Cough... umm, oh look at the time... it's already Novemeber? *shot*

So sorry! I meant to update after I got back from Vietnam (which was in August), but I was just so uninspired and didn't want to make the changes I wanted to do cause it required too much rewriting. I looked at what I had before I went to Veitnam, and pretty much just read it a few hours ago and was like: "I can work with this! WTH was wrong with me?" Sad to say, but I was a coward. Anyway, I just got all excited as I began to edit this and add to it.

So I hope you'll like it!

I Thought This Was My Date (Part 2)

Kaito and Luka were walking down the side walk together. They had gone to the arcade and finished playing when they used up all their change and decided to stop when they reached their bills. It was all too tempting to spend them, but Luka knew better, they had to save their money for the rest of their date.

"So do you want to go see a movie or go sight-seeing?" Kaito asked Luka with a smile his face.

Luka shrugged. She felt completely comfortable with Kaito, she didn't really care where they went, as long as she got to be with the blue haired man. "I guess... sight seeing?" Luka asked.

Kaito nodded. He took Luka's hand, making her blush, and led her. Kaito was happy when he realized that Luka didn't take her hand back. Kaito had a light healthy flush across his face as he smiled. He felt happy.

While Kaito was being lost in his emotions, Luka spotted a particular store. She gasped, making Kaito stop and look at her in slight concern. "Look!" Luka said. Kaito turned to see a small fish store with a man that stood behind the stands looking proud.

Luka looked up at Kaito, pleading with excitement in her eyes. "Can I go see?" she asked.

"Um... sure?" Kaito said unsurely. It was really cute that Luka wanted to go see fresh fish products. He watched at Luka gave him a slight bow in thanks and ran to the store. Kaito stood where he was and watched Luka as she talked to the salesman about the fish. Kaito chuckled. Luka's eyes were sparkling with joy.

" I don't want to do this!"

"Just go-"

"But Ri-"



"Woah!" Kaito cried. Something hit Kaito's back, nearly making him topple over. He turned around when he heard a groan. Kaito's eyes widened at the person who was on the ground rubbing their nose.

The person on the ground grumbled something Kaito couldn't quite hear and dusted off their hands. They looked up at Kaito, did a double-take, and then froze. The two stared at each other, unmoving for at least a minute.

The blue haired man blinked. "Miku...Grandpa?" Kaito asked. The person in front of him looked exactly like Miku, except they were wearing a woman's business suit- and they had a grey caterpillar mustache. Kaito rose an eyebrow. What's an old man doing cosplaying Miku? he thought, confused. Why is he even cosplaying a teenage girl?

Unknown to Kaito, the person was actually Miku Hatsune, who was wearing the disguise Rin had forced upon her before. Thoughts were rushing through Miku's head. Oh no! Kaito recognizes me! What do I do? He'll know I stalked him! I have to tell him something! She got up off the ground and began to wave her hands around in the air while spluttering something incoherent. "I- um- it's not- I wasn't- stalker- I don't- so sorry- maybe- um- er- ano- leeks- eto- umm-".

Miku's jaw dropped when Kaito didn't respond to her. She put her hands on her mustache she had been forced to wear without her consent. "Eh?" He doesn't recognize me?

"There you are!" said a crooning voice. Kaito and Miku turned to see Rin walking over to them with an angelic smile on her face.

Rin grabbed Miku's arm. "Eh?" Miku cried again.

"Oh Kaito-san!" Rin said, acknowledging the older man's presence. "Hey there!"

"Umm... Hi?" Kaito said. He was distracted by the Miku Grandpa cosplayer that seemed to be spazzing in Rin's grip. "What are you doing here? And who is this?" Kaito pointed at Miku.

Rin tsked and waved her hand. "Oh, just an old man I'm helping." Rin leaned forward and whispered to Kaito. "He's a bit crazy- thinks he's Miku, ya know?" Rin rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"EH?" Miku said, clearly hearing what Rin had just said.

"Anyway," Rin pulled back and began to drag Miku away. "Best we get going! See you Kaito-san!"

Kaito waved to the two. "Um, see you-" Before he could finish his sentence, they were already gone.

"Was that Rin-chan?"

