Whew. I am SO glad to be done with the last chapter.X3 Uhm..... It was pointed out to me by a very smart reviewer that I made some mistakes. I'd like to clear those up.^^ For the sake of my sanity, can we all pretend that it WASN'T Watari, but instead it was Roger?!:D Thanks.:)Also.... The matter of the 2011 car....... uhn... I chose it because it looked the most like his car at the time. Next time, I won't act like I know cars. I'll just be like, A mustang convertible.:D~. Anyways, I apologize, but don't be mad at me for not fixing it. I'm not feeling it. I hate that chapter with a passion for having to write it so many damn times.=_= ONWARD TO TEH REVIEWS!~!!!~!~~~~~

Kishi Senmatsu-xD Idk that song, tho.:DxD No, I have no intention of killing Noah, nor will he become important to the story.^^ Sorry. he's just like OH! HI! Here I am, the nice manager guy! :O xD Maybe i'll give Noah a beanie or Haha Camaro's rule~ Yeah, you haven'

0o grimmjow schiffer o0-:O I haven't had strawberry pocky in....YEARS!:O Lol. Oh, its np.;) I fail at replying, being seriousand writing~:D We can suck

LadyWillowTree-.....0.o Why is that funny?!??!XD -TT IM SO SORRY!!! IWASTIRED&ANGRY&DIDN'TWANNAWRITEIT&ARRRGGGG!!!!!TT-TT I'm going to go LIVE in the emo corner now......*slinks off to the emo corner and finishes story there* I will try... I make no guarantee's that that will happen, though.;|

Kaaayyytteee-:D Thanks.:) I noe...TT-TT Me too.:(

Ebony Dagger- Lol. Thank you.:) Well, I kinda did.^^' All except the painting part.o.o But then I had nothing to do and I was being anti-social, so I wrote the chapter.:D Thank you for your review.:)

Well, I don't own Death Note or Life On Standby by Hawthorne Heights. I do own my OC, Ren.

When I woke up, it was to my relief to find Mello in his bed. He hadn't bothered to change, nor did he get under the sheets or anything like that, but I was glad to see he was okay. After all, a person has to be alive for you to yell at them successfully. Though it could wait till he was done sleeping. I was also relieved to find that Matt was already up. He was taking a shower, humming the Zelda theme song. While I waited for my turn in the shower, I picked up around the room. Just little things here and there that were forgotten. It was looking better now. I had cleaned the carpet, so no more stains. The bathroom was shining and white, since I washed it for about 7 hours and the bleached everything. The bed sheets were replaced and the mattresses were replaced. Everything we bought, we were taking with us when we left. I wasn't going to work this hard to give this hostel an up in the ratings. Eventually Matt got out and I grabbed my clothes. As I stepped into the shower I realized today was going to be a slow day. Yeah, don't I wish.

There was a knock on the door, but Matt was playing Famicom Disk System (What else but the original Legend Of Zelda?) and was to busy to be bothered with the simple task of answering the door. I wrapped a town around myself and stomped out of the shower.

"Thanks Matt, you don't have to get up. I'll get it."

"Uh." He never even looked up from the screen.

The knocks got more rapid and were louder. Someone has no patience.

"I'll be right there!" I yelled at the faceless knocking outside my door. The knocking got less frequent and I stumbled to the door, but it got more adgitated, and they were pounding the door harder.

"DO YOU MIND?!" I yelled through the door. "Someone is still sleeping!" I checked the peep hole, and found 4 large men standing outside. They were well built, muscles very evident on them. Could probably lift me Mello, Matt, and a car all at the same time. They all had a body like that, but one has blonde hair. He stood out most to me. Mainly because he stood not only in the middle of all these other giants, but he stood in front. I looked back at Matt with fear evident on my face. He paused his game and stood up in the middle of the room. I cautiously opened the door and peeked my head out.

"What do you want?" The man looked at me startled. I know I just got out of the shower, but I can't look THAT bad, now can I? He shook off the flustered look and began looking intimidating.

"I'm here to see the boss." I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, wrong address. There's no boss of anything here." I went to shut the door, but he put his hand on it and leaned forward, putting his face close to mine.

"Honey, listen. Boss told us where he lived. Its urgent, so just let me scoot by and we'll be gone real fast."

"Honey? Listen, there IS no boss, I am NOT your honey, and you sure as hell can't come in here!"I went to slam the door, but he put his foot in the way. I kept pushing the door further, but he kept pushing it open more.

"Fuck off!" The door flung open and I fell back into Matt.

"That's no way to talk, lady." He stepped forward, standing in the doorway.

"Get out."

"What did you say?"

"Didn't you hear the woman? She politely asked you to leave. It's her home. I'll call the cops, so just leave." Matt stepped between me and the men standing there in our entry way. They began to laugh.

"And just what are you going to do?" Matt put his hand into his back pocket.

