IM BACK! YAY! Anyway, the main point of this is that finally my account on has been fixed. However, due to some problems with my screen, i am going to have to turn in my

computer to the tech department at my school(i bought this comp through them). And according to them they will also be installing Windows 7 (another yay) but be/c they will be

installing that on all the student computers, i wont be getting it back until the end of the summer. Long story short, i will most likely only update mabye once or twice over the entire

summer since i will have to use my mom's comp... who knows, maybe ill do more since i'll most likely be bored. Finally, i would like to say that while i did plan to come out with

another chappy soon it will have to be postponed e/c next week i am going on a trip to Spain. That's right, all of you can die with envy, i am going to Spain(sticks tongue out and pull

down eyelid). Anywhoo thanks for reading if you made it this far and wish me luck on getting things back on track with Sealed

Kvothe Arliden