Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Chapter 2: I want to rule the world!

Sakura was pushed into a dark and damp room.

"Wait! Tell me where-" The door slammed as she rushed to it.

"-Naruto is going…" She ended with a whisper.

A chuckle sounded in the darkness.

Quelling a shiver, she turned and faced the masked man.

"What do you want?" Sakura glared defiantly at him.

"Sit down, I want to tell about your precious Konoha, the Uchiha clan, and the founding father of shinobis." He gestured to an old wooden chair in the dimly lit room.

Sakura sat on the rickety chair and was amazed it didn't collapse as she sat down; but it did creak with every slight movement of her body. It was stiff and uncomfortable. Madara plopped himself on one of the storage boxes nearby.

"Well…. Where to begin…"

As Madara talked, Sakura's eyes widened; then they filled with anger, tears, and remorse.

"Oh god… Sasuke-kun.." Tears leaked down her face and slid off her chin and onto her clenched fists. She knew from then on, she'd view Sasuke in a different light. Sakura had known about his past tragedy, but to learn about Itachi's good intentions hidden behind an impasse of evil, the Uchiha planning a coup de tat, and the Konoha's elders ordered the massacre made her sick to her stomach. Swallowing the bile that rose to her throat; she gazed at the masked man as a student would to a teacher. She wanted to know more… even if it killed her both emotionally or physically.

"Now about Rikudo Sage; he possessed the Jubi (ten tails)-"

"That's just a myth." Sakura remembered reading it as a child.

"No, not a myth; it's real. He was worshipped as a god and loved by the people. That is why I'm gathering the tailed beasts to unleash the ten tails that is trapped in the moon." Madara gazed up at the ceiling as if he could see past it and into the evening sky.

"Why tell me all of this?!" Sakura spat angrily. This man… was a psycho.

"Well my dear, I have special plans for you." Madara saw her shiver then.

"What plans?" Sakura closed her eyes; trying to will this all away as if it was a bad dream.

A finger grazed her chin and tilted her head up.

"Look at me." Madara said huskily.

Slowly, Sakura opened her eyes to see sharingan.

She gasped.

He stroked her cheek gently with the other hand, then going to play with wisps of her pink silky locks.

"Wh-who are you?" Sakura sat rigid, trying to ignore his touch.

"Madara Uchiha." He watched as a myriad of emotions played over her beautiful face.

"Yes, again, you would say I should be dead. I was born with an enormous amount of chakra that has allowed to let me live for this long. I was defeated by the First Hokage over eighty years ago."

Sakura was beginning to go numb with all this new information. It would boggle anyone's mind as to how he survived this long (as he was assumed dead) as well as his 'plans'….

"What do you plan to do once you possess the Jubi?"

As if in hell I'll let that happen…. Sakura thought as she awaited his answer.

Madara chuckled and ran a gloved thumb over her plump bottom lip.

"Simple: I want to rule the world. The countries will all unite and there will be no strife. Everyone will see things the way I do."

She tried to jerk her face away, only Madara gripped her chin harder and yanked it back to it's original position.

"No one will have any hopes or dreams! They will all be drones to your sick scheme to make people see the way you do!"

"Hope?" He said sinisterly, "There is no hope… that is just a word without meaning."

Sakura was struck by a thought…. What made him like this? Someone without hope? They would have had something terrible happen to them.

"Why do you say such things?" Sakura's voice quivered.

"My clan betrayed me when they thought I was going to stir up war again once Konoha was settled. My brother gave up his eyes to me just before the Senju asked for a peace treaty. I was the only voice of dissent. They made me leave the clan… I became an outsider. I was angry and wanted revenge, I released the Kyubi on Konoha but got defeated by the First at the valley of the end." Madara spoke with an icy tone.

All that rage… all that betrayal… sat in his mind for centuries.

Sakura almost felt sorry for him, but not quite.

Now this ghost of a man has lost his humanity and in a twisted sick mind he wanted to be accepted by people; even if it meant placing a genjutsu over the entire population. He wanted to be acknowledged.

Just like me….

Sakura remembered when all she could think of was being acknowledged by Sasuke… something she desperately craved with every fiber of her being. She first saw him with his clan at a festival when she was little, the next day she asked her parents to join the academy. Coming from a civilian family line and having a large forehead, she was picked on by her classmates. Except for Sasuke, he was always silent and reserved. It was hard and everyday was challenging, but seeing him made her want to try harder to succeed…. to be noticed.

"So, this is where you come in little blossom."

Madara's voice snapped her back into the present.

"I need to stock pile good eyes, meaning when the time comes; I want you to transfer Sasuke's eyes into mine."

"What? No.." Sakura whispered, "Please don't."

"You cannot stop me, no one can." Madara leaned in, his mask almost touching her lips.

She suddenly became frightened with the new closeness.

He continued to trace her bottom lip with his thumb slowly.

"You tell anyone of my plans and I'll rip your mouth out." Madara stood and promptly opened the door.

"Come with me."

Sakura stood on wobbly legs, somehow remembering to place one foot in front of the other. Could things get any worse? Sakura blinked back tears.


