
Ok. I don't own Death Note, nor do I own Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance

or I'm Not Okay(I Promise) by My Chemical Romance. I do, however, own Ren my oc. :D

My first fanfic, so I'm excited and nervous. Yeah…. Anyways, here it is! I apologize in

advance for the drama. It won't last long if I can help it.


She stood there in the doorway and drew in a sharp breath. Was it for real? She furiously wiped at her eyes and opened them a second time to see that what she perceived was in fact real. L was back at Whammy's to visit! She let out an excited squeal that caused L to make a puzzled look, and then she hugged him.

"How long are you back for now L? It's been months!"

"Yes, it has been awhile now. Hmm… I'm staying for about 1 month this time. Then I go to work on a new case."

She tilted her head. He always told her what exactly what he was doing. Why didn't he just say what case it was? This made Ren very curious to find out.

"What case would that be?" She said with a smile she plastered on to look innocent.

"That's not important. Besides, you've never heard of it. It's a very small case."

The smile instantly came off her face. He never takes small cases, unless they interest him.

"Cut the bull shit, L. What case is it? Everyone knows you don't take small cases….."

Her eyes widened at the thought that instantly crossed her mind. Had he taken over the Kira case? No. Even L wouldn't, shouldn't, COULDN'T take that case. It was too dangerous. Ren wouldn't allow it for the life of her.

"No." She said firmly. "You lied."

He looked at her, bewildered.

"You're staying for 3 months, and you're NOT taking that case!!!!"

"That's not up for discussion. You are not the one who decides what I do. I decide for myself. I take care of myself. I don't need your approval."

He always treated Ren like she was a child. It wouldn't stand this time. She wasn't the kid L thought she was; she knew this was a dangerous case. Ren sure as hell would not let him take it up if she had anything to say about it. Out of habit, she started rubbing the IPod in her pocket.

"You don't even know what case it is."

"It's the Kira case. Am I right? I am right aren't I, Lawliet?"

"Call me by my alias."

"I don't care right now! I'm furious to find out the smartest man is making the dumbest move ever!"

"I will be fine and I'm staying in this room, so you have to find somewhere to stay. Find some of your friends to room with."

"Why can't I just stay in here with you? I do every time you come?"

L didn't answer. She knew just as well as he did that the words would sting if they came out. But it stung just as bad when they didn't. She just wanted him to say he wouldn't take the case. That now that she brought it up, he didn't know what he was thinking. That he would stay there with her for a while. But that wasn't going to happen and it hurt her deep in her heart.

"FUCK THIS!" She said as she stormed out of the room, slamming the door as the tears flowed from her eyes like a waterfall. She ran for the bathroom, and let her back slide down the tiles on the wall. She pulled out the IPod and shoved the headphones on her ears. The first song that came on made the tears even harder to control. She sang along with the song which attracted attention from the person she was in the bathroom with. The boy's bathroom, that is.

"Now I know that I can't make you stay.

But where's your heart?

But where's your heart?

But where's your?"

"You okay?" Said the young boy, who was a little confused to find a sobbing girl who just ran in crying and broke into song.

"I don't want to talk to anyone. I'm fine, anyway. A better question is why you are in the girls' bathroom?!"

"…..You're in the boy's room. That's how I know you're not okay. That, and the fact you're crying. But, maybe it's just that time of the month…"

"Shut up you…ugh." She couldn't insult anyone looking like this. She would never be taken seriously. But the last thing Ren expected was for this strange young boy to gripped hug her. But the hug felt comforting. Almost as though she had known him her whole life and he was a great friend. But she didn't even know what he looked like. Ren tried to sneak a look at him, but the tears in her eyes wouldn't allow it. He soon pulled away and shut the door.

"So no one sees me hugging a girl in the boy's bathroom. Awkward. Plus, your might be worried now about some weird boy coming in and seeing you here. You are probably popular." He proceeded to wipe her eyes of the remaining tears with the sleeves of his shirt.

"You didn't have to…It'll ruin your..."

