Disclaimer: I do not own Ed, Edd, n Eddy or any part of it. I also do not own any of the song or companies I reference in this story.

In this story, everybody is seventeen, except Sarah, Jimmy, and their friend, who are thirteen. The story will revolve around those three. There are three new characters, so there is a little bit more excitement. Ed is a little more mature now, and there are no parents. So I know this probably won't be the best story ever, but I still want it to be good so read and review please. Enjoy!

As darkness falls over the cul-de-sac, Double D, Ed and Eddy are hanging out at Double D's house.

Double D has grown taller, and still has the hat. He wears a Guy Harvey shirt with a dark green jacket and wears long black shorts. He has become a little more athletic; swimming on the swim team and running track and cross country. He listens to soft rock, such as the Fray. He has become more musical, and still pretends he doesn't play the Pedal Steel Guitar. He can play the drums and it sounds pretty good.

Eddy is still short, and just as greedy. He has started to do more complex scams. His maturity has made his voice perfect for singing. He wears a dark blue American Eagle shirt, blue jeans, Nike Pegasus' and usually wears a Yankees hat. He likes to listen to hip hop and hard-rock, and can play the guitar.

Ed is the tallest in the cul-de-sac, and has started to play basketball and football. He still has a buttered toast addiction. He wears a grey Quiksilver Tee with a black jacket, long dark blue pants and he has started to hang out with Kevin and his friends more. He listens to Alternative and Heavy Metal. He has started to play the bass.

"So what should we do tonight? All of our parents are gone, and the night is young." Eddy says

"Eddy, it's ten o'clock." Double D says.

"So what? We still have at least three hour before I get tired." Eddy says.

"Let's just hang out here. There's a good movie on." Ed says.

"That sounds great Ed. What movie?" Double D asks

"Revenge of the Robot Ninjas 4." Ed says.

"Gimme the damn remote, Ed!" Eddy says.

"No way! You gotta fight for it." Ed says as he stands up on his chair with the remote in the air.

"You suck." Eddy says as he punches Ed in the stomach, causing Ed to stretch back and whip back cartoon-style and knocks Eddy across the room.

As Eddy and Ed jump around the room, Nick, Nazz, Kevin, and Rolf are playing Rock Band at Kevin's house.

Nick is a tall, slim boy who is friends with everyone. He has bushy, wavy, brown hair. He usually wears a graphic tee with a guitar on it underneath a black jacket. He wears dark blue jeans, and wears a black and white pair of Converses. He is the popular one of the cul-de-sac. He beat Kevin for the role when he jumped a skateboard over two houses and landed in his swimming pool. He is a good musician; he can play the guitar, drums, bass, violin, piano, and banjo, but he usually stick with the guitar and piano. He likes to play Blink-182 songs, his favorite being All the Small Things. He played it at a block party in the cul-de-sac and is in a band called Adjacent with Kevin, Rolf, and Nazz.

Nazz is still the beauty queen of the cul-de-sac. She has grown her hair out a little, and keeps it straight. She wears a red shirt with short sleeves and a white shirt underneath, blue jeans, and pink Converses. She is the head cheerleader at the Peach Creek. She is the keyboard player of Adjacent. She listens to R&B and pop bands, especially 3oh!3.

Rolf is the same as ever. Same height, same hair, same accent. Everything. He is still in fear of his 'Nano' and has Wilbur and Victor. The only thing that has changed is his clothes. He wears a black shirt, and baggy blue jeans. He usually wears a Phillies hat with it, and Sanuks. He has also trained himself to play the bass. He has started to listen to rock, but also listens to his country's native music.

Kevin is still a jock. He has grown more hair, and wears a flat billed Boston hat. He wears a black hoodie with a skull on it, white jeans, and red and black converses. He has started to play the drums, and has been known to make amazing firework. He likes to listen to heavy metal and rock.

"Keep your head still, I'll be your thrill, the night will go on, my little windmill." Nick sings into the Rock Band microphone.

"Nice guys, we did awesome!" Nazz said holding a Rock Band guitar.

"Blink-182 band is Rolf's favorite band!" Rolf said with another guitar.

"Yea whatever Rolf." Kevin says at the drums.

As they choose another song, Sarah, Jimmy, and Martha play Monopoly next door at Jimmy's house.

Martha is a shorter, thin girl and she is friends with Sarah and Jimmy. She has long blonde hair, and usually wears it in a pony tail. She usually wears a light blue shirt, with a pair of blue jeans. She is good at gymnastics, and has been to a national gymnastics championship. She was on the Peach Creek Junior High girl's basketball team and was their star player and brought them to a championship. She has developed feelings for Jimmy, but keeps it to herself. She can play the guitar, and likes to listen to classic rock. She likes Owl City.

Sarah is taller, but about the same size as Martha. She still wears the same things, and has started to respect Ed a little bit more, but only a little. She can play some guitar and violin. She likes to listen to country songs, and loves Taylor Swift. She also listens to Owl City.

Jimmy is very different. He is taller than both of the girls, and is wearing a Role Model shirt. He doesn't have his hair all poofy anymore, he wears it down normally. He has baggy cargo pants on, and blue Converse. He has gotten his retainer off, and is the attraction of most of the Middle School girls. He has feelings for Martha, but he also doesn't show them. He has learned to play the keyboard, and likes to listen to soft hip hop, and loves classic rock and alternative music. He also likes to listen to Owl City.

"This is so boring!" Sarah says

"Yeah because you're losing!" Martha says as she places a hotel on Broadway.

"I give." Jimmy says as he walked over to his keyboard and starts to play Rainbow Veins by Owl City.

"Okay whatever. This is stupid." Sarah says.

"Yes, I win!" Martha says, doing a handstand.

Jimmy starts to play a very sad, depressing song.

"Oh shut up Jimmy, you know you're jealous."

"Totally." Jimmy says switching to play Stolen by Dashboard Confessional. Sarah walks over and starts to tap along with him. Martha starts to sing.

When the song ends Martha and Sarah decided to leave, and hug Jimmy goodbye. Jimmy walks over to his piano and switches it to an electronic setting. He starts to play Fireflies by Owl City, and sings along with it. He continues to play the keyboard until he gets tired and goes to bed.