Chapter 8 – The First Live Show Part 2 – The Aftermath

After a couple of minutes of standing there with her in his arms, the two of them enjoying being close, Tony whispered into Ziva's ear.

"Sweetcheecks, I think we need to go over to the judges now." He told her as he pulled her gently over and eventually; people stopped clapping and sat down, ready to here what the judges had to say about the magical moment that they had just witnessed.

"Wow, a standing ovation for your first dance that is pretty special. Alesha we'll come to you first." Bruce said.

"What do I say? I think the audience loved!" This comment was met by cheers and applause. "I loved it – the standard of dance from you in particular Ziva woz magical and you touched me and made the hairs on my arm stand on end, it woz so magical."

"I didn't know you had hairs on your arm." Bruce said

"Everyone has hairs on their arms unless they shave Brucie" Alesha informed him.

"Ok then. Craig."

"Great story telling, you both really got into character and excellent dancing, well above all expectations of week 1 HOWEVER, I only have 2 faults which" The audience groaned and started booing when they heard this. "Which were that you Tony have the most horrific hands it's like Chris Hollins all over again and your hips were wooden during the dance"

"Didn't Chris win his series?" Tony said giving the judges (and the camera) the most gorgeous DiNozzo grin.

"Good point! Len, we'll come to you now."

"I am going to give you a one man standing ovation" Len began but his one man standing ovation turned into another studio full standing ovation "because that standard of dance is what I would expect in the final – not week one but, just a warning, us judges are going to be expecting this standard every week now and there are a numerous people who have had great first dances and had the potential to go all the way, people such as Austin Healy, Ali Bastian, Gabby Logan, Zoe Lucker and Cherie Lunghi, and they had an off week and were in the dance off against a strong couple and ended up leaving the competition."

After hearing from Bruno, Tony and Ziva made their way backstage to Tess's area where they were each met with a headslap from Gibbs and a "keep it out of the office" and an 'Abby hug' from Abby.

"That dance was so romantic – can we see your necklace Ziva?" Tess asked and Ziva showed her (and the camera) her necklace which was a simple heart shaped locket engraved with my sweetcheecks yours forever your little hairy butt

"So sweet and romantic, Tony. Now Craig compared you to former champion Chris Hollins who, with his partner Ola Jordan, were affectionately known as Team Cola so any names for you two?"

"What'd ya say sweetcheecks? We could be Team Zony!" Tony said but he was immediately headslapped by Abby who jumped up to inform Tony that she had already named them as Tiva which was soo much better than Zony.

"Lets get your scores."

"Craig Revel Horwood – 8, Len Goodman – 10" Ziva jumped into Tony's arms in delight and he spun her around. "Alesha Dixon – 10, Bruno Tonioli – 10"

"If you want to vote for any vote for anyone in Team NCIS, you can vote when the lines open in tomorrow's show when team NCIS meet their rivals Team FBI!" Tess told the camera.

The credits started to roll after Tess joined Bruce on stage and told the audience to tune in tomorrow and gave their signature 'end of show saying' "keep dancing" As soon as the cameras stopped rolling Team Gibbs came face to face with their rivals, well everyone except for Abby who was talking to Tess about renaming their team to Team Gibbs with mini teams Tiva, McGabby, Jibbs, Pola and Duckrin, Team FBI which included Fornell and Slacks (errr Sacks).

"Enjoy today kids 'cause you're going down!" Team FBI told Team NCIS, err I mean Team Gibbs.

What'd you think? Please Review and I hope to update within the next couple of days! Also, can anyone remember the name of the FBI agent from the season 2 episode Terminal Leave and can anyone think of any other FBI agents that I could include in Team FBI.

Please Review