Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimoto-san. I make nothing from writing this. Also, the song 'Jacob's Ladder' belongs to Mark Wills.

Summary: Sasuke and Naruto know where they stand with each other, even if the bastard's parents don't agree. [NaruSasu]

A/N: Here's the second half. I hope you enjoy this, too.

A Little Piece Of Heaven

Part Two

"It'll be five years September

Since her daddy found a letter and a note on her windowsill

Swore he'd never forgive them

Nothing melts the heart like a grandchild will

Now she climbs up on his knee

Says,. "Grandpa, tell a story, the one about me.."

He thinks back and his eyes shine

Says, "Listen, child, once upon a time…" – Mark Wills

The trip to his husband's childhood home was a long one. Sasuke was asleep next to him in the passenger's seat, his wedding ring glittering bright in the sun. Between the two front seats were boxes and boxes of pictures, along with a diaper bag and a small paper bag of toys. In the back seat, two children slept quietly, one still in a car seat and the other in a booster. Both children had jet-black hair and pale skin, but their eyes were bright blue, just like their papa's. Sasume and Naoki, just like he'd predicted, and they even had a little girl-Satori-on the way. Sakura, their surrogate, was a little more than seven moths pregnant. This little one would have Naruto's hair and eye color, practically the spitting image of her papa. He knew because he had predicted it.

Naruto was extremely nervous, since they hadn't warned Mikoto ahead of time that they were coming, so there was a good chance Fugaku was home as well. They hadn't seen or heard from the couple for six years, so it was a little unnerving to be doing this now. Sasuke still wasn't over his father being an asshole.

The driveway to the Uchiha estate was finally in view, and Naruto reached over to shake said Uchiha awake. Sasuke blinked sleepily and sat up straighter in his seat, stomach dropping when he saw his father's Mercedes in front of the house.

"You still want to go up?" Naruto asked, touching his arm gently. Sasuke looked up at the house again, then into the backseat at his sons. He wanted his mother to know her grandchildren, despite his father being there. If the man said anything offensive, then Sasuke was just going to have to punch him.

"Let's go." Sasuke muttered, leaning over in his seat to kiss the blonde on the mouth before getting out of the car. Naruto grabbed the diaper bag as he got out, shutting his door behind him and going for the door on his side. The blonde unbuckled the small raven's car sseat before lifting him into his arms, kissing the top of his head.

"Papa?" Sasume blinked, wriggling sleepily in the blonde's arms. Naruto grinned as he walked to the front of the car, taking a hold on Naoki's hand as the boy walked up to him. Sasuke grabbed the boxes and paper bag from the front seat, shutting and locking all of the doors behind him. The small family walked slowly up to the front door, Sasuke lifting a hand to open it.

"Oi, you don't live here anymore! You can't just-"

"Mother?" Sasuke called, opening the door wider for Naoki to slip under his arm. Sasume whined softly to be let down, and he followed his brother down the hallway as soon as his feet hit the floor. The two small boys cooed over the large pots lining the walls, and the even larger tapestries and pictures on them. "I don't think she's here." Sasuke said softly, turning to close the door behind them despite what he'd just said. He took the blonde's hand and pulled him down the hallway after their children, following them into the expansive living room. The raven's heart leapt up into his throat at the sight of his father sleeping on the couch, and his children giggling as they pulled his face into weird expressions.

"Naoki!" He hissed, grabbing the little boy's wrist and halting his movements. There was a soft snort from his father, then one sleepy eye cracked open to see what was pulling at his face. Sasuke pulled his son behind his back, glaring softly at the man as he sat up on the couch and passed a hand over his face.

"Daddy, who's this man?" Naoki asked, peeking around Sasuke's back with a dark eyebrow raised; a hysterical picture if Fugaku had anything to say about it. The eyes ruined it for him, though. They were supposed to be…black.

"He has blue eyes." Fugaku said dumbly, glancing at Naruto from the corner of his eyes. It was obvious where the little boy had gotten the odd color.

"He's Naruto's son, too." Sasuke said coldly, making sure his father saw the ring Naruto had proposed with on his ring finger. If the man noticed, he didn't say anything.