Kaito turned around and faced Luka who was holding bags of tuna fish. Kaito nodded. "Yeah."

"Hmm." Luka said with a thoughtful look. She shrugged and smiled at Kaito. "Guess we should be getting back huh?"

Kaito felt himself sadden and then brightened up when he realized why. "Y-Yeah." Kaito stuttered. "I had a lot of fun with you today."

Luka blushed and nodded. "Me too." Luka shuffled around a bit. "Um.. would you like to go on a d-date with me again sometime?" Luka looked up at Kaito shyly.

"If she wants to go on a date with you again, then that means your date went well.

And that she might like you."

Kaito gasped and nodded. "I'd love to."

Luka nodded. Her heart suddenly making itself known with its loud beating. Luka looked at Kaito again and stared deeply into his eyes. After a few moments, Kaito closed his eyes and slowly leaned forward...

o.O O.O O.o

"That was Miku-nee, wasn't it?" Len asked Gakupo as he watched his sister and Miku turn sharply in the distance and disappear into a bush. He looked at Gakupo who had his fan covering the bottom half of his face.

The purpled haired man nodded. "Yep. That was Miku-chan alright."

Len looked back at where the two girls had disappeared and frowned. "How did Kaito-nii not see that?" He mumbled to himself.

"Oh my..." Gakupo said.

Len looked at Gakupo in question. The man was looking somewhere else. Len followed is train of sight and froze. Len's eyes widened and he felt his heart clench.

Kaito and Luka were both looking into each other's eyes, both of them unmoving, and Len knew what that meant. That meant they liked each other, and that they were probably going to kiss.

"Kaito-kun is so going to get it when we get home, right Len-kun?" Gakupo turned to the blond and was startled by Len's devastated face. Aww... he must really like him, Gakupo thought. "Len-kun?" Gakupo called out quietly, fearing his voice may shatter the blond to pieces.

Len shook his head. He turned around and started walking away. "Let's go home..." Len whispered. Len stopped when he didn't feel Gakupo follow him. He turned around to face the purple haired man to see what he was doing.

Gakupo stared at the blond intently, fan still in front of his face. Gakupo glanced over at the couple, removed his fan and smirked.

"G-Gakupo-san! What are you doing?" Len cried quietly when the eggplant lover strode over to the couple that was about to kiss. The man merely looked back over his shoulder and mischievously smirked before he turned back, leaving the blond terrified.

o.O O.O O.o

Luka leaned forward, nervous. Kaito was leaning down to kiss her! She felt so happy and warm, but there was some other feeling making itself known. Luka ignored the feeling and decided to think about the moment in front of her. She had just been on a fun date with the man she was starting to have feelings for, and now they were going to kiss. It was like a fantasy come true. She had even got to buy tuna! She was about to close her eyes when a splash of familiar purple wisped by from the side of her vision. Her eyes widened when she recognized what it was.

"Gakupo-san?" Luka whispered as she watched the purple haired figure walk away with an air of elegance and confidence. Even the people walking by stopped to stare. There was no one else in the world who could walk like that and owned purple hair, and if there was, they weren't real. It had to be none other than Kamui Gakupo. Luka felt something grip her heart.

Kaito had opened his eyes when he heard Luka speak, not really catching what she said. Luka was looking somewhere behind him while wearing a slightly puzzled expression mixed with awe. Kaito turned around to see what it was that she was looking at. His eyes widened when he spotted a man in a kimono with cascading purple hair.

Said man turned around with a smirk on his face that was directed towards Kaito when their eyes met. Kaito felt shivers run up his spine when he recognized the look that Gakupo was giving. He could almost feel the man's tongue on his cheek again and shuddered visibly.

The purple haired man wore an elegant smile and titled his head to the side in what people would assume was a harmless gesture. They were wrong. "Luka? Kaito-kun?" Gakupo asked in tone that sounded as if he was surprised, but his knowing smile gave it away, purposely. "What are you two doing here?"

o.O O.O O.o

Len's eyes widened as he watched the purple haired man walk past the couple with out so much as a glance towards them. He had thought for sure Gakupo would go and do some act of inhumane violence against Kaito and then kidnap Luka, he didn't think the man would just walk away as if they weren't there. What befuddled the blond even more was the fact that Luka had actually stopped and called out Gakupo's name. Len was stupefied, relieved, and frightened. Gakupo must really have such a presence to distract Luka from kissing Kaito. Len felt a bit bad for Luka since it seemed she liked Kaito, but admittedly, he was really glad that they hadn't kissed.

