Freddie caught her by the shoulder and spun her around.

"What do you want?" she screamed at him.

Freddie just sighed, but kept a grip on her, so she wouldn't wiggle loose. "I know what you think now, me and Carly."

"Yes…well, I hope you're very happy together." Sam got loose and shoved Freddie enough to make him lose his balance. She began to run, and the rain started trickling. She didn't know where she was running, but away from the pain. All she could think of was getting further and further away from him.

But, within all this madness, she wasn't watching where she was going, and she stumbled on cracked concrete. She scraped both her knees, twisting her left ankle and she fell into the grass, hitting her arm on a rock. She wanted to scream in agony, but the physical was nothing next to her emotions.

A few moments later, Freddie came running up to her.

"What happened?"

"I just…fell. Will you please just leave me alone?" She attempted to stand, but crumbled as her weight got to her injured ankle.

"Sam, you're hurt…let me help you."


"Listen…! Me and Carly are nothing, okay? Nothing. We were just upset because of the horrible time we had at the dance. And I know about your feelings for me, okay? Don't deny, because…"

He paused for what seemed like forever, leaving only the sound of the rain enclose the silence.

"…because I really like you, Sam, okay. It kills me, kills me that you feel this way, and are so upset. When I saw you in the hallway today, all I could think of was how I could help you. And, uh…I don't know where to go from here, but I have felt this way for quite a while, and…come over here!"

He tried to help her on her feet, but her ankle must've been more than twisted. Tears were streaming down her face out of joy and shock. Freddie was determined to help her, so he picked her up in threshold and they didn't move, just inches from each other's face. Their breathing got heavier and Sam got impatient and pressed her lips against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, as in to bring her closer into his embrace.

He stumbled, trying to carry her back to the apartment. Somehow, he made it to the elevator, and they stopped for a moment. All the ride up they did nothing but breathe, in awe and desire.

They got to Freddie's apartment, and he laid her gently on the couch. As he headed for the kitchen, Sam called back to him.

"Where are you going?"

"To get something for your foot and knees and arm."

"I'm fine. I just…I just want you…"

He shrugged and came back to her. He scooted her over to the edge of the couch, so he could lay behind her, as if to protect her from the world. His right arm graced her right shoulder and waist, as she pushed back, to prevent falling off the couch.

"Hey?" she said.


"I hate you."

He sighed quietly, "Hate you, too."