The Bonds of Providence

Chapter 3

By: shad0wg8

After searching the room and exploring all the nooks and crannies, the prince had come to the conclusion that this room served only one purpose, and he had become acquainted quite well with what that was. There hadn't been a scrap of clothing to be found anywhere in the room. Even his gown from yesterday had been cleared away. He assumed it had been taken away while he was in the bath since it had been there this morning, a vivid reminder of what had taken place. Akihito stood staring at the large bed, his face prickling with heat as he recalled what had happened. He squirmed uncomfortably as his mind supplied him with vibrant, clear images of what the king and he had done into the wee hours of the morning. His hands gripped the plush fabric of the over-large robe he was wearing, and wrapped it tightly around him, as he suddenly felt very exposed. He shivered and crawled under the covers, happy for the added layer of covering until he realized where he was and what he was wearing. The prince was sitting in nothing but a robe in the king's bedchamber, in his bed, as it grew closer and closer to evening, the shadows outside beginning to lengthen. He didn't need to guess what would happen when the king returned to find him practically naked on his bed.

His hands convulsively grabbed at the blankets as he glanced nervously at the doors. The king could walk through them at any moment. The man was larger, stronger, and knew how to manipulate Akihito so well it scared him. The king knew just what buttons to push to get the results he wanted. It was as if he'd known Akihito his entire life. It was odd, and obviously disturbing, that a man he'd just met knew him so well. So well, that he pulled out feelings and emotions that Akihito didn't even know he'd had. And the things he'd done after Akihito had given in to those urges and feelings… The prince's face burned and he dove further under the covers, wrapping them around his huddled body to form a cocoon. He really needed to stop thinking about the king. And his large, warm hands. And his wicked tongue. And those burning, soul-searching eyes… Akihito let out an aggrieved moan and curled in tighter on himself. What the hell was he going to do?

The king hadn't really done anything to hurt him. He'd been forceful and demanding, had made Akihito experience something uncomfortable, but not painful. Embarrassing, shocking, indecent things, yes… but it had felt good. Really damn good if he was brutally honest with himself. So, instead of being put to death for the crime of a man masquerading as a woman he had been treated to the most mind-numbing, pleasurable night of his life. He'd gone from trying to come to terms with his imminent execution, to trying to understand the new, odd feelings the king was forcing him to experience. How was he supposed to react to his emotions being thrown around like that?

The prince felt something warm and wet slide down his cheek and swiped his hand across it angrily. What the hell was he crying for? He was alive and unharmed. The king didn't seem to hate him; wasn't openly hostile or aggressive. He should be relieved, right? The tears started to flow faster. He hadn't cried since the day his parents had been laid to rest. All the fear, worry, and anger he'd kept bottled up inside since then had finally spilled over. The prince had reached his limit. With no one to turn to, and his future uncertain at best, the young man could do little to ease his aching heart.

Ryuichi Asami made his way over to the lump in the center of his bed. He was a bit disappointed that his prince wasn't awake, but it was to be expected. As he sat down, the large mound under the blankets didn't even stir when his weight shifted the mattress. He carefully peeled back the layers of covering until he could see the prince's sleeping face. His palm smoothed over the silky, disheveled hair as the boy murmured something in his sleep. The king's eyebrows drew together as he recognized tear tracks, his fingers tracing lightly down the salty paths. Akihito sighed and leaned into the touch, pressing his cheek into the king's palm.

Ryuichi could only stare at the creature spread across his bed. The young man had no idea how captivating he was. Soft, creamy skin that encased slender limbs and lean legs that seemed to go on forever. Long luxurious lashes framing bright, expressive eyes. Full, pouty lips and a mouth so sweet… He was just too damn irresistible. The boy was a temptation that could drive a man mad. Last night he hadn't been able to control himself after finally having a taste. Those sweet lips and the needy little cries that had slipped from them had sent him over the edge. His usual tightly held control had been completely shattered. He'd waited too long to finally take this boy. He'd wanted him from the moment he'd set eyes on him three years prior.

