DISCLAIMER: I don't own CCS,CLAMP does..

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yay... my 3rd fic in CCS!Hope it's okay. A 'gift' for humbleblossom-paulina and korin-chan07. Sorry it took so long to be published here, guys.. okay, enough of me, lets get on to the story!

A sillhouete of a couple was seen in front of the girl's house. The auburn haired girl with dazzling emerald eyes was talking to her beloved boyfriend, a handsome and not to mention cute guy, with his tousled chestnut hair and matching amber eyes.

"I love you, Sakura," said Syaoran as both of them arrived at Sakura's house.

"I love you too, Syaoran," she replied lovingly. "Take care and bye bye,my dear little wolf," she added playfully.

She took a step towards the porch but her movement was stopped when Syaoran suddenly pulled her hand, gently but with a firm grip.

Sakura turned around, meeting Syaoran's face that is inches away from hers.

"What is it?" she asked, half amused.

"No good night kiss for me?" he asked as he pouted and put on the 'cute puppy face look'.

"Nope.." Sakura replied with a small giggle. Syaoran looked so cute like that.

"Fine, well,I'm going then," Syaoran replied in pretended sadness.

Sakura sighed, she just can't resist him. She knew it and so did he.

"Alright, fine, come here you cry baby," she said teasingly, as Syaoran turned to her with a wolfish grin on his face.

He tilted her face and caressed her cheeks. Sakura closed her eyes, waiting in anticipation and seconds later felt Syaoran's soft lips against hers. They were kissing passionately when suddenly a noise interrupted them, a sound much like the sound of the door being ripped off its hinges. Both of them parted in shock when a familiar voice was heard shouting at Syaoran.

"OI! You gaki! What are you doing to my sister?!" shouted Touya angrily as he discovered the couple glued together at the porch.

"Oh,no... Touya," Syaoran sighed. "Well, I'll take my leave now, my cherry blossom," he bid her goodbye, but not before he planted another brief kiss on her cheek. Sakura was taken aback by the sudden attack.

"Mou, Syaouran-kun..." she pouted.

"Matta ne, Sakura-chan," he dashed with a wink before Touya can catch up to him.

Sakura flopped on her bed after she took her shower. She had been exhausted today, going to the amusement park with Syaoran was so much fun. Sakura's fingers then unconciously moved to her lips, reminiscing the kisses Syaoraan had gave her today, not to forget the 'surprise' kiss he gave her before escaping Touya's wrath. She also remembered that Syaoran had sneaked up on her while she was waiting for him at the amusement park, causing her to shriek loudly and was utterly humiliated to the people around her.

"Syaoran had been a naughty boy today," thought Sakura.

Sakura then smiled wickedly, for an idea formed inside her head, a plot of revenge.

Three days later..

Syaoran and Sakura was coming out from a cinema after they watched a horror movie, which resulted in Sakura clinging to Syaoran until the end of the movie.

They both strolled to a garden nearby, it was spring, so the flowers had blossomed prettily. Suddenly, Sakura tugged at Syaoran, as she seated herself on one of the bench near her.

"What is it, Sakura?Are you tired?" Syaoran asked worriedly.

"No,..not really. It's just that I had something to tell you," Sakura replied, her head hanging down.

"I'm sorry for not being honest with you," Sakura took a deep breath to muster all of her courage before continuing her sentence,

"Syaoran, I'm..i'm pregnant." she finally said, her confession was accompanied by tears rolling down her cheeks.

Syaoran was chuckling lightly, thinking that Sakura was only fooling around. "You're joking,right?"

"I'm sorry, Syaoran. But I'm not trying to pull your leg here. I'm serious." said Sakura, hoping that Syaoran took this matter seriously.

Instantly, Syaoran's laugh died. His face was nothing but shock. " couldn't be. You're lying, Sakura! Don't lie to me!" Syaoran's voice had risen.

"We never slept together...You can't be pregnant...We never went that far...You..." Syaoran was lost for words. He stood there, watching Sakura shuddering as she cried.

"This..this's not yours, Syaoran.." Sakura said between her sobs.

Once again, Syaoran's eyes were flashed with anger.

"What do you mean by that! If it wasn't mine, then who is the father of that baby?!Who is he?! How could you do this to me? What have I done to deserve this? Am I not giving you enough love? How could this to me..." Syaoran was beyond his limits, drops of tears begin to flow freely from his amber eyes. He was truly dissapointed by Sakura's confession.

"I'm sorry, Syaoran. I really am. Please don't leave me. I still love you.. I can't live without you..please.." Sakura begged to Syaoran.

"Stop it already! You don't have to pretend anymore! Never say the word love to me ever again! You're just pretending to love me so you can get
my sympathy, didn't you?! I should have known..our relation were just pretense!" he bellowed as he began to walk away from Sakura.

"No,Syaoran..stop..Let me explain this to you..wait Syaoran!" wailed Sakura, her eyes swimming in tears. She can't catch up to him. Her vision blurred. She tried to move forward but fell down instead...Her blurry vision turned dark and empty as she called his name.


** Hehehe... a cliffy!!(or is it?? I guess because i intended it to be..) ..what will happen next? stay with me to find out people!! Don't forget to review!! That's right,just click the button below. It won't bite, I and get ready for something shocking next chapter!