Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Gakuen Alice or Prince of Tennis

Author's Note: How long has it been since I updated? I AM SOOOOOO SORRY. I'M SERIOUS THIS TIME! It's going to be a tough ride everyone. I lost my fire to write fan fiction, but now I'm slowly getting it back. I was checking my e-mail one day and then I saw reviews, and I was so happy! I love you guys with all my heart. _ Please bare with me, I'm having issues. It may take a LONG LONG time before I update again.

Ps: I know this chapter's crap, please don't try to tell me

The One in Her Heart

Chapter 9

Gakuen Alice:

It was not a pretty sight in Gakuen Alice. There were half dead twitching bodies everywhere Hotaru had left. Hotaru was heatedly stomping around the school to go to her dorm room. She didn't even have the right mind to usually get her flouting duck to go and send her. Trust me, there were people that tried to calm her down and make her feel better but there attempts were all but futile.


"H-Hotaru," said a worried Iincho. He flinched as Hotaru herself turned to glare at him. "Um- Ah, please Hotaru, as class president, I say please stop being so violent…" He glanced worriedly at the said girl. His eyes widened, Hotaru was angrier than he thought. No more than one second later her infamous Baka Gun was pointed towards him.

Her eyes glinted angrily, "Get out of my face." BAKA! BAKA!

Oh, Hotaru…, Iincho thought, flying through the air.

End of Flashback:

Hotaru closed the bedroom door quietly behind her. She warily looked out her window. It was dark already. She sighed, she would never admit it to anyone, but she may have gone a little overboard. But this was Mikan they was talking about, her best friend. She sighed yet again and plopped in her bed. She covered her worried face with her hands, Mikan, why didn't you tell me? Hotaru flinched when she heard two knocks on the door. She immediately sat up looking at the door. Her gaze fell to the bottom. There was an envelope. She walked slowly to it and picked it up. She looked at the front. It read: To Hotaru. Her eyes widened. It was Mikan's handwriting. Hotaru fumbled with the letter, trying to quickly open the envelope. She unfolded the paper she found inside. It read: Dear Hotaru,

My dear Hotaru, by the time you probably get this, I would have already left. Oto-san (She also calls her Uncle this) told me that I had a mission and it would take at least one or two years. He said that I was free to choose if I wanted to do it or not. I said yes.

Hotaru's eyes widened with shock. Why would Mikan say yes? She read on…

Please Hotaru, I can't, no I don't really want to tell you why I said yes. But when the time comes I will. Trust me.

With all my love,

Mikan Sakura

Hotaru let out a sigh, then something clicked in her head. How could I forget? She probably saw Natsume and Luna… Her eyes squinted at the thought of those two. Then it softened. Oh Mikan, you baka! You don't have to keep that kind of a reason a secret…

Seishun Academy:

"Ryo-chan!" called out Mikan as she ran to catch up to the boy himself. Ryoma turned his head, only showing his embarrassed blush. Mikan felt especially happy today, since her best guy friend was an alice and she was going to train him!

"What the hell?" he said in a dangerously playful tone. "I told you not to call me Ryo and what's up with the chan?"

"Well," Mikan said almost in a nagging tone. "I like what I like. And I like to call you Ryo-chan!" Mikan coughed into her hand. "Anyway," she said in a failed attempt to be serous. "Practice. After School. Today"

Ryoma raised a brow. "Yeah, I know. We always have tennis practice after school."

"No, no, no!" Mikan said joyfully. "The alice practice," she tiptoed to whisper in his ear. "After the tennis practice," she added.

"Oh," Ryoma said. "Okay."

When the classes were finished. Their sensei called out Mikan and Ryoma. "You guys are on cleaning duty today," she said as she handed them brooms.

"Hai, Hia!" Mikan said. When the teacher left, she pouted. "Awwwws, too bad we can't attend tennis practice."

"Yeah…," Ryoma said. "Oh well, we might as well start cleaning."

"Okays!" Mikan said. Then something popped in her head. She silently ran up to Ryoma and head locked him.

"Wah?" Ryoma said in surprise.

"Shhhhhh!" Mikan said as she put her finger to her lips. She looked around. Left to right. The coast was clear. "We can start practice now! To get you used to your alice, before we really practice."

"Wait," Ryoma said. "What if I can't control my alice and it goes crazy?"

"Hmph!" Mikan said as she crossed her hands in her chest. "Are you trying to offend me? I am fully capable of helping you control your alice!"

"Okay, okay…" Ryoma said playfully, putting up both of his hands almost guiltily, as if caught by the cops.

"So," Mikan said. "Call out your fire to your hand." Ryoma sweat dropped.

"I don't think its that simple," he said.

Now it was Mikan's turned to raise her eyebrow as she put one hand on her hips, "Who's the one teaching you?"

"Fine. Fine," he retorted as he held out his hand.

"A small fire," Mikan added grinning. "Okay, Ryo-chan?"

