-sweetly ME-


"SHIT!" A blonde cursed under her breath. "This life sucks so much! I am Keiumi Hajime and what I want, what I get!"

Again, she is back in the old abandoned house trying to piss all away the emotion of anger. Takashi was there, trying to calm her down but he just can't do it. Keiumi's emotions got her off track.

"Why the hell are you that mad to that girl?" He asked leaning at the wall with crossed arms as he looked at her from the corner of his azure eyes.

Keiumi was walking back and forth and seems to be irritated by the question of Takashi. He smirked sarcastically.

"Why, you ask? She got my oh-so good guy for heaven's sake! What else would you expect?"

"I'm expecting you to stop targeting that person!" He exclaimed as he stood up straight.

"Oh, now you're at their side now?"

"I'm at the side of nobody." He said plainly. "But you know, you're plans are really getting out of hand now. You do realize that I like you but still, you're not bothered to tell me the same thing that I feel for you. Look around you, there are people who wants to be with you. Out there, in here." He continued. "As far as I'm concerned with, I'm sick of you bossing me around so be it. I will not help you with anything ever again." And with that, he started to walk away.

"Stop on your trails!" Keiumi snapped.

Takashi stopped and turned around to face her. "As I have said, I'm done here. But my feelings for you will never change. I'll get back to you soon if you learn how to love me back." He stated and with that, he abruptly left.

"Argh!" Keiumi reacted. "Can things like this get even worse?" She asked herself and with a cue, ceilings went crashing down. Fortunately, she should be thankful that it didn't drop on her. Besides, she asked for things to get worse.

She stamped her feet angrily. "That's it! It's payback time Syaoran…"


Sakura was walking back home from school, of course with her chaperone, Syaoran and Tomoyo.

"Are you sure you're alright now?" Asked Syaoran sincerely.

"Yup!" Sakura answered with a smile. "Don't worry, I will not die for a simple injury in my cheek.

Syaoran sighed in relief but later on smiled. "That's good."

Tomoyo was behind them and filming the whole scene. Sakura noticed this and she turned to face her.

"Ne, Tomoyo, please stop that and shut it." She pouted.

She giggled. "No way, this is fun."

Sakura just sighed in surrender. She can't do anything with this anymore. Everything was back to normal now.

Before they knew it they were at Sakura's house now. Sakura invited them to get inside. But they insisted for coming in.

"What? Come on, it's a piece of my appreciation for always being there for me." Sakura explained further.

Syaoran smiled at her sincerely. "No thanks. Seeing you feeling better is a good thing for me."

The door suddenly opened from inside.

"Oy, welcome back monster. Why are you not coming in?" Touya asked with an expressionless face. That's until he saw a bandage from Sakura's left cheek. "What's that?" He asked.

Sakura just shook her head. "I injured my face, nothing more." She forced out a laugh

"She just fell down the stairs but then she was holding a scissor that's why she injured herself." Tomoyo said setting aside the camera.

Touya looked at her and at the man that they are with. He is examining him much which made Syaoran drop a sweat.

"Is this the guy concerned for hurting you?" He asked Sakura but still examining the guy in front of him.

"No." She said simply as she giggled. "He helped me make my way to the clinic."

"Is that so."

"Hey brother, aren't you going to let us in? This is also my house. Stop analyzing him, he's a good person." She said with a smirk.

"Fine. Get in." He said as he totally open the door for them to come in.

Syaoran tagged Sakura from behind. "Y'know, this is really embarrassing for me to come here inside…" He whispered.

"That's fine. Trust me." She said simply. "Just relax. Soon you'll be coming here instantly like Tomoyo does."

"Yeah." Tomoyo seconded. "Sakura's father is a great cook for an office worker."

Syaoran just sighed. "Fine." There's nothing he can do anymore because he's in.

"Hey, Sakura… You're back." Her dad smiled at her from the kitchen. But he looked worried when he noticed that there's something wrong with her cheek.

"What on earth happened to you?" He asked concernedly.

"A little accident, but I'm fine." She smiled.

"Dad, she's not taking care of her life." Touya joined in.

"Brother!" She tried to step on his foot but failed. She missed it

"Ha! Jerkie." He exclaimed.

"Shut up." She said.

Mr. Fujitaka Kinomoto coughed. "So, I see you invited friends with you." He said with a smile.

"Ah, yes!" Sakura snapped as she pushed Syaoran to her dad. Syaoran was stunned on the other hand.

"Dad, this is Syaoran Li, same year level as me but different section. He helped me make my way to the clinic because of my injury. Syaoran, this is my dad." And with that Sakura smiled.

"Nice to meet you, sir." Syaoran bowed with a cat-like expression. (:3)

Fujitaka smiled. "Same here. Are you my daughter's boyfriend?" He asked teasingly.

