He waited outside her porch, the lights in her apartment off. He wondered where she'd gone at the late hour and hoped it wasn't out to a bar or worse—finding herself another man. He knew he didn't have the right to be jealous or claim her for himself yet he felt all he shouldn't be feeling.

Silently he was relieved when he saw a cab pulling up out front and saw her blonde hair as the door opened. She used her cane, slowly and meticulously to get out from the cab.

"Peter?" She paid the driver, quite surprised he was sitting outside her apartment waiting for her. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't exactly give me a key," he joked.

"No, I didn't," she smiled staring at him for a moment longer than necessary. "Come on, let's head inside," she offered inviting him in as she carefully walked up the stairs and inside her building. She used her cane for support as she approached the elevator, hitting the up button.

"I could have done that for you," he chuckled standing beside her.

"Still offering to carry my bags?" She teased him right back. It was the only way she knew how to cope. She wasn't used to people doing things for her, taking care of her, looking after her. This was all so knew to her.

The elevator doors opened and she hobbled in first, using her cane, hitting the button for her floor before Peter stepped in beside her. "Lucky for me your bags are already inside." He smiled staring at her, watching her intently. He knew she'd been through a lot and she talked to him but nearly as much as he hoped she would.

The elevator stopped on her floor and he held the door as she stepped out, walking to her apartment and unlocking the door. She flipped on the lights and Peter locked up behind her. "Making yourself at home?" She threw him a smile over her shoulder as she walked further into her kitchen, grabbing herself a drink.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Peter asked watching her intently.

"I'm not on the pain killers anymore, if that's why you're asking." She caught his stare. "Do you want a drink?"

"I'll get it, you sit. Please, 'Livia." He wanted to help her.

"Okay, okay." She smiled finding a seat on her couch, waiting for him to bring two glasses and the bottle of liquor back with him. "Thanks," she breathed taking the glass off his hands and bringing it to her lips, swallowing the liquid feeling it burn on its way down.

"So where were you?" Peter asked knowing it was none of his business but unable to stop himself from asking.

"Jealous?" She smiled reaching for the bottle pouring herself another glass. "I went to see Sam Weiss."

"Sam Weiss," Peter repeated not recognizing the name. "Who's that?"

"Just---someone a friend recommended I talk to." Olivia watched him take a sip from his cup, having a seat with her on the sofa. She could feel him beside her and she instantly shuddered.

"Oh you mean a therapist," Peter nodded. "That's good, I mean after what you've been through, though I can't imagine trying to explain the truth to them," he frowned. He knew if she told a psychologist about alternate realities and her experience they'd probably think she had brain damage or was insane.

"Sam isn't a therapist." Olivia smiled weakly shaking her head.

"Oh," Peter watched her, trying to figure out who this Sam character was. He hated to feel she could confide in someone else but not him. "Care to elaborate?" He was hoping she'd trust him enough to open up, talk.

"Nina suggested I speak with him."

"Nina? As in Nina Sharp?" Peter shook his head.'

"Yeah, she stopped by earlier. Gave me his information. I wasn't going to visit him, but I needed some answers."

Peter nodded slowly. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"I don't know," she confessed, emitting a soft sigh. "You're mad at me?" Olivia asked sensing something in his voice, her hand reached out, touching his arm. "Peter," she sighed, "is this about what happened at the house?" She knew she'd probably been trigger happy. It wasn't a good thing but she'd deal with it. She wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

"No, it's about you not talking to me." There he said it. Her hand dropped from his as Peter finished his glass and poured himself another one.

Olivia sighed seeing the hurt and anguish behind his eyes. "Peter, that's not true," she had confided in him. The moment she woke up, when she didn't know what happened but that she'd been somewhere, she wanted him. She trusted him, more than anyone. Didn't he know that?

He stared at the bottle, unable to look at her. He didn't believe her, how could he? She'd spoken with Nina, visited a complete stranger and hadn't talked to him since she was in the hospital---not really.

"Peter," her voice was stronger, sterner this time. "God what is with you!"

"I don't like being kept in the dark," his eyes turned, staring at her, knowing if he pushed her she'd probably close herself off to him. It wasn't his intention. He knew she'd share, he just wasn't sure he could wait. What if something else happened to her? What if she disappeared again or worse? He couldn't think like that but it was hard not to.

"I'm not doing it on purpose," she sighed leaning her head back on the sofa, letting her eyes close feeling frustration setting in further. "Do you have any idea what it's like to go somewhere, for everyone close to you to tell you that you were gone, and not to remember it?"

