A/N: Okay, so read over it then go to my profile and vote, and pm me if you want to add anything at all!

One shot/Maybe Story | Don't trust me.

Prologue/Summary thingie-mabobber –

- Takes place during the poker night in season 5.

- Logan/Tristan.

- It will be a Rogan.

-Follows some of the show.

- AU-ish Rory.

- Rory was in prep school far all of jr. and all of high school.

- Balconybuddy.

- Chris set a record of 26 different prep schools grades 9-12.

- Rory broke his record making it 34 schools grades 7-12.

- Rory still is the good girl, just with a lot more Lorelai and Chris in her. (Meaning she still has straight A's, and loves books, but is super crazy.)

- She met Tristan in 7th grade, half way through the first semester. He was the new kid there and was expelled from his last school for some odd reason or other.

Very few people know her as Rory Gilmore, only the Gilmores, Haydens and Tristan knew her secret. The rest of the world knew her as Lorelai Hayden, the most incredible women on the planet.