"It's okay, I've got it. By the way, I'm Matt." He said, and he grinned.

"What gives you the idea I'm popular anyway?"

"Well, you're kind of pretty and you have that high and mighty thing about you. Not in a mean way, though."

Ren felt a small blush cross her face. She wasn't worried about matt seeing it, though. Ren had been crying so hard she must have had a really red face. Plus, Matt's face was partially red from his semi-embarrassing statement about how she looked. Was he just trying to help her feel better? He's a pretty nice kid.

"Come on, let's go to my dorm." Matt's paused as he reassessed his statement.

"I mean…uh…To get you a change of clothes and…… All right, I swear that didn't come out the way I wanted it to! Let me try to explain!"

She laughed. They just met, and it already felt familiar. She started getting up, which made Matt stop rambling and help her up.

"Just trust me and come. I promise I'm not a pedophile, a rapist, or a pervert contrary to Mello's beliefs. Oh, right Mello. I forgot about him. He'll probably be there. He's my dorm mate or whatever it's called. Don't pay attention to him if he's angry, which he most likely will be."

"Okay?" Ren said looking skeptically. Matt backed away to let Ren stand on her own. Then, Ren tried to move forward but her knees locked and she tripped over her feet only to be grabbed by Matt at the last moment. Ren sucked in the air through her teeth. Her legs had fallen asleep and they ached. She would have a hard time walking out. Matt wrapped her arm around his neck and supported her weight to help her walk.

"Are you going to be okay? I could get you to the nurse and grab a wheelchair or something."

"No, no it's fine. Really, the blood just rushed out of my head. I should be fine."

"So, why were you crying?" Matt said, standing still for a minute to look at her. His emerald green eyes peered deep into hers, almost as though he was searching her very essence for the answer. She dropped his gaze, finding the floor very interesting all of a sudden.

"Well…. L is here and I'm kind of mad at him. We got into a fight."

"So you know L personally? You should tell Mello if he gives you hell! He'd be so nice to you!"

"I'm not going to go around saying I know him just for special treatment! Plus, if I did all his possible successors would want me dead.

"True, so very true. But I don't want you dead."

"Oh please, I'm putting you through a lot right now. Like you don't wish you don't have to do this. I don't see you around a lot, so I don't think you have a social life. No offence."

"No, you pretty much have it. If it weren't for Mello I wouldn't have contact with the outside world. Of course I don't mind helping you. I just want one thing in return." She smiled at her yet again. He was so full of smiles. What's Matt trying to pull?

"Before I agree to anything, what is it?"

His face grew serious suddenly which frightened Ren.

"Another friend. You have to play X-Box 360 and other video games with me. Even if you suck."

She laughed and Matt looked very perplexed.

"That sounds like I still owe you! I love X-Box 360. As long as you have Halo 3, Left 4 Dead and Bioshock, that is."

Matt's eyes looked as though they would pop out at any moment.

"OF COURSE I DO! I never thought that you would know so much or be such a cool person!"

Ren furrowed her brows and leaned back.


"Come on! Let's get back to my dorm to play some Left 4 Dead. I'm in the mood for killing zombies."

Ren smiled the first good, real, and happy smile she had in the whole conversation. As Matt went on and on about all his achievements while she just thought of what kind of person Mello would be. Matt looked down at her and smiled. Was he really that happy?

"I can tell you'll be a great friend, Ren."


"Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say. I never want to let you down or have you go, its better off this way." I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance.


I hope you liked it! See my account for my reasons that I don't update. The end song I feel

fits the whole L and Ren thing, so since L doesn't really love music and won't find a

magical IPod sitting there with this song ready, I did this. I got the idea from

BrokenGlassWalkers fanfic, Difficulty. It's awesome, so go check it out. Seriously. NOW.

Was Matt out of character or just plain Weird? Reviews are amazing, you know? I hear

they rock and I believe I will respond to them. So, review because it's obvious I need to be

critiqued. My third time posting this one because of my problem with perfection.