"You will remember," Peter breathed. Honestly he didn't care if she didn't. He just wanted them to be what they were before she left. Although she hadn't told him she was going to New York and it seemed now, without her remembering why—he'd never find the answer either.

"Maybe, one day," she shrugged opening her eyes, turning her head, staring at him. "I'm not sure I want to, Peter. I'm not sure I can take remembering. What if my body is protecting me? What if forgetting is better, safer?"

"I can't believe you traveled to another reality just to forget it." His eyes shined and a faint smile fell to his lips. "I thought I lost you, 'Livia."

"I know." She'd heard it all before. Since she'd woken up, everyone she saw, everyone she spoke with, they thought she was dead.

She didn't know though. She didn't know how he really felt. "You don't," he breathed shaking his head, shifting closer his hand finding her cheek. "You can't die on me 'Livia."

She felt her heart skip a beat at his touch against her skin. Feeling butterflies in her stomach she smiled nervously, "oh I don't plan on it."

Unable to fight temptation he leant in, wanting and needing her to know how much he cared for her. How much he loved her. Not even he realized how connected they were until he thought he lost her. In that moment he believed it had been too late. Never again was he going to make the same mistake. His lips gently brushed against hers, not wanting to startle her. He didn't want her to push him away and hoped the soft kiss was enough to rouse the desires within her.

"Peter?" She rasped feeling his lips gently pulling away. Her cheeks were red and her eyes closed leaning in pausing just before another kiss. She didn't want to stop. "Do you hear that?"

"No, what?" He smiled admiring the look on her face, his thumb stroking her cheek.

"I hear your heartbeat," she breathed knowing it sounded crazy. It was pounding furiously in his chest, much like her own.

"Yeah?" He laughed not quite believing her. "It's that loud? I can hear yours too."

"No, Peter. It's why I went to see Sam today." She knew this was killing the mood but the loud rhythm sound of his heart pumping wasn't exactly making it easy to concentrate on kissing him either. It was almost deafening.

"Wait, what?" Peter frowned trying to wrap his head around what she was saying. She was being literal? "You can actually hear my heart?" He laughed nervously, for a moment wondering if Walter had rubbed off on her.

"Yeah but it comes and goes. The supersonic hearing," she joked shaking her head. "Okay the name needs some work and I think it's a temporary result of traveling between dimensions." She smiled weakly, "I know I sound crazy and I'm not making this up just so we stop kissing because trust me, I'd really like to continue this elsewhere," she breathed staring at him.

Her eyes were dark and the smile on her face told him she was being honest. "What can I do?" Peter asked not knowing how to help her. It was no wonder she hadn't said anything to him earlier, but it all made sense---hearing something in the house, her distraction at the police station---he should have figured it out. Though how would he have guessed such a thing?

"Help me relax?" She laughed nervously. "I don't know. It comes and goes. Right now, I don't hear anything weird but sometimes, it gets too loud. Earlier when I was taking a bath---"

"Stop that sentence," Peter smiled imagining her in the tub. He knew it was something that should have been off limits but he no longer cared.

"You are---something else." Olivia laughed shaking her head. "Come with me to bed?"

"Are you sure?" He asked wondering if it was such a good idea. He wanted to, he had for months now but would this change things between them? He didn't want to risk that or her health. "The doctors probably want you to take it easy 'Livia."

"You thought I meant sex?" Olivia smiled, "that's so cute," she teased him standing up and grimacing as she reached for her cane. Walking was hell. Sex would be good but----likely painful right now. Just thinking about another made her grimace. It wasn't that she couldn't have sex, it was the bruises that still hurt, her leg was healing, it wouldn't be like how she wanted for their first time together. She'd be glad when she was fully healed. Until then she'd have to make do.

Peter smiled rolling his eyes, "how about I carry you to bed?" He lifted her before she could answer, feeling her arms around his neck as his hands held under her knees bringing her into the bedroom. Without even asking, he knew which room it was. He didn't know how, he just knew.

"You don't even let me answer, do you?" She laughed feeling him putting her down against the mattress.

His body hovered above hers. "I should probably go." He knew what he wanted but didn't want to come on too strong.

"Stay, Peter." She kept her arms around his neck. "Lay with me, please."

"Okay," he nodded feeling her hands let go as he climbed over her small frame, moving to lie beside her on the bed. "About that kiss earlier," he couldn't ignore it.

"You kissed me," she smiled shifting as best she could onto her side. "Yeah, what about it?" Her hand reached out, snaking into his hair, gently touching him. She wanted him to know he was as emotionally involved as she was.

