I paced in front of the Room of Requirement, willing it to open. The door appeared and I walked inside. I found a love seat in front of a roaring fire. I smiled and took a seat on the loveseat, waiting for my boyfriend. I pulled out the note I had received in class earlier and read it again:


Room of Requirement tonight at ten. I have something important to tell you.


I wonder what was so urgent that he couldn't wait until we were supposed to meet tomorrow. I looked at my watch; there was still ten minutes until Draco was supposed to be here. I stretched out a little and enjoyed the warmth of the fire. I wasn't sure how much time had passed while I stared at the dancing flames, but the next thing I knew, I heard the door opening and someone walking in.

"Draco!" I stood up and walked over to him and gave him a hug. I felt him tense up and move back a little. I stared at him and noticed he looked a little too serious. "What's wrong, Draco?"

"Harry, I think we should break up," Draco said in a cold voice. I took a step back and stared at him in disbelief. I felt a pang in my chest, like someone had stabbed my heart with a rusty dagger. I had to have heard him wrong, I had to.

"I said, I think we should break up," Draco repeated. It felt like someone grabbed hold of that dagger and twisted it around a little. I couldn't breathe. No; there was no way this was happening. It can't be.

"Why?" I managed to choke out. I could hear how shaky my voice had become. I felt my eyes stinging, a sign that the tears were coming. I blinked my eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling. I wasn't going to cry. This is just some weird dream; Draco wasn't really going to break up with me. This was just a nightmare.

"I don't want to be with you anymore," I stared into his silver eyes, trying to find something that would tell me this was just some mean joke. I saw nothing in there but coldness. His eyes looked different. There was no love in there like there used to be the whole year we were together. The dagger in my heart kept twisting and turning.

"You don't mean that," I said in a soft voice. I had to look down at my shoes because the tears were coming. I don't want him to see me crying.

"I do, Potter. This is really for the best. I hope you can see that." Best? Did he really think that? He said my last name again. He hasn't called me by my last name since we had that truce. It feels like another dagger was added in with the first one. Oh god, it hurt so much. I tried to say something, but nothing would come out of my mouth. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water, but nothing, no sound came out. Draco took one last look at me and left. I stayed where I was, rooted to where I stood. I tried to call to him. My brain was shouting at me to go after him, to call out to him, to do something. But my body refused to listen. I just stayed there and watched him walk out of the door, out of my life. After I heard the click of the door being closed, I collapsed to my knees and broke down. I tried to stop the tears, but my body was working on its own right now.

"Harry, what are you doing out here?" I looked up and saw Draco standing over me. What was he doing out here? Everyone was in the castle while I had snuck out to go to the lake to be alone. Draco saw the tears on my face and kneeled down in front of me to wipe them away. "Why are you crying?"

"I don't think I can do this," I replied. Draco took me in his arms and I sobbed into his shoulder. "Everyone expects me to go out there tomorrow and win this war for them, but I don't think I can do this."

"Harry, you can do this, I know you can. You're the strongest wizard I've ever seen," Draco pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes when he said that. All I saw in his eyes were sincerity. He believed every single word he said.

"But what if I can't?" I protested. "He's already killed my parents and Sirius. I don't want him to kill anymore people just to get to me. I don't want to go out there and fail. I'm going to be letting so many people down. People are going to die tomorrow and it's all going to be my fault."

"Don't talk like that!" Draco said fiercely. I winced at the tone in his voice. "You are better than that and I will here nothing more, Harry Potter."

I had to smile at that. I couldn't help it. He always seemed to have that power over me. no matter how I felt, he could always make me smile. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"Now, I want you to promise me something Harry."


"Promise me that you won't cry anymore? You're so much more beautiful when you smile and laugh. And tears take out the shine from your eyes. And you know how much I love looking in your eyes," I laughed and Draco did, too. "So can you promise me you won't cry anymore, love?"

"I promise, Draco," I smiled and pulled him into a tight hug.

The tears fell down much faster when I remembered that day. My eyes stung so much that it hurt to keep them open for too long. My nose was so running I couldn't breathe out of them, and my thought felt so tight. I lay down on the floor and continued to cry. I turned on my side and gagged. I felt like throwing up.

"I'm sorry I broke my promise, Draco," I whispered into the dark.