*I'm so sorry guys… I've had so much going on… lets just say dramatic love life + school= No time. I'll try and update more. Anyway… Janine's POV Usual disclaimer*


I had just gotten off of my shift. I hurried back to my room so I wouldn't be late for Roses birthday. It would be one of the few birthdays I had seen her. Today she was out of my control.

I threw on a pair of black pinstriped pants and a jacket. I looked at my short crop of hair and considered doing something with it. "Na, its fine." I thought out loud.

I grabbed the present I had brought for Rose. It was a dress, which I thought she would like. I had noticed that she hadn't been living up to her reputation lately. I liked that she wasn't so flirtatious.

When I was her age I had been overly skanky. Once field experience started, I started to realise that I would have someone's life in my hands soon. I had stopped my late night partying and stopped sleeping with guys.

I headed down to the room that Tasha had used for her Christmas party. I walked inside where there already were lots of people chatting. I saw that Dimitri, Stan and Alberta were already here, along with some of the newer guardians that had come since the war.

I headed towards Guardian Belikov, he had told me the other day that we needed to talk. I hadn't seen him since when I wasn't busy.

"Dimitri, you said we needed to talk." I was curious as to why he looked nervous. I was only five foot. He was six seven.

" Guardian Hathaway can I talk to you outside." What the hell was up with the formalities? I raised one eyebrow. I already didn't like the sound of this. I nodded and followed him outside.

" So what did you want to talk about Belikov?" I demanded. I was getting impatient.

" Rose and I wanted to let you know, we're more than just mentor and student." I sighed. Thank god. When he said rose and I, I panicked for a moment there. Of course they were friends. I didn't care; I had friends who were students. Well more acquaintances. But it didn't matter. Considering they would both hopefully be guarding the princess someday that they were friends that had trust in each other. I could tell that when we thought that that Strigoi killed him how him and rose were close.

"I think it's very acceptable to have a friendship. I think that it's good that you guys have become friends. It earns trust. I knew that you guys have a friendship. She wanted to go back and save you from that blonde Strigoi." I told him. He stood at me dumfounded. Had he really expected me to be annoyed?

"Um… I meant I love her." Wait. Back up. WHAT! How dare he. He was her mentor, she was a Student. HE COULDN'T LOVE HER. HE WAS SEVEN YEARS, SORRY SIX YEARS OLDER THAN HER.

Now I was pissed. I threw my hand out to punch him. I was annoyed when he anticipated it and blocked me. I was going to beat him to a pulp. I was Janine Hathaway after all. He looked terrified.

"MUM STOP!" Rose busted through the doors. I was momentarily distracted. HOW DARE SHE START? DID HE LOVE HIM TOO?

" Mum why are you trying to hit Dimi…I mean Guardian Belikov?" She had gone to say Dimitri. They were really that close. Before I could answer her question she seemed to understand.

" You told her." Had they been planning this? I was more then annoyed now I was infuriated.

"So you love him?" This was more than I could handle. I knew that Rose had not been seeing so many guys since she and gotten back after that two years away. But a Guardian. NO WAY!

" Mum, I love him more than my own life." She looked at him. " But you have to promise not to tell on us." I sighed. I knew what sort of things love could drive people to do. When I had fallen for Abe, well there wasn't anything to stop me. I knew that all tell on them would do is make them hate me and then Dimitri would be reassigned and Rose would go after him. I had to make sure that she graduated.

" I won't." I promised. I saw her face relax. I knew that what I said wouldn't stop them from loving each other but I could try and make sure that she didn't make the mistakes I had. " Just don't do it." I added.

Rose looked confused for a moment. Dimitri leaned down and whispered in her ear. He stood up smiling. They better not have already done it

" I'm eighteen now, you can't tell me what to do anymore. Sorry Mum." I sighed in defeat. She had me. I couldn't believe my baby wasn't a virgin anymore. And to Him. What was this universe coming to?

" Just don't make any decisions you could regret." Not that they could have children for which I was thankful

"I promise never to hurt her or make her do anything she doesn't want to." Dimitri looked solemnly at me. I knew he would take good care of her. And I could tell that he loved her and made Rose happy

" Good otherwise I would kick your ass." I added. I walked inside looking for Adrian. I need alcohol. I knew I shouldn't but I had lost my baby to her mentor.


Thankyou… keep the reviews coming…. I'll try to get another chapter up soon.