Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.

Edward, Esme's thoughts called to me from the lowest level of the house. I responded by stopping my music with a weary sigh and making my way downstairs. Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, and Emmett were standing there waiting for me. Esme smiled warmly at me as she looked up from the magazine she was skimming through. I gave her a miniscule smile of my own before leading the way to my Volvo.

Jasper sighed wearily as we began to near the school grounds, "A new student is coming to school today."

Rosalie rolled her eyes and I groaned, "I know, it's been on everyone's minds for weeks. I can only imagine today will be horrible."

Emmett snickered quietly but said nothing. I parked in the usual spot and we all got out one by one. Rosalie cocked her head in surprise as she surveyed the car next to ours. It had to be the new student's car because it was definitely not a car that I was used to seeing in Forks and it was much too high end to belong in this town. Rosalie's mind automatically identified it as a Lamborghini Gallardo. I was mildly curious to see the student that could own such expensive car that would move to Forks of all places. I dismissed the thoughts and walked to my first period class, setting an example to the rest of my siblings who still stood in front of the car.

I listened as the teacher droned on and on and patiently waited for the period to end and then repeated the cycle until lunch break came. After I gathered the tray of food that wouldn't be eaten I slid onto the seat of the cafeteria table my brothers and sisters were sitting at. I stared off, looking in no particular direction when the cafeteria door opened and I heard Jessica's high pitched voice, "Come sit with us Bella!"

"Alright." A soft murmur responded. I didn't look in the direction but attempted to tune into the girl's thoughts. Shock coursed through me as I heard nothing. Frustrated, I looked over in the general direction I smelled her from. My eyes widened in awe as I took in the girl's features. She had pale skin, almost as pale as my own, and straight raven colored hair. And then there was the aspect that haunted me the most, her eyes, she had deep violet knowing eyes. I know understood why all the male population of the school had been fawning over her the entire day. I concentrated even harder trying to break the barriers her mind seemed to have up; Still nothing. I felt disturbed but tried to pass it off as the amount of distance between us.

"Why'd you shrug?" Emmett asked. I looked up unaware that I had actually performed the action.

My brow furrowed, "I can't get any read on the new person… What about you Jasper, Alice?"

I ignored the alarm that seemed to radiate off my family. My power had never been warded off by anyone. Jasper's grip on the table tightened as he announced that he couldn't either. Everyone anxiously looked over at Alice.

"I can't see anything; nothing at all, even if it's not regarding the girl!" Alice whispered, panic etched on her features. Her eyes were large, disbelief obvious. Everyone exchanged frantic glances and we all tuned into the girl and Jessica's conversation.

"Are you looking at the Cullens'?" Jessica asked. For once I was thankful for her need to gossip.

"Hm?" Bella responded, seeming to come out of her thoughts.

Jessica rolled her eyes but once again asked, in the same eager tone. "Were you just watching the Cullens'?"

Bella turned to look at her, "Are you expecting me to know who they are?"

"Well…" Jessica began with a frown, and then she pointed in our direction. "They're that group over there in the far corner of the cafeteria.

"No. And you do realize that pointing is impolite." Bella's harmonious voice chided.

Jessica seemed to not here Bella. "I knew it! Ok, so, the one with the reddish brown hair is Edward Cullen, the one that is like seriously ripped is Emmett Cullen, and the really small girl is Alice Cullen. And then there are the Hale twins, the blonde guy, Jasper Hale, and the girl is Rosalie Hale."

"Ok." Bella simply responded sounding uninterested but I had seen her tense up when she first looked in our direction. Her pose was now in the same relaxed stance as it was before but I could tell she seemed a bit more alert. I traded a worried look with Jasper.

"Oh my gosh." Jessica continued to ramble. "Did you know that they are all together? Like together together. Jasper Hale is with Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale is with Emmett Cullen. Edward Cullen is single but nobody here is good enough for him apparently. But it's so gross that they're together because they are all adopted by Dr. Carlisle Cullen and his wife Esme. Isn't it like illegal or something for them to go out with each other?"

The bell rang cutting off whatever Bella was going to say in response. She gracefully got out of her seat and walked out the cafeteria, not waiting for Mike Newton, who had, earlier, persisted on walking her to her next class. I watched in amusement as he ran after her.

"All of you try to find out some information on Swan." Rosalie said before strutting off. I swiftly proceeded to walk over to my Biology class. Isabella, as I figured out that was her real name, was sitting at my desk, next to my seat. Mike seemed to have caught up with her and he was chatting aimlessly while standing beside the table. Bella seemed to wish he would disappear. I bit my lip to hold back the smile that threatened to break out.

"Excuse me; I need to get to my seat." I told Mike, sending him off. Abruptly, Bella's expression turned severe and cold. Had I upset her? Did she actually want Mike to continue talking to her? I sat down bewildered and then stiffened as her scent hit me. It was the most delectable scent I had ever come across. I waited for the unbearable burn of my throat but nothing came. I tried to make sense of this as I watched her rigid pose, her hands gripping her notebook with unmistakable tension. My mind churned as it tried to come up with plausible explanations. As I was trying to comprehend everything I was barely aware of the bell ringing. I looked up in surprise as Bella lithely bound out the door. I passed through sixth period in a state of confusion as I tried to decipher what was going on.

Anxiously, I waited in my Volvo for my siblings to arrive so I could tell them what had occurred, even though I still wasn't exactly sure myself. They all came in at once.

"What happened?" Alice demanded. Hastily I recounted the events of Biology. We began to discuss it when suddenly Jasper turned and looked out the window.

"There's Bella." He announced. Immediately everyone focused on her. I noted how her clothes seemed to hint a vast sum of money like her car did, something I didn't notice earlier because I was too transfixed by her facial features. Bella seemed to pay know attention to the on lookers as they openly gawked at her. Instead, she swiftly walked over to her car before opening the door and sitting inside in one smooth movement.

Rosalie stared at her, shielded by my tinted windows. "Could she be a vampire with a special power?"

Bella's head moved to the exact spot Rosalie was in and she seemed to giggle before driving off, leaving us all stunned speechless.

Isabella Swan couldn't possibly be human… could she?

Emmett let out a whistle, "What is she?"

Perhaps that was the more important question in this case.

So what did you think? Should i continue the story? I'm not exactly pleased with how this chapter came out... I feel like something is missing and it isn't necissarily what I had originally planned for it to be but the next chapters should be better. Please review, reviews make me happy :)