"Hn. I was expecting black, but it suits him."

"You'd better believe it." Naruto grinned, urging Sasume forward with a hand to his head. The younger raven came to stand next to Sasuke, one hand clenched in his pants leg, his eyebrows pulled down over his blue eyes.

"You have the same lines on your face that Uncle 'Tachi does." Naoki grinned-he looked just like Naruto when he did that-before walking closer and touching the older male's face. Sasuke stiffened at the action, but a hand on his lower back made hit stop and relax. Soon, even the shy Sasume was touching Fugaku's face. "Are you our grandpa? Daddy and Papa said you were mean. Are you mean?" Naoki pulled his hand back and ticked it into the pocket of his shorts, looking up and back at Naruto and Sasuke. " He just looks old! You lied!" The little boy pouted, wasting no time in crawling into Fugaku's lap, pulling his little brother up with him.

To Sasuke's surprise, the man laughed and wrapped both arms around them.

"You're Naoki, I'm guessing." He nodded, kissing his grandson's temple gently, surprising Sasuke yet again. He turned when he felt the blonde's hand on his arm, pulling him to sit on the couch across from the other three. "And this other one is Sasume. You know, your grandmother is going to be very happy when she gets home. She' been dreaming about you three for the last seven years." The last part was said quietly, and Sasuke felt the strange sensation that his father was indirectly apologizing got them.

"Three?" Naruto wondered, tiling his head confusedly. Fugaku simply shook his head and made a rocking motion with his arms. Then Naruto got it. "Ah, the new baby. Just two months and we'll have her. Sasuke deiced to name her Satori."

"I'd like to meet her, too, if that's all right with you? I assume she'll be the spitting image of you. Mikoto said you predicted it, and you were right about these two, weren't you?"

Naruto actually blushed, "Yeah, I was."

"Papa's weird like that." Naoki laughed, blowing a kiss to his blonde father, who caught it and put it in the pocket of his jacket. Sasume laughed across from him, clapping his hands and saying 'papa' over and over again.

"No, 'Sume! Say daddy!" Naoki protested. His little brother simply giggled and said it louder.

"It's so obvious I'm his favorite." Naruto said smugly, elbowing his husband in the side. Sasuke just smirked and leaned further into this dobe's side.

The sounds of a door opening up down the hall made everyone freeze, Mikoto's soft humming reaching them from the foyer. The two little boys were up in a hurry, peering around the corner at the strange, singing woman. She had bags in her arms, her hair mess as she tried to balance herself.

"Fugaku, I hope you're up! There's a car in the driveway that isn't ours."

"We're in the den!" He called back, almost smirking at the sound of bags dropping on the floor as she burst into the room, tackling Sasuke before she got the chance to notice the kids still standing in the doorway.

"You're so biiiiig! I missed my baby so much! How could you leave me like that?! Oh, Naruto, you look so handsome! Give your mom a kiss, you idiot." Mikoto kept prattling on and on, stretched out over them both. Sasuke was starting to get a little worried; his mother's eyes were feverish, like she had taken drugs before this visit.

Then she realized she could hear children giggling.

"Are those my babies?" She whispered against Sasuke's cheek, feeling his nod more than seeing it. She lifted her head and gazed at the two, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth. "I knew you two would make beautiful babies." She giggled, standing up and sweeping both children into her arms. Naoki planted a wet kiss on her cheek, and Sasume lifted his arms in the air to be carried, smiling at her through his pacifier. "You're a pretty baby, yes, you are." Mikoto kissed his cheek, pulling Naoki along to the couch where she sat with both of them in her lap. "So who's who?" She asked.

"I'm Naoki, and this is Sasume. Papa says 'Tori isn't here yet!" The little raven explained, as Sasuke pulled Naruto up from the couch and into the hallway where his mother's groceries were scattered.

"Things are going good." Naruto said smugly, helping his husband to clean up the bags. Sasuke gripped his wrist and pulled him closer, sealing their lips together softly. For a minute the blonde forgot where they were, as he dropped a hand to grab at the raven's ass. "Hmmm. I wonder what your dad would say if he saw us like this." The blonde wondered, bending to pick up the rest of the groceries on the ground, hoisting them into his arms. When they passed the den, neither of Sasuke's parents noticed. They were too caught up in spoiling the hell out of their grandchildren.