"I told you not t-" Ryoma stopped himself, a tint of pink in his cheeks. "Fine," he grumbled. He held out his hand again. A small flame came out. "You're right, it is that easy." Mikan tsked.

"I told you soo~!" she said in a sing song voice. "You can start a fire anywhere. But I'm not saying to start fires randomly!"

"Yes, yes," he said. Mikan looked around once again. "Ah!" said Mikan. "I have a brilliant idea!"

"And what is this brilliant idea of yours?" Ryoma said, not trying to hide his smile. This girl can be so cute.

"The falling leaves!" she said. "Burn them one by one!"

"What?" Ryoma said unconsciously rather loudly. Mikan ran to him and covered his mouth.

"Shhhhhh!" she said once again.

"But I thought you said to not start random fires," he said.

"Yes, yes, but the task is to use small fires to burn the leaves. Plus it wont kill anyone when we burn them. They already fell away from the tree anyway."

"Okay," Ryoma said. He did as he was told.

After a few moments, Mikan said "This is too easy for Ryo-chan!"

"And what do you suppose we do now?" Ryoma said as he turned to face her grinning like a fool.

Mikan sighed, "It can't be helped, I guess we finish cleaning now." she said. "I think Ryo-chan will do just fine in our alice practice."

"So," said Ryoma as him and Mikan walked to who-knows-where. "Where are we practicing?"

"In my backyard of course!" she replied.

Backyard? Ryoma thought questionably. Is it big enough?


Ryoma sweat dropped as he looked straight ahead at the yard before him. Its definitely big enough.

"O-kay!" Mikan said as she cracked her knuckles. "Here's what we're doing. We are going to fight. I will not use any other alice but the water alice against you. And you shall use your fire alice on me! Both of us can use physical means to attack each other." Mikan gazed at Ryoma, "Oh, and don't worry on holding back on me! I won't get hurt."

"You sure about that?" he asked uneasily.

"Yep!" she said as she nodded. "And if someone does get hurt, remember I have the healing alice!" She cleared her throat, "Alright, let's start!" Ryoma looked straight at Mikan.

What can she do to me? he thought. She looks so… so…. Much like a person who can't fight. He looked straight ahead again. His eyes widened, where was she? He looked around, she wasn't there either.

"Heads up!" he heard above him. She was above him! Mikan was going down ready to kick him. He used his alice to make a fire shield around him. Only to be soaking wet and kicked to a tree. "Remember I have a lot more than one alice!" she said standing in front of him. She then back-flipped away. Ryoma stood up. Getting more excited, what else could he do with his alice? He ran towards Mikan. Mikan's eyes widened, he's pretty fast,she thought as she dodged his fire attacks. Not bad… "You're good for a beginner Ryo-chan!" she said. They kept going at it for at least 3 more hours. Ryoma gasp out for air, as he sat under a tree. His chest heaving up and down, as his eyes closed trying to relax some more. "You are really, really good for a beginner," Mikan said sitting right next to him, not at all breaking a sweat.

3 months later

Mikan and Ryoma have been training ever since. Because of Ryoma's fast learning and natural skills. It didn't take long for him to reach Mikan's skill.

One day after a long alice practice she looked at him intently, leaning closer. She patted he mouth, trying not to laugh. But her attempt was futile. She burst into a hearty laugh and then glomped him into a hug. Ryoma felt his breath hitch. She was so close. "You're so cute!" she exclaimed as she pulled away. Then she too, realized the gravity of what she's done and began to explain her actions. "You see," she started. "You don't normally look that flustered. You looked so cute, I just had to hug you!""

"Hmmmm," Ryoma said as he began to pout. "You shouldn't call guys cute."

"And why shouldn't I call a guy cute, if he really is?" she asked, challenging him.

Ryoma grinned and he leaned forward so that his lips was a mere centimeter away from her ears as he whispered in a low voice, "Cause he just might want to prove you wrong." With that he gave her a peck on her lips. It was nothing over the top, but it was a kiss either way. Mikan could only gap at him as she slowly began to turn red from her toes to her head. Ryoma smirked triumphantly, he knew she was naïve, so he was gambling on whether she'd get it or not. But it seemed luck was on his side today. He didn't seem tired anymore either. So he stood up, putting his hand in his pockets and started walking somewhere, anywhere, he didn't really care.

"R-Ryo-chan!" he heard he say as she scrambled to her feet. Trying to catch up to him. "Ne, you didn't need to tease me!"

Author's Note: I totally forgot about the letter! Thanks to MiSa-sama-MiSa-chan for reminding me that Mikan wrote them! *hits myself in the head* And I know I'm going way to fast, but I seriously didn't know what to do. GIVE ME IDEAS PEOPLE! Please? Anyway read and review! Also be warned! I seriously take a long time to update! I also edited some of the chapters. So please read them if you want. I edited chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6