improving, and she's no longer rude or disrespectful when she talks to us. She just tends to make impulsive decisions." I let his words calm me a little.

"But what if you're wrong?" I murmured. "I really thought we'd been helping Nessie, but if her behaviour regresses I don't know how we'll deal with it, since clearly our discipline methods don't work." I know I was giving into my own self pity, but at that moment that was all I wanted to do.

"Who said they don't work?" Jasper demanded, a little harshly "And I'm not wrong about Nessie, or Jenny. If it makes you feel better we can use those sticker charts the humans recommend and you can see for yourself how well behaved they can be." I chuckled, knowing he was teasing me.

"I think those are meant to only be for young children."

"They also say spankings are only for young children, maybe it'll work." I looked up to meet his gaze and could see he was smiling, and I returned his smile with one of my own, feeling marginally better about things.

"So how are we really going to handle this?" I asked, sighing and for once feeling my age.

"Well, quite honestly I don't think any punishment we mete out will compare to how they felt when they saw how disappointed you were in them."

"I'm sorry," I apologised, knowing it must have been hard for him to just stand there and feel it all.

He shrugged "It was good for them to realise the effects of their actions on others."

The problem now was, if Jasper was right, and I'm sure he was, what consequences would be appropriate?

Okay, so bit of a cliffy but I'm torn about how to proceed. Do you think the girls deserve a spanking, or maybe some other form of punishment? For some reason I don't think a spanking would feel right but I'm not sure so thought I'd give you, my readers, the final option (via the poll on my profile). If you think something else would be appropriate I need idea's , so please let me know if you have any.

Looking forward to reading all those reviews you'll no doubt post ;)