Len watched as Gakupo turned around and began to converse with a confused and slightly terrified Kaito and a flustered Luka. He planned on staying where he was and being an observer, only to start panicking when Gakupo pointed him out to the others.

o.O O.O O.o

"N-Nothing!" Luka said quickly, and then instantly regretting it when it sank in. It had just came out. She felt as if she was caught doing something she shouldn't do and that was the words that just blurted out. It's normal for people to say that when they're caught doing something they don't want others to know about, but did that answer have a deeper meaning? Does that mean... I shouldn't kiss Kaito-san?

Kaito looked at Luka, feeling his heart crush at Luka's quick reply. Nothing? Was this date nothing then? Kaito bit his bottom lip. He looked at the sidewalk, not wanting the pink-haired woman to see his expression if she turned.

"Nothing?" Gakupo repeated with a delicate quirk of his eyebrow. He chuckled. "Is that so Kaito-kun?" He looked at the blue-haired man who had his bangs covering his eyes.

"Y-yeah..." Kaito said quietly. Luka looked at the man and felt herself hurting and pitying him. She then cursed herself for her reaction. Kaito had just taken her out on a wonderful date that she had asked for, now she was practically denying it even happened. She didn't even think of the man's feelings. Luka knew it was terrible, what she did.

Luka swallowed, wanting to ask for forgiveness. Timidly, she called out for the blue-haired man. "Kaito-san-"

"Len-kun is here with me too!~" Gakupo said in a happy tone and a clasp of his hands. He knew what Luka was going to try and do. She was going to apologize, and being Kaito, he would forgive her and they would be a lovey-dovey couple again. It was sickening in Gakupo's mind. There was no way he was going to let this romance between Kaito and Luka go on. Luka was his.

Kaito and Luka looked at Gakupo in surprise. The man used his fan and pointed to the side enthusiastically. They turned and found a startled looking Len standing alone by the corner of a store staring back at them.

"Len-kun?" Kaito said, barely recognizing him from under the cap the blond was wearing.

Len nervously walked over to the adults after Gakupo motioned him to. Len did a little bow, averting the questioning gaze of Kaito and Luka. He felt like such a stalker! "H-hello." Len greeted, flush beginning to take over his features.

Gakupo turned to Len with a bright expression with a devious intent. "Len-kun, guess what? Kaito-kun says he wasn't doing anything." Len looked up at the man confused, but all Gakupo did was wink back at the boy. Gakupo turned to Luka who looked up in reply. "Is it alright if we borrow him then?" he asked.

Luka looked at Kaito, unsure if it would be a good idea or not to leave the situation as is. "Uh-" she began.

"It's alright, Luka-san!" Kaito said in a cheery tone. He greeted Luka with a smile. "You should get back home, it's starting to get late anyway-"

Len bit his bottom lip because he knew that Kaito was faking his happiness. It was worse to know that he had helped and given advice to Kaito for date, and practically ended it too. It was like he had betrayed him.

"Yes..." Gakupo said in a seductive tone, making the other three flinch. Gakupo leaned onto Kaito who turned stiff from the action. The samurai placed his fan under Kaito's jawline and gently made the blue-haired man face him. "It's getting late..." he continued in his low voice eyeing Kaito's face as if it were a delicacy. He glanced over at Luka who was beginning to turn red. Another smirk graced his features. "You should go and let us boys have some fun time of our own..."

"G-Gakupo-san!" Len cried, blushing madly at his underlying message. How anyone could put up with the purple-haired pervert, Len would never know.

