A/N- Okay so me and my new buddie, iAct. Have decided to co-write this amazing story after watching, iSpeed Date. For all you Seddie fans out there we wrote this just so you know that there will always be a happy ending...in T.V shows. xD- Tony/Nessi/Colby

Sam's P.O.V-

They where dancing. My two best friends were dancing in the middle of Groovy Smoothies. Just like that. Screw them. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I care or anything. Well, maybe. My friends. Dancing. The nubs.

I made a sour face on the outside of the glass door. How could they do this to me? How could Freddie? How could Carly?

I sucked in my breath and opened the door. I saw Freddie's grin grow up to his ears and couldn't do it. I shut the door and ran to my house. I bet they were still cuddled up next to each other. All happy, happy. I felt something come up as I shut the door to my house and ran into the bathroom and threw up. I fell to the floor and just sat there. What's a girl to do? I don't know but I just kept throwing up after that. Tears and this afternoons lunch mixed together and I cried and cried.


My mother barged into the bathroom where I had my head over the toilet.. She gasped and ran to my side.

"Honey, are you okay?" she asked, panicked.

She ran to the kitchen and brought me back a wet rag and placed it on my forehead. I mumbled a thank you.

I stopped throwing up, but stood by the toilet just in case. I slowly fell asleep in the bathroom, tears still running down my face. I wasn't quite sure why I was crying, but I did until I couldn't anymore. I knew something changed inside me when I kissed him. I never thought it would, but it did. Damn. What should I do? It wasn't just a kiss. I thought, the way he returned the favor, he felt something change, too. I was obviously wrong.

I woke up with a blanket wrapped around me, still on the floor. I heard my purse ring and I slowly opened it, forgetting about all that happened last night. I had 20 missed calls.


Carly: OMG! Freddie is sooo amazing!

Carly: We almost kissed!

Carly: Did you know Freddie's cute?

Carly: Freddie is really strong!

Carly: Sam, are you there?

Cary: Sam?

Carly: Sam! I need to talk to you!

Freddie: Hey Sam, can you help me?

Freddie: Does Carly like me?

I stopped there. There is no way I would read the rest. I couldn't deal with the pain swelling in my chest. I thought for maybe twenty minutes and came up with a plan.

I know. Thinking? I really hit it hard. I smiled at my plan. It would work. Just pull myself from the world. Keep it to just me and my ham. Maybe it would work. The image of Carly in Freddie's arms made me cringe. A tear escaped my eye. I stood up and looked in the mirror.

Carly looked so much better, huh? All the guys liked Carly. Everyone did. The only person who ever loved me was Spencer. Maybe my mother. Spencer had always been there. I thought Freddie had once been, too, but I guess I'll never know. I am so fat. Look at my hair. I lifted up my shirt to show my fat body. How could people stand me?

I stood at the door and smiled. He was so perfect. I'd never tell him though. Our kiss. It wasn't just a kiss. I felt...I felt…more.

"Hey Sam?" I looked in his direction. "I hate you."

I smiled. "Hate you, too."

No wonder he hated me. I was just some bully who he used to get to Carly. He never liked me. He never even cared. That kiss…That kiss was practice for Carly. I held back a sob and looked at myself. Maybe he just hated a fat bully. I'm ugly, poor, and fat. Carly is perfect.

I sobbed this time. My phone rung one more time and I checked it one more time.

Freddie: Sam? Are you okay?

I sighed and frowned then pulled out the keyboard and wrote him a message.

Sam: No. I will never ever be okay. I have you and Carly to thank for that.

The message sent and I turned off my phone. I quickly pulled off the back and took out the SIM card. I stuck it in the toilet and laughed evilly. Good bye fat Sam. It's time to be perfect.

I turned to face the toilet and forced myself to puke. Over and over. It filled up and I looked in the mirror, satisfied. I flushed and walked out.

I wasn't going insane.

I got to the fridge, and found a note posted to the counter. I put it down and opened the fridge. Cheesecake, ham, and spaghetti filled the fridge. My stomach did a turn. I grabbed a water, shut the door and read the letter.

My mom was out of the house. No biggie.

Our house phone rang and thinking it was just a normal call, I picked it up.

"Sam?" a husky voice asked.


I groaned. "What?"

"You said you weren't okay. What's wrong?" He sounded worried. Way to fake emotion. Enough to break a girl's heart.

"You know what!" I shouted.

I was angry. Hot tears filled my eyes.

"You used me! You just want Carly! Well have fun! I NEVER EVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" My voice got louder and I hung quickly.

Twenty minutes and there was still no return call. Good. I cried some more and left for the bathroom.

Welcome to my new life.

I wasn't sure what to do at school tomorrow. So I just went upstairs and played with my zebra sheets and decided to sleep all day.

I woke up around 3 am, straightened my hair, and went back to sleep. My mom came in and kissed me goodnight. I was too afraid of tomorrow.

My alarm clock beeped around 7 am, and I kept hitting snooze. I finally got up and brushed my teeth and hair. I pulled on my clothes: short shorts, and a few layered tank tops. I pulled on green Chuck Taylors and a purple striped hoodie. I grabbed my school bags and hopped downstairs.

"There you are!" my mom cried, scooping fried eggs onto a plate.

She pushed the food towards me.

I shook my head. "Not hungry."

She looked at me oddly and shrugged.

On my way out, I grabbed a bottle of water and sighed.

God? Are you there? It's me, Sam.

A/N- Tada! Thank you for reading. Next chapter is being written as you read this. Yes, this. You read it? It's being written! :O So now hold on to your seats this story just keeps getting better! - Tonycupcake and iAct.