From Birthday to Birthday

This alternative episode of TDI contains extreme stunts preformed by our favorite animated teens. Do not try any of what you see here in real life. Seriously…this is a Birthday gift not a lawsuit.

Chapter One: Bittersweet Strawberries


Without waiting for an answer, Izzy proceeded to shove the fruit into the downcast Homeschooler's mouth. Ezekiel's eyes widened in shock and his hands flew up to his mouth. Izzy tsked shaking her head from side to side as the brunet coughed violently.

A sudden slap to his back forced the remains of the fruit out of his esophagus. Taking several deep breaths, Ezekiel turned teary eyes on his savior. Offering a brief smile at Harold, the homeschooler turned his attention back to their table.

Izzy scowled. "Zekey is still upset." Harold nodded back with a frown. "He should. I am too, but my team lost. Ezekiel WON the challenge for his team." The red head gasped before wild green eyes narrowed.

"E-venger hasn't heard that one…tell E-venger everything." Harold nodded ignoring Izzy's latest alter ego before explaining what had occurred less then an hour prior.

"You useless cretins!! How could you LOSE to a SEXIST SLUG!" Courtney roared out angrily as she yanked the bow out of the brick house's hand and threw it harshly to the ground. Nearby the members of The Screaming Trekkers were jumping up and down excitedly around a grinning Ezekiel.

The prairie boy much to the CIT's joy had been chosen against DJ for the Bow and Arrow paint obstacle course challenge. While his team had greatly bemoaned their luck, The Killer Finders had rejoiced.

The joy had only continued when Chris had proceeded to taunt the homeschooler by mentioning just how bad a shot the brunet was. Unfortunately for them the continuous jabs made about his mother had somehow set off the quiet brunet.

Though DJ was by far faster then the other male, Ezekiel had easily caught up when it came to the targets. With one quick shot the paint buckets, over his teammates toppled. This accuracy had proved to be the Finders downfall.

A happy Chris watched the whole thing in eager delight. The insults, the hate and the more insults….he loved it all. And being the considering host he was he decided to make the "happy" scene even more delightful.

"So Congrads to the Trekkers for trekking their way to victory! As for The Killer Finders…no Bridge Ceremony tonight!" As Chris's words sank in the cheers of the Trekkers ended and the protests began.

Grinning happily the sadist proceeded to pull out a Birthday hat and put it on his head before proceeding to blow into a party streamer. Ignoring the explorers' confusion, the host grinned wickedly at the group.

"Oh did I forget to mention that today is everyone's FAVVVVVORITE little CIT's 18th Birthday?" Courtney's annoyance instantly faded and she smiled proudly while Geoff let out a whoop of delight.

Before the party animal could speak, Chris continued. "And thanks to her parents lawsuit we're throwing their darling little… a Birthday party complete with Cake and Ice Cream!!" Chris's declaration of course incited more cheers.

The narcissist's grin grew as he added the kicker. And Courtney as the Birthday Girl you get to decide just WHO should be voted off! On the Finders AND on the Trekkers!" Ignoring the large amount of upset protests, the host focused in on the CIT.

Courtney smirked. "Harold of course and Ezekiel. Both of you are rather useless and it is MY Birthday after all." Not surprisingly Harold was the first to protest. Ezekiel on the other hand his face was pale.

"Boot it's noot-"

"Harold, Zeke you heard the CIT! After the cake and ice cream and the traditional B-Day song your butts are out of here!"

"It's…noot FAIR!!!"

Ezekiel roared out slamming his fists on the table and startling his companions. Harold sighed. "Of course it wasn't. It was like Wolverine discovering his best friend was taken over as a pawn for Sinister."

Izzy and Ezekiel looked over at Harold in confusion and he grinned back sheepishly. Izzy shrugged before reaching for the bowl of strawberries. Shoving strawberry after strawberry into her mouth she waited for Ezekiel's reaction.

"I doon't knoo who Wolverine oor who that other guy is eh, boot that's noot….I'm noot mad because of that eh." Taking a shuddering breath he continued. "It's…it's my Birthday today too eh…and having to eat strawberry cake instead of chocolate…."

Ezekiel let out another sigh and stared back down at the table. Izzy spit out the remains of half eaten strawberries coating Harold's face and glasses with the gooey red liquid. While the auburn haired nerd coughed and started to clean his glasses, Izzy pounced.

"My Zeke's Birthday?! And he got kicked off TDW for it? And on his Birthday! No No No!! E-venger will not let this go unpunished! Just give me some red ants! And Gertie and Bertie…ooh! And lots and lots of green jello! But first E-venger needs a telephone!"

"A telephone?" Harold asked incredulity while Izzy rapidly nodded her head. "Yep!! It's Zeke's birthday and she's going to do it! And no one will stop her either!"

The phone in Izzy's hand rang monotonously. Izzy though didn't seem to care and she even proceeded to imitate the beeps. Just when both males had reached their breaking points the phone clicked.

Izzy grinned. "See?! E-venger knew we would get through!" Izzy declared earning a chuckle from the other end of the phone. "Well I'm glad you did Miss…This is Necro Michael and you are caller Number 48!"

Izzy let out a happy screech, Harold grinned and Ezekiel just looked plain confused. "Alright! So what did Izzy win? New shoes? A piranha cage? Or maybe even one of those talking robot dogs from Japan?"

The person on the other end chuckled loudly. "Well I don't know about those prizes Miss Izzy, but we do have a signed poster of Chris McClain, concert tickets to the Army Core Ballet as well as a family 5 pack Cruise up for grabs. All you have to do is guess the right door and-"

"Door 1!!!" Izzy bellowed out before jumping up and down. "That's right isn't it? Yay!!! Awesome! We get to go on a cruise to somewhere that's not here! Oooh I hope there's Bears! And Snakes!"

Necro Michael let out another chuckle at her enthusiasm before proceeding to explain. "Actually Miss Izzy while you did correctly pick the Cruise door you need to now answer all the questions correctly to win."

Harold's grin now matched Izzy's. "Lay them on us Necro Michael! Our buddy had a super lousy 18th Birthday and this is just the thing to make it up to him! As a veteran of Stealthy Sam's Possum Scouts we will not let him down!"

The doors to the restaurant opened admitting Gwen and Noah. The latter of course had his nose stuffed in a book. Constant shouts about pickled coconuts and other bizarre foods had both Goth and Noah raising an eyebrow.

Not far away was Izzy with the latest vote offs from Total Drama Wilderness. Izzy and Harold were shouting things into a phone Ezekiel held. A few seconds later Izzy let out a victorious howl before leaping across the table and colliding with the prairie boy.

Goth, Nerd and Know-it-all collectively winced at the thud. "Do we even want to know?" Noah drawled fixing the taller teen with a bored glare. In response Harold grinned back.

Imagi's Ramblings: So that's the first part…there will be much more...Necro hope you liked and Happy Birthday to you!!!! :D

To other people…I'm giving my poll one more week before I replace it with another one. :D

Again Happy B-Day Necro!!!
