Okay, so this is the product of seeing a picture of Toushiro in a tux and listening to "Taiyou no Namida" by NEWS. Enjoy!




"Hai," Hitsugaya Toushiro stepped slightly out of the line of taichous as General Yamamoto called his name.

"For years, Kurosaki Ichigo has served the Seritei well," The general paused.

Other than a few incidents, Toushiro thought in the short silence that followed.

"I believe you've met Kurosaki Karin… his sister?"

"Yes." Why was he asking about Karin? Toushiro wondered. It was true that they had met during the short time that he had visited the world of the living, and they had kicked off a sort of loose friendship…

"The Seritei proposed a… arranged marriage to Kurosaki's sister," The general continued.

Being the child-prodigy he was, Hitsugaya Toushiro suddenly found that he did not like where this conversation was heading.

"Therefore, Hitsugaya-taichou, you are to be married to Kurosaki Karin before the year is up."

Toushiro stared in shock at the general. Yes, he had known it was coming, but as Yamamoto spoke those dreaded words, he still found himself in shock.

Murmurs circled the room and in the part of his mind that wasn't drenched in shock, the part that said "I told you," registered that the 12 other taichous in the room minus Ukitake and Kyoraku, were just as shocked. Apparently, Yamamoto had told no one but his two students of his plans.

"If I may ask," It was Ukitake who first stepped away from the line of taichous to speak. "Is it necessary?" He glanced at Toushiro and the shocked boy saw pity in his eyes.

"Yes, it is." And Yamamoto's voice was ice as he spoke.


Yeah. Sorry. It's short. My bad.