Although marriage was not an option he had ever found appealing, it had been the only solution to keeping the boy safe and out of his uncle's clutches. The prince had obviously forgotten him, which was understandable after what the young man had been through recently. Ryuichi had never been able to forget those dazzling eyes though, and a smile that could outshine the sun; a smile that seemed to have permanently disappeared. His thumb lightly rubbed against the prince's full bottom lip as he found himself leaning down for a kiss. He paused just before their lips would have touched and pulled back. He needed to stay in control. A repeat of last night, while it would have been satisfying, was not what his prince needed right now. Instead, he ordered that the evening meal be brought to his chambers and went back to wake his sleeping beauty up.

Akihito came to disoriented and confused. His surroundings were unfamiliar and foreign. The smell of food drew his attention over towards the large hearth and everything suddenly fell into place. He snatched up the covers hastily, holding them to his body and burrowing deeper within their folds. The king stood leaning against the mantle, watching him. Akihito swallowed and tried to find his voice.

"I, um…" He stuttered to a stop, not sure what to say.

The prince stiffened as the king pushed of the mantle and came towards him. He stopped just short of the bed and held out his hand.

"Come eat." He motioned with his head to the table and chairs by the fire.

Akihito hesitated, remembering his lack of clothing. Not that clothing had helped him any last night. He reluctantly pushed back the covers, ignoring the proffered hand, and swung his legs over the side. He stood up, pulling the robe tightly around himself and quickly made his way to one of the chairs. His stomach growled in response to the savory smells drifting from beneath a covered platter.

"Eat, and then we'll talk," the king said, settling into the other empty chair as Akihito dug into the food with enthusiasm.

The prince sat back feeling warm and full, his eyes dropping shut as the heat from the fire lulled him.


The king's voice snapped him back to full awareness and he jolted up in his chair, heart pounding. Ryuichi emerged from behind Akihito's seat, an armful of fabric draped over his arm. Akihito found himself tugged up out of the chair, stripped, and wrestled into the garment. As the king stepped behind him to do up the lacings he glanced down at himself and grimaced. He was in another dress, albeit a less frilly one, but still a dress.

"Not so tight!"

He gasped, trying to pull in air as the king cinched the garment tight and tied it off. He wobbled slightly and the king took his arm, threading it through his own. Akihito steadied himself and glared at the older man.

"Why am I in a dress?"

"You'd rather tour the palace naked?"

The prince's face flushed darkly and he bit off what he had been about to say. Being hauled around naked through the palace, where anyone and everyone would be able to see him, was not something he wished to encourage.

"I thought… I thought we were going to talk?"

"You can't do both?"

Akihito took a deep breath. He was not going to let the man get to him. He had to reign in his temper. He nodded jerkily, pressing his lips together tightly.

He was soon lost in the long, twisting hallways. Left alone, he'd never find his way out of the place. He paused when they came to a hallway lined on both sides with floor to ceiling stained glass done in murals of mythical beasts. His arm slipped from the king's as he wandered closer to a particular pane, his hand reaching up, fingertips brushing over the outline of a majestic dragon depicted there. Red and gold flames cascaded from its fearsome maw, licking hungrily at the air surrounding the large, proud beast.

"The flames seem to come alive in the sunlight."

Akihito jumped at the king's voice, having completely forgotten he was there. He stepped back, bumping into the taller man's chest. Large hands cupped his shoulders and held him still. His heart hammered against his ribcage as the king nuzzled the crown of his head. The prince shivered, his eyes still staring at the stained glass depiction of the dragon.

"Would you like to come back here during the day?" he murmured into Akihito's silky hair, feeling the small tremor than ran through the slight body.

"Y-yes, I would." He turned in the king's arms, looking up into the eyes that shone like chips of amber in the dull light. His eyes drifted shut as a hand threaded through his hair, tilting his head back as a soft pair of lips descended on his own. The kiss was moist and tender and warm. When the king pulled back, Akihito found himself following, a warm blush staining his cheeks when he realized himself.

"Dragons don't frighten you, little prince?"

"I- No." Akihito stared at the king in confusion. "Why would-"

"Most people find that particular image to be frightening or grotesque."