Madara pushed her into a room and closed the door.

Great… another room… I wonder who it is this time?

She looked at the king sized bed drapped in blue and black. The Uchiha clan crest was stamped proudly on a large canvas above the bed attached to the wall. The rest of the room was simple with a drawer, a small desk, and a window that was covered by a curtain. She could barely see thanks to the dim candle light.

"Sakura." A voice came from the shadows.

Sakura's gaze flickered to a shadowy figure who made their way to the bed and sat down.

"Sasuke…" She whispered to herself.

Clearly he just got out of the shower, only adorned in his billowy black pants, and all but a towel draped around his strong shoulders. His messy dark blue spiky hair hung in his eyes. Sakura had to admit he was gorgeous and looked like a god. He had filled out over the years, his stomach toned as well as his broad chest. Sasuke now stood a good foot over Sakura and almost twice her size. She felt very small now in this room with him.

Sakura had already been briefed on what she had to do.

"Sas-" Sakura stopped herself. She desperately wanted to blurt out everything Madara had told her, but wouldn't risk it for the walls had ears (meaning Zetsu).

"Please lie down." Sakura slowly moved closer and tried to focus at the task at hand.

He grunted slightly and laid down, he gently touched his eyes again and looked at her outline. In this pose, he looked undeniably sexy, and Sakura had to squash the unbidden feeling that welled up within her. No… the Sasuke she knew was gone…. Wasn't he?

Biting her lip, she reached out and gently touched his eyes.

"Please keep your eyes closed during the procedure, I will tell you when you can open them again."

He acquiesced to her request.

It took awhile and her fingers started to ache. There was so much nerve damaged, she was surprised he wasn't blind already. Taking a deep breath of air, she leaned back; her joints and muscles aching. Sakura took a moment to gaze at him while he had his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful and innocent.

"Ok, you can open them now."

Sasuke's eyes were hazy at first, then cleared. He gazed at his ex-teammate and perused her form and face. Doe-like green eyes greeted him with glossy full pink lips as her unique colored hair cascaded around her shoulders. He admitted silently to himself that she was indescribably beautiful. Not letting his emotions run away with him, he asked her to leave.

"Where do I go?" Sakura's lip quivered.

Sasuke sighed and rubbed his eyes, thankful this time it was just because he lacked sleep and it wasn't physical pain. It was late and everyone was probably sleeping, he had no choice.

"You can sleep with me tonight, but stay on your side." Sasuke threw the towel onto the drawer and slipped beneath the covers. Sakura was to tired to argue and slipped in beside him.

"We are sealing the Kyubi tomorrow." Sasuke murmured.

"Is he ok?"

"He's stable." Sasuke felt her shift slightly then lie still.

"I still hate you." Sakura whispered before falling asleep.

Sasuke refused to believe those words and drifted off into a relatively peaceful slumber.


He could smell wisps of honey and traces of cinnamon. Frowning with his eyes closed, he sniffed and got a whiff of hair. Cracking an eye open he saw Sakura half sleeping on his chest, curled against his side and to his surprise, he had wrapped an arm around her while they slept.

Che. Foolish.

He disentangled himself, sat up and raked a few fingers through his hair.

Getting up he dressed silently and left Sakura still sleeping.

She didn't need to witness the end of Naruto's life.


Sakura bolted upright.

God, how could she sleep this long?! Sakura looked around the room to find it empty.

Shit! Shit Shit Shit!

Sakura stumbled out of bed, trying to steady her sea legs to run out of the room. She raced down the corridors, having no idea where she was going. The hallway seemed to wind forever, until she haphazardly bumped into someone.

Suigetsu. He was coming back from the kitchen, slurping a slushie.

"Ah, you're the girl from yesterday."

Suddenly remembering her friends, she asked, "Where is Ino and Hinata?"

"Oh… Ino's… good." Suigetsu grinned and spoke as if it had a double meaning.

Sakura froze at the way he said those words.

He didn't…. did he?

Vomit rose to the back of her throat as she glared at the water-nin.

"How dare you…" She formed green chakra in her right fist, intending on smashing his face in.

"….rape my friend!"


Sakura's hand went through Suigetsu as his head broke into falling water.

"Sorry toots. That doesn't affect me." Suigetsu reformed easily.

"What about Hinata?" She asked, trying to form a new strategy.

"Hinata is with Jugo and he hasn't harmed her.. Yet."

"What do you mean yet?!" Sakura knew Hinata's sanity was hanging by a thread.

"Suigetsu…" A silky dark voice broke behind her, "Don't irritate her."

Sasuke walked up behind Sakura.

"Is Naruto----" Misty eyed Sakura inquired, her heart about to shatter.

"No. He crashed again today. We cannot seal the Kyubi if he dies in the middle of the process. We had Karin heal him. Naruto should be ok in a week to seal the nine tailed fox." He spoke as if he was talking about an inanimate object than a person.

"You're a monster.. You all are!" She shrieked and pushed Suigestu out of the way and ran blindly down the hallway. She just wanted to get far away from this nightmare of a place.

"Man, she does hate you." Suigetsu chuckled, earning him a cutting glare from his team leader.