"Are we staying for the night?" Naruto asked, setting the groceries down on the kitchen counter. After the two men put the food way, they headed back to the den, hands laced together. Sasume looked up as they walked back into the room, and he cooed happily as he raised his arms to Naruto.

"Up." He smiled, wriggling in Mikoto's arms. The blonde lifted the little boy high into the air before bringing him down again, kissing his cheek and rocking him back and forth in his arms. Sasume giggled and tired to grab his papa's hair, but Naruto quickly moved his head out of reach.

"Oi, what'd I tell you about hair pulling, mini-Sasuke? You'll make me bald before I'm thirty!" Naruto said sternly, but the meaning of his words were lost on his younger son. Sasume just giggled more and tried to grab his hair again. "Heh, you're father used to do that to my hair, too. Actually, he still-ow!"

This time, it was his husband that grabbed his hair.

"I'm daddy, remember?" He smirked, leaning over Naruto's shoulder to make faces at Sasume. The smaller raven held out his arms for Sasuke, whining slightly when he couldn't sit up straight. The blonde readily handed the baby over, and sat back on the couch across from his in-laws. A few minutes later Sasuke joined him with Sasume wriggling on his lap.

"Are you planning to go home tonight?" Mikoto asked nonchalantly, rubbing noses with Naoki and smiling.

"Can we stay here, daddy?" Naoki asked, twisting in Mikoto's arms to give his father his hand-me-down puppy eyes, courtesy of the one and only Uzumaki Naruto. Sasuke instantly caved, hanging his head.

"We have no crib for 'Sume." Naruto added in an afterthought, which brought Sasuke's head right back up.

"We made a nursery upstairs in case this ever happened." Mikoto smirked, making Sasuke's head go right back down again. Naruto laughed and rubbed his head, thinking about yo yos. "What? You don't want to stay with your loving mother?" She pouted, losing it when Naoki touched her lip and laughed.

"I don't think that's the problem." Naruto muttered awkwardly, coughing into his fist as he looked way, Sasuke's head snapped back up as he glared at the blonde, blushing darkly. "Ah hah, did I just say that out loud?" Naruto laughed.

"Well, we could take the kids off your hands for a night. You know, get to know them better." Fugaku suggested, just as awkwardly, his eyes looking between them. Sasuke let out a loud groan as he hid his face in Sasume's shoulder, the little baby grabbing handfuls of his hair and pulling it.

"There you go, 'Sume! Make daddy bald!" Naruto laughed, rubbing Sasuke's shoulder. "Anywho, I think that was H-E-L-L yes. You don't know how long it's been since-"

"-seven moths…"

"You kept track?" Naruto raised an eyebrow, shrugging it off before he could get caught up in the moment. "We'd really appreciate it. We haven't gotten a good night's rest in years."

"That's fine. You can use Sasuke old room for, uh, sleep." Mikoto scrunched her face up at the thought, standing up with Naoki tightly in her arms. Fugaku relinquished Sasume, actually nuzzling his cheek in the baby's soft hair. "We'll be back in an hour or so. We'll be bring home dinner, too, so don't be too long." She winked at them as he grabbed the diaper bag, and the paper bag of toys, and started walking down the hallway. "And don't forget to bring Satori when she's born, you two!" She added.

"See you later, daddy and papa!" Naoki yelled back to them, followed by Sasume's yell of 'bye bye'. Naruto snorted as he curled into Sasuke's side, placing his hand on the ravens' thigh just as the front door opened and closed. He thought it as a little weird sending their children away with people they just met, but both Sasume and Naoki seemed comfortable with them.

"So, teme, you wanna take them up on their offer?" The blonde man wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, making his husband break out into a wide smile.

"You bet your ass, dobe." Sasuke smirked, before seizing his hand and pulling the other man up the familiar stairs. He felt like they were sixteen all over again, but without the sneaking around bit. This was much better, and he had his children, husband, and his parents to thank for this blessed moment.

His little piece of Heaven.