Both Syaoran and Sakura went still with an :x expression.

Mr. Kinomoto laughed. "Just kidding… Come on now, dinner will be served."

-x x XXX x x –

"Thanks for the food!" Sakura exclaimed energetically.

Syaoran and Tomoyo just looked at each other for Sakura's expression. When Sakura noticed this, she eyed them.

"What?" She raised an eyebrow.

Tomoyo giggled. "Nothing. It's just I kinda missed the old you for some reason." She said.

"Oh." Sakura reacted.

"Anyhow, thanks for taking care of my daughter." Exclaimed Mr. Fujitaka. "You're welcome to come here any time."

Both Tomoyo and Syaoran smiled at him. "Thanks."

Touya stood up glaring Syaoran and he glared back. Sakura could feel the pressure between them.

"Hey, quit it." She said and Touya went to the kitchen.

Syaoran sighed as he stood up. "I should be on my way now. Thanks again for inviting me in." He smiled at Sakura. "Thanks Mr. Kinomoto." He looked at Fujitaka and bowed.

Tomoyo stood up and Mr. Fujitaka did also. He smiled. "Sure. Thanks anyway for taking care of my daughter."

"I should be going too. Thanks Mr. Kinomoto." Tomoyo said humbly.

Sakura sighed as she lead them the way. They reached the door but then, the door opened from outside. It revealed a silver haired guy with eyeglasses. Sakura's eyes widened little by little. The guy standing by the door smiled at her.

"Long time no see, Sakura-chan?" He said as he smiled at her. But then he was bewildered by her expression. "I'm sorry, I pushed the doorbell but I guess you didn't hear it. Maybe the bell is broken." He explained.

Sakura shook her head. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh, you're brother hasn't told you?" He asked in a wondering tone.

"My big brother knew about this but he did not tell me?"

He sighed. "I guess he forgot." He looked at the two people by Sakura's side. He smiled.

"Hi, I'm Yukito." He lends his arms to the chest nut haired guy.

"Syaoran..." He told his name as he shook hands with him.

""Are you my ex's new boy friend?" He asked.

Syaoran didn't comment on that one as he moved away his hand.

Yukito just shrugged. They both heard voice coming from Touya.

"Hey, Yuki… I thought you'll never make it." He said.

"Why shouldn't I, dude?" he smiled.

Sakura pushed Tomoyo and Syaoran out. "Let's get out of here."

Once they were out, Syaoran looked at Sakura. "What's wrong?"

Sakura swayed her head. "He's my ex, okay? And I promised myself to not see him again, but then…" She didn't finish.

"Was that your last love you're talking about back in the clinic?" Tomoyo asked.

Sakura nodded desperately.

Syaoran sighed. "Friends can be lovers but lovers cannot be friends."

No comment from Sakura.

"Hey…" Tomoyo waved her hand in front of sakura. "Earth to Sakura, Come in Ms. so out of this world."

Sakura shook her head. "I'm fine. It's just, he just left me hear without saying a word." She sighed.

"Can you tell me what happened right from the start?" Syaoran patted her shoulder.

Sakura shook again her head vigorously and her expression suddenly went blur again. "I'm sorry Syaoran… But I'm in no mood for this. I'm sorry." She said as she leaned to him.

"If that's what you want, we'll talk again tomorrow, after school. Is that fine with you?" He asked as he travelled his hands in her hair and lifted up her face.

Sakura smiled. "Thanks for understanding me."

Syaoran landed a kiss on her forehead before saying goodbye to her. "Alright, bye…" And with that he left, hands in his pockets.

Sakura sighed. Tomoyo tapped her shoulder. "Bye Sakura." And with that she left.

She felt a relief come out in her. She's just not in the mood for telling them this. Not now because she had seen Yukito.

He was her boyfriend for 3 years yet they had broken up. Yukito needs to attend school in Germany because of his intelligence. The school offered him free tuition and then got there. Touya was also invited to be there at Germany State University But he refused it. He's not interested in the free part. Yukito on the other hand needed it quite well because he's only living with his grand parents.

Sakura and Yukito have a promise to never date anyone. Sakura had kept her promise but Yukito doesn't. He was seeing another there and his reason, he said is that he's only missing Sakura so bad that he wanted to do meet others to remember her.

Yukito finally confessed that he was seeing another girl. His feeling towards the other girl is blooming so he ended up breaking up with her.

Sakura on the other hand was left broken. She promised herself not to be in love again and not to see him once again. But she had fallen in love to the person who loves him back. Now, she's thinking twice if her decision for being Syaoran's girlfriend is a bad idea or a good one.

'All guys are not like Yukito…' She thought to herself…