A/N: Alrite, so here is the final story in my 'On the Rag' trilogy! We see how Freddie deals with Sam and Carly separately, but what about them TOGETHER? Well, read and find out! I'll be updating this really soon, like, l8r tonight or tomorrow, so stay tuned (Although I don't think it's nearly as good as the Sam or Carly 1s, but enjoy anyway!) Told thru the eyes of Freddie!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Freddie's POV

"Carly, you look beautiful in the moonlight." I compliment her. We're in a luxurious field somewhere, a night all to ourselves. In the dark I see her faintly blush.

"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself." She's so cute when she's embarrassed.



"…I love you." And I lean in to kiss her, our lips meeting. What, why do her lips taste like…cloud block?!

I snapped my eyes open to find my mom standing over me rubbing Cloud Block all over my face.

"Mom?! What are you doing?"

"Fredward, what have I told you about leaving your window open at night? You could get a cloud burn in your sleep! Luckily we had some cloud block left!" Yeah, lucky me. I push my mom off me and get out of bed.

"Mom, I'm not gonna get a cloud burn! I'm fine, alright!" My mom stepped back, and, satisfied with the thick layer of lotion all over my face, smiled.

"Okay, little Freddikins (Ugh, I hate that nickname). Get dressed, and then come down for some wheat-free, gluten-free, taste-free pancakes!" She said happily as she left my room, calling over her shoulder, "And don't forget to wear your anti-bacterial underpants today!"

"MOM!" Why is she so embarrassing?! And I am not wearing anti-bacterial underpants again. They make me itch. In places. I walk over to my horrible rubber duck calendar and check to make sure it's not one of Sam's 'days'. Oh, thank God, I still have 2 weeks. Satisfied, I go over to my page-a-day desk calendar and rip it to the next page. Now let's see what my inspirational saying of the day is:

Your day's going to suck, buddy.

What? What kinda saying is that?! Is that supposed to make me happy? Cuz it isn't! I sigh, get dressed into a sweater-vest and jeans, then head downstairs and eat pancakes that taste like cat vomit with my mom. After that I go back up to my room and make some adjustments to . Finishing that, I look over at my clock. 11:34 am. Hm, maybe I'll go see Carly. As I get up I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. A new text? From Spencer?

From: Spencer

Freddie, w/e u do, DON'T come ovr 2day! If u no wats gud 4 u, DON'T COME OVR!!!

Okay, first my calendar, now Spencer?! What is sooo terrible about this day?! I send back a quick reply, then start heading downstairs.

To: Spencer

I hav 2. iCarly rehearsal, then iCarly l8r. Y? Wats th problem?

I don't wait for him to respond as I head into the hall and lightly knock on Carly's door.

"WHAT?!" Carly and Sam both scream from the other side. Weird. I would expect Sam to respond like that, but not Carly.

"It's Freddie."

"So?! You want a medal or something?!" Ugh, yeah, Sam THAT'S what I want!

"Sam, where's Carly?" I call through the closed door.

"Freddie, what do you want?" Huh? Carly never asked that! In fact, she never asked! She just opened the door!

"I-I just wanted to come in."

"Well, why the hell don't you then?! The door's OPEN!"

"Well, how was I supposed to know that, Sam?! You didn't tell me!" Uh-oh. She's coming, I can hear her! I should run, but now it's too late. Sam barges through the door, slams me against the wall, and lifts me off the ground by my neck.

"Why the hell should I?! Is it MY job to tell you to open the door?! No, Bensen, I don't think it is! Now, if I was you, for the rest of the day, I would shut my mouth, put a bag over my head, and sit in a corner!" Then for good measure she kneed me where no guy should be kneed, and dropped me to the ground. Wait, why is Sam like this today?! She only gets this way around her time of the month! And I have 2 more weeks, I checked this morning! I see Carly come around behind Sam, tears streaming down her face.

"Why are you guys always fighting? Can't we all just be friends?"

"Well, Sam started it!" Suddenly Carly looks mad. Wait, wasn't she just, like, really sad?

"I don't care WHO started it, Freddie! What makes you think I would?!" Huh?! Now she looks like she's gonna cry again!

"I-I'm sorry, F-Freddie, I'm such a mean person, you don't deserve a friend like me!" She stammered as she ran back into apartment 8=C crying. I am so confused. Suddenly Sam looks back down at me.

"Now look what you did! Carly saw your face and started crying! Good going, Freddork!" And then she kicked me in my stomach. I double over in pain as she stomps back into Carly's apartment, not bothering to shut the door behind her. I look in and see her plop on the couch next to Carly, whose holding a hot water bottle to her stomach. Oooh, great, it must be Carly's time of the month! Okay, that explains Carly's odd behavior, but it still doesn't explain why Sam would be…oh God. In health, the teacher said that when girls spend a lot of time together, their cycles can synch up.

"No, no that can't be it!" I thought frantically. "It's gotta be something else! It's gotta-" I was snapped outta my thoughts by Sam letting out a scream, doubling over in pain. Oh my God. OH. MY. GOD. This cannot be happening to me! I'm a good person! How am I supposed to deal with BOTH of them?!?! I stand up shakily, then remember: there's iCarly tonight! How are they supposed to do iCarly when their so…like this! Um, maybe I'll just ask them about that later. Like, late later.

"Um, C-Carly, I think I'm just gonna come back later, you know, for iCarly. So see ya?" I back towards my apartment slowly, thinking to myself, 'Can this day get ANY worse?!'

"Freddie, wait!" Carly called, taking some money from her pocket. "Can you go down to the store and buy us some pads?" In a word: Yeah. I can get worse. Much, much worse.

A/N: Ah, every guys worst nightmare, being asked to purchase pads lol! Soo did you like it? R&R, cuz it helps poor Freddie deal with Carly and Sam!