Peter emitted a soft breath, surprised by her touch. It was comforting and strangely familiar as if they did this all the time. "Ever since you woke up in the hospital, I wanted to do that." He answered. "No, actually I wanted to do that before the accident," he smiled, "I just couldn't figure out the timing."

"So you came over tonight to kiss me?" That honestly surprised her. She hadn't any idea why he came by but the fact he did it to kiss her, shocked her more than anything.

"One of many things." Peter smiled wrapping an arm around her waist.

Olivia's eyes lit up. "Oh do tell."

"You would make me, wouldn't you?" Peter laughed snuggling closer to her. His breath tickled her ear as his lips grazed the skin of her neck. He kissed her softly and gently seeing the bruise peeking out and knowing she still had to be in a lot of pain. He didn't want to hurt her further. "Somehow I think it wouldn't be appropriate but if you can read my thoughts, maybe you'll find out that way."

"So having supersonic hearing isn't enough?" Olivia laughed. "That's just great! You're going to make me into a superhero." She laughed grimacing as she felt her ribs and stomach hurting.

Peter saw the smile turn quickly into a frown and his stomach sank, hoping he didn't hurt her, "What's wrong?" Gently his hands grazed her stomach, trying to comfort her any way he could.

"Just too much laughter," she smiled letting her eyes close as she shifted closer, letting his body give her strength and warmth. "Laughing hurts."

"That doesn't sound so bad," though he knew she would be healing for awhile. "It's better than crying," he kissed her lips softly feeling her leaning in. Her hands gripped his shirt between them. "Do you want to get changed for bed?" He knew it was getting late and could feel himself growing tired. "I can wait in the living room for you?" He was trying to be a gentleman.

"Stay in here. It's not like you haven't seen it all before," she pretended not to care. He'd seen her more than once going into the tank and though it hadn't been the most comfortable experience, she didn't mind his attention either. "Actually, can you grab me something to change into?" She asked sitting up, untangling herself from his grasp as she pointed to her dresser. "The top drawer on the left has my pajamas. Just find something loose for me, please."

Peter climbed off the bed and opened the top drawer, a smile glued to his face seeing some of her lingerie mixed in with a few t-shirts and sweatpants.

"I can hear your heart pounding again," Olivia smiled teasing him, knowing she had some sexier clothes on top.

"Really?" Peter turned around curiously, wondering how the ability worked.

Olivia laughed, "no. I just wanted to see your face." She smiled watching as he handed her a shirt and sweats.

"How about I help you out of your work clothes?" This time he was the one wanting to see her reaction.

"Sure," she smiled knowing that this could be fun. Maybe it was the hour or the fact they'd been kissing that dropped her inhibitions. She knew it couldn't be the liquor, she hadn't consumed enough.

He hadn't expected her to agree but he didn't think she'd let him stay in the room when she changed either. She was full of surprises. "Are you sure you're not 'Livia from the alternate universe?" He teased her, helping her with the buttons and carefully easing her out of her blouse. He tried to grimace at the large bruise he saw on her shoulder and back, doing his best not to touch it either. He knew it must have hurt. It looked awful.

"I guess we'll never know," she smiled through the pain, gritting her teeth as she slid the t-shirt on. Once it was on she groaned as she worked at removing her bra through the arms, still trying to keep a hint of modesty. Maybe she pretended not to care but she honestly did.

Peter didn't say a word. He watched her, feeling himself growing hotter by the second. "Pants next?" He was giving her the option to stop now.

"Yeah," Olivia nodded. "I can't sleep comfortably in these," she told him, letting him help her. She unzipped and shifted her hips, letting him help her out of her slacks. She hadn't realized how much easier it was with a little help. "Thanks," she smiled climbing under the covers foregoing her sweatpants.

"You're sleeping like that?" Peter asked trying not to act surprised.

"Well not entirely, you need to take some of those off." Olivia gestured towards his clothes, "then climb under here and warm me up."

He stared at her for a moment, wondering if she was joking. When she didn't laugh he pulled off his shirt and undid his pants, leaving his boxers on before climbing into bed beside her.

"Let me know if anything hurts," he couldn't help but worry, after having seen her bruises. He rested a hand on her hip, being careful not to cause her any pain.

"I'm okay," for that moment, she actually felt as if she were. With his hand against her skin, everything felt all right for the first time in a long time.


Originally this was to be a one-off. I could continue it, if there's any interest. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks!