"I don't want any trouble. Just leave." They rolled their eyes and he took a step towards us. Matt pulled his hand out quickly and held something chrome in his hand. The men jumped back and the lead one put his hands in front of himself.

"Whoa, whoa. Take it easy there. Like I said before, we just want the boss." He flicked his head in the direction of the bed Mello was sleeping in.

"Boss of what, exactly?" Mello stood up and glared at the unwelcome sunlight radiating from the door. HE squinted, then his eyes widened so much I thought they'd fall out. The shock was replaced with confusion, but only for a spilt second before anger and rage kicked in.

"I'll take care of this." Mello said through his clenched teeth. I tried to grab Mello but he just flew through the doorway, right past me and Matt, who were left confused and unanswered as the door slammed shut in our faces.


By the time Mello made it back in, Matt had begun playing his game boy color. I hadn't forgotten so easily about this little surprise. As soon as Mello got in the door, I wanted answers.

"What was that all about?"

"Wrong house." He answered through his still-clenched teeth.

"Don't give me that shit. They said they were sure this was the right house. They even addressed you directly. I'm not an idiot, so don't play me for one!" He stood there, unsure how to reply. By now, Matt had shut his game off and was standing. Eventually he spoke again.

"This is'nt your business, so stay out of it."

"What do you mean this isn't my business? You're not the only one who is affected by your actions, Mello! You sucked us into this whole mess. Now you just wanna fuck things up even more?!" He glared at me from his spot across from me in the room.

"If you can't take it, then go the fuck home." Everything flew by in an instant. The sound of a punch landing is all I really understood. It all happened so fast. Next thing I knew Mello had a big red mark on his face and Matt was holding his hand. After Mello went out for a "drive" things got awkward and quiet.

".... I guess we aren't going to work today, huh?" Matt said in an attempt to lighten the mood. I truly appreciated it, but I just wasn't up for the semantics.

".... I guess we can't be sure of very much right now, huh?" I said as a tear slid down my face and I walked outside. Matt, flustered, came outside to get me after about a minute. I had started walking towards the local park. Anywhere would have been good, if it meant getting away from this nightmare. This all seemed so childish. Crying over Mello's mistakes, storming off, leaving Matt to come chase me down. But I just kept walking, in a direction that held no specific purpose other than running away from all that I feared, though I knew good and well this would only offer a temporary escape from the hurt, if one at all.

Matt was still following me, but with the smoking he does and all the video games he plays, I figured I could outrun him. It's worth a shot, anyway. So when I turned around the corner of the bridge that went over the path, I took off in a full-speed sprint. I figured I could keep this up long enough to get the gamer winded so he would have to walk. That would give me time to myself. There's one thing I didn't account for, though. His legs are longer than mine. he was gaining on me when I turned and went through the jungle gym area. Lots of little kids, mothers. All that. I ran around them, hoping Matt would get entangled in the chaos. I didn't look back to see, though. I just kept running, never looking back. Eventually I gave in and collapsed to my knees. The swings were right in front of me. Just 10 ft away, so I walked off the path and sat down. Immediately afterwards, the tears flowed without end. I wasn't exactly crying, though. It just seemed like my eyes were flooded and needed to release it. I never whimpered or anything. No frown. I wore a blank expression. And I stayed like that for God knows how long.


Matt walked up to me, cigarette in mouth, a worried look on his face.

"If you were trying to give me a message that I should work out more often, I got it." I breathed out a sigh that sounded sort of like a laugh. He just sat down next to me and dropped his cigarette, putting it out with his foot. We sat there for a long time, saying nothing. Day turned to night. The sun was exchanges for the moon. Blue skies for black. Clouds for stars. Everything changes. Everything goes away. Matt stood up and offered me his hand.

"Best get home. Make sure things are all right." I knew he was talking about Mello.

"We could leave tomorrow and be back before him." I stood up on my own and walked away. Matt walked after me. He called after me, but I just kept walking. Frustrated, he ran up and grabbed my arm, spinning me around to face him.

"What's the matter with you? You know you can talk to me." I looked away, at the uneven cobblestone below my feet. I whispered my words quickly, unsure of whether or not he could actually hear them, but it has to count for something that they were spoken. We walked home in silence and when we arrived, he got on his X-Box 360. Mello wasn't home yet. He probably won't be coming home.

"I need you now. More like yesterday, the last day I could see you smile. For the last time turn out the lights. My life on standby. So standby and watch this fall away and fall apart." Life On Standby by Hawthorne Heights

Well then.... Can you say DRAMA?!o.o I hope you liked this chapter.... I really want to write the next chapter, but I will put a bit of a space between the I've been busy... I hope I didn't lose my reviewers for loss of post-adge.o.o Anywho's, R&R and I hope to get the next chapter up fairly quickly.^^ Thanks everyone.:D~