Luka, on the other hand, was about to have a nosebleed. She squeaked when Gakupo brushed his lips against Kaito's jaw, making the blue haired man give an involuntary gasp. Luka nodded quickly and bowed, understanding the hidden command. "I-I'll be leaving then!" She turned around and dashed off towards home, feeling her nose begin to clog and drip blood. She threw her head back and covered her nose with her hand to stop the flow of blood. When she got back home, Meiko had asked her why she got a nosebleed as the pink-haired woman tried to stuff her nose with tissues. Luka told her what had happened when Meiko became tense with a look in her eyes that seemed to say that she had seen too much and slowly got up to leave, leaving the pink-haired woman curious and frightful.

"So…" Gakupo said, wrapping an arm around Kaito's waist. Alarmed, Kaito wanted to get away from the eggplant-lover, but he was too frozen in fear to move. Smiling, the samurai whispered to Kaito in a deep voice. "Where were we?"

Len punched Gakupo in the side, earning a satisfying cry from the kimono-wearer. Gakupo released his hold on Kaito, much to the blue-haired man's relief, to clutch the pain in his side. "Ow!" Gakupo cried.

"C'mon, Kaito-nii" Len said, taking Kaito's hand and ignoring the purple-haired man's exaggerated cried of pain that was beginning to draw unwanted attention. "Let's leave this pervert." Len started to lead Kaito away from the samurai without turning back. Kaito turned around to look at the dramatic purple haired man when he woe'd and saw that people were taking pictures of him posing and crying tragically. The blue-haired man had to smile at the odd display, even though he was feeling down about what had happened a little before. He turned back and looked at his hand that was warm and intertwined with Len's. He blushed faintly and placed his other hand over his mouth that was breaking out in a smile.

"Hey Kaito-nii?"

Kaito turned to face Len with the faint remains of his smile. "Hm?"

"I'm really sorry about your date." Len said. He looked up at Kaito with an apologetic expression. "I didn't mean to ruin it."

Kaito sighed gently, a curve gracing his lips. Len was so innocent. If anything, he had pretty much made the date, not ruin it. It's true the date didn't end so well, but with Kaito, that was probably to be expected. "It's not your fault, Len-kun." He gave a reassuring squeeze of his hand holding Len's. "I probably just didn't follow your advice well is all."

"But…" Len said, stopping when Kaito shook his head. Len pouted. He still felt bad about the whole thing though. There had to be a way to make it up to Kaito. The two walked together silently until Len gasped. He had an idea, maybe it was stupid, but it was worth a shot. Len stopped and stood in front of Kaito who looked down at the blond expectantly.

Kaito noticed as Len blushed and how it almost looked like he just forgotten how to breathe. "What is it?" Kaito asked. Len looked up at Kaito when it seemed like he had managed to muster up some courage.

"H-How about we go on a date?" Len asked.

Kaito blinked. And then blinked again. And then turned five different shades of red. What? What did he just say? "What?" Kaito whispered, sounding lost.

"Well it doesn't really have to be a date-date!" Len said looking away, flustered. "I just feel bad and we still have time before we go home so I figured, 'Hey! Why not take Kaito-nii go on another date so he can feel better?' and we could-" Len shrugged and shook his head. "I don't know, hang out and eat ice cream or something…" Len looked back up at the elder who vaguely recognized the look in Len's eyes to be pleading.

"I'm sorry." Len apologized. "It was a stupid idea-"

"No…It's not stupid" Kaito said gently. He watched as the blond's ocean blue eyes widened.

"R-Really?" Len asked. Kaito couldn't help but laugh. Len sounded so hopeful and cute, and the fact that he was looking up from under his cap only enhanced that. The blue-haired man nodded.

"Yep." Kaito smiled and this time, led Len by the hand. "Let's go on a date." A warm butterfly feeling filled his insides. He turned to Len who looked back and smiled happily. Maybe the day wouldn't end so bad after all.

"We are going on a date, right?" Both Kaito and Len turned when they felt their shoulders being wrapped around by a pair of arms. Gakupo smiled brightly at Kaito's dreadful expression and Len's murderous look.

…And then again, maybe we were speaking too soon.

And there you have it! End of 'I Thought This Was My Date' arc!~~ Wonder what will happen next... Even I don't know. Any ideas people?

Anyway, hope you leave a review or something. I want to know what you all think about this story cause lately, I've been considering dropping it. Yeah yea, keep shooting, you'll hit me at some point.