"But it's beautiful…"

Akihito turned back to the image, his expression soft and almost wistful.

"We should head back. It's late."

The king started off without him and Akihito was forced to run in order to catch up. When he finally reached him, he grabbed a handful of the king's sleeve and tugged.


Akihito leaned against the king, trying to catch his breath. He really had tied the dress too tight. As much as Akihito was loathe to be naked around the other man, he was looking forward to getting out of the constricting material. Ryuichi paused and let the prince catch his breath before continuing on, once more linking their arms together.

Once back in the king's chambers, the man loosened the ties of Akihito's bodice but didn't remove the dress. Instead, he retreated into the alcove where the bathing chamber was tucked away, leaving Akihito alone and confused. One minute the man was all over him, the next he didn't want anything to do with him. Akihito tried to puzzle it out as he sat down on the bed, his mind working in circles.

When Ryuichi emerged from the chamber, he found the prince sprawled across the bed, still in the dress, sleeping soundly. He couldn't help the smile that twitched at his lips when he saw him. The young man was just too adorable. Leaning down, he woke his sleeping prince with a kiss, savoring the slow, sleepy melding of lips and tongue.

Akihito's eyes fluttered open when the king pulled back. He blinked up at the older man, still half asleep.


Akihito allowed himself to be led into the bathing chamber. He didn't protest as the king slid the dress from his shoulders, allowing it to drop to the floor in a puddle of fabric. He stepped out of the ring of material and followed the king into the oversized basin of steaming water. He was tugged over to one of the ledges where Ryuichi sat down, pulling the unresisting prince into his lap. Strong hands began to knead Akihito's shoulders, massaging out the knots and smoothing his frazzled nerves. The young prince found himself leaning back into the king's touch, a little sigh escaping as he sank further into the water. Ryuichi chuckled and slid his hands lower, working his way down the younger man's back.

His hands came to rest on the prince's hips. He gently lifted the smaller man and turned him to straddle his hips. Akihito stirred but didn't protest, allowing himself to be shifted. Ryuichi gently pressed the prince's head to rest on his shoulder, his other hand stroking up and down the lean back. Akihito shuddered and pressed closer to the muscled chest, his hands coming up to clutch at well-rounded biceps. Ryuichi's hands drifted lower, cupping the prince's buttocks and giving them a firm squeeze. Akihito made a small, choked noise and squirmed on the king's lap. The king's fingers drifted to Akihito's cleft and the young prince instantly tensed.

"Still sore?" the king murmured, gently stroking over the sensitive ring of flesh.

The prince nodded against the king's neck, his grip tightening on his arms. Ryuichi stroked his spine again and eased him closer, his face nuzzling against the prince's jaw. The younger man turned and accepted the king's kiss, his hands drifting up the king's shoulders and sliding behind his neck to tangle in the dark, glossy hair. Ryuichi's free hand traced the younger man's ribs, working its way down to the prince's hip before drifting across his stomach. The younger man's breath hitched, his hips shimmying. Ryuichi smiled against the lax lips and palmed the warm, hardening length of flesh between the prince's legs. He slowly wrapped his fingers around the straining flesh and gave it a firm squeeze. Akihito whimpered and pressed closer.

"Let it out," Ryuichi purred, his hand beginning to stroke in a steady rhythm. His other hand slipped between the boy's legs from behind, kneading along his perineum before brushing against his balls. Akihito moaned, hips thrusting forward as he arched. Ryuichi used the opportunity to lean forward and capture a rosy nipple between his teeth. He bit down lightly, pleased at the strained sound his prince made. He soothed the small bite with his tongue, his hands never ceasing their play.

Overwhelmed, the prince came with a strangled sob, his body shaking with the force of his climax. His tension and worry seemed to flow out of him with his release, the milky fluid quickly swirling away in the gently lapping water. Ryuichi gently cradled the sobbing young man against his chest, pressing a soft kiss to his delicate ear.

"Sleep," he murmured, his hand once again petting the prince's spine.

Akihito slumped forward, body heavy and content. The tears slowed and finally stopped, his eyes drifting shut as he succumbed to the siren call of sleep.