Blinding white light surrounded her. The pain was gone from her body. She felt strangely at peace. It was okay.

Blinking against the brightness, she reached up and shielded her eyes against the light that seemed to come from everywhere. Her dark, worn clothes had been replaced by a soft white summer dress that brought out the bronze tone of her skin. Despite herself, she smiled. It looked nice.

The sense of being watched startled her, and she slowly raised her head. Gasping, her hand flew to her mouth. She wanted to say something, but could not form a coherent thought, never mind a whole sentence. The sense of language was lost to her. Tears sprang to her eyes as she took a step towards him. He looked perfect, the white pants and shirt illuminating him, catching the light. He smiled, the dimples she loved so much showing.

As she came to a halt in front of him, he took her face into his hands and softly kissed her forehead. She whispered his name, the name that had meant so much to her. The white headscarf covering her hair fluttered in a soft breeze.

They were reunited again. Brother and sister, as it should be.

He drew her into a loving embrace and rocked her gently. As she opened her eyes and looked over his shoulder, her breath hitched, tears finally breaking free. The man she loved stood in the distance, patiently awaiting his turn.

Blackness. Nothing more than eternal darkness. Perhaps she deserved this. Killer that she was.

Pain. Never ending pain that surged through her entire body, making her feel like she was being picked by thousands of needles while on fire.

Loud noises. A loud rushing, something pulsing in the air around her. A shrill beeping sound.

Something tucked at her hand. She wanted to scream in pain. But her mouth would not open. It felt like it was full of cotton. Not a single sound escaped her.

Tears sprang to her eyes. She did not try to blink them away but let them fall. A tiny sob escaped her.

Her mind was not able to form a coherent thought. The pain was blinding, hot white in the darkness that surrounded her.

If this was her version of hell, it was pretty good at doing its job and torturing her.

The End

I actually enjoyed writing this. Hopefully, the fight scene did not suck as much as I think it did. Imagining it is easy, putting the pictures into words isn't.

For all those who hated Kadira: I loved writing her scenes. She's a nice character, in a twisted sense.

I realize that Michael Rivkin did not have to be in there. I also realize that Eli David did not play that much of a role, besides ordering the killing of Kadira. It did, however, illustrate what would certainly happen to the group if they were caught by Mossad. I never liked Rivkin, not just because I'm a Tiva-shipper [most of the time, though she does have her moments with Gibbs in S3]. He was cold and manipulating. Perhaps he loved her, but certainly not as much as she did. He used her to get information, and betraying someone's trust is the worst thing to do in a relationship.

I want to thank you all for your reviews and alerts and favs of this story. It means a lot to me.

As for the prequel, if, and that's a fat if, I post it, it won't be soon. The stuff I have already written is pretty raw, and needs to be rewritten before anything can be published. If it ever will be.

Again, a huge THANK YOU for your support during this story. It is very much appreciated.