A/N: I wrote this bit on the bus and in English, listening to 'Secret Valentine' by We the Kings. (I think.) I'm glad you guys liked it, so I'm doing the second bit for you. I probably would have anyways, but still. =) I have a lot of fun writing for this pairing, but forgive me if Gokudera seems a little OOC here. *Sweatdrop* But then, how could Gokudera write what is, essentially a LOVE LETTER without seeming at least a tad OOC? Well, read and review please, as constructive criticism is very, very welcome. In fact, it's borderline WORSHIPPED for this story! XD


Yamamoto sat at his kitchen table, eating a bowl of cereal and a banana. He flipped through the sports section of the paper, grumbling about the baseball teams and how his favorite team didn't make it to the playoffs. Regardless of his favourite team's status in the league, he was in a relitivitaly good mood. He had gotten a letter to Gokudera saying everything he couldn't say to the bomber's face. He was pretty sure it would go over well and that Gokudera would actually be quite pleased by it.

He paused, hearing a small shuffling outside his front door.

The rain guardian stood up, walking to the door. Maybe it was Reborn or the others.

He opened the door to an empty street, but in his mailbox was a small white envelope.

Yamamoto picked it up and walked inside, shutting the door on his way in. He sat at the table and sliced the envelope open, noticing that there was no name on the outside.

I think it was stupid that you had to write a letter to me saying what you could have said to my face in less than two minutes. However, I can see that you were simply trying to brighten my day, and having said that, the truth is it did. I might as well continue the chain of letters, but next time you have something to say, you might as well say it to me in person.'

The baseball player smiled. That paragraph sounded so like Gokudera, he couldn't help it.

'Because you're so obsessed with baseball.

Because you know when to take control, and when I want to try initiating something myself.

Because I know you really are trying to understand those math problems.

You've never tried to hurt me.

Because you're always with me.

Because of your voice, and the way it changes ever so slightly when you're talking to me.

The way you look at me. I've never seen you look at anyone else like that.

Because you're not afraid.

When you can't quite fix your tie, and I have to do it for you.

You idiot, of course I remember the baseball lesson. Now that you brought it up, I wont be able to walk normally for an hour. Thanks a lot.

That stupid smile you get when you hit a homerun.

That stupid smile you have anytime.

No matter how frustrated I am with you, you always make me forget about it.

The way you look when you eat.

When you call me your thunder, or make stupid rain and storm analogies. Even though it's super-cheesy, I love them.

When we makeout. Anytime, anywhere.

Because your first though in any situation is to protect those around you.

Your stupid laugh. However dumb it is, I find it unbelievably alluring.

How everything you do is unbelievably alluring.

The way you look in your baseball uniform. Or school uniform. Or wrapped up in bandages, or shirtless. It's hot no matter what you're wearing, I can't resist, and that's so unfair.

When I get lonely at home and you let me come over.

When I sleep later than you and wake up to find that you've made me breakfast. For an idiot, you're suprisingly good at that.

The way you pull me onto the bed.

Because you are YOU, Yamamoto Takeshi, and nobody could ever replace that. You are the rain in my storm, and I wouldn't exist the same way without you. I love you.

But so help me, if anyone besides you ever sees this letter, I will blow your fucking head off.

-Gokudera Hayato'