IA/N Thanks to everyone who's read this story, so here's the 13th chapter, :) End of my authors note.

Disclaimer; I don't own Twilight, never have, never will.

Chapter. 13.
Having Faith.

I knew that my ending was near, I knew that as soon as I noticed Edward's pained face entering the room, besides from that, my whole night
had been a blur.

As soon as my eyes were forced shut by the aching sound sound of Esme's squeals, I knew I wasn't going to live as long as I thought I would've.

My eyes were still shut tight, a shining light was slowly pacing around in the dark-ness, I felt the need to reach out a place a finger on it.

As much as I tried, I couldn't move, it was like I had an invisible rope bound around me.

Then suddenly the force making me un-able to move slowly disappeared.

I could feel myself falling, then - it stopped.

My eyes started to flutter open, this time the darkness was more lighter.

More of a timid grey.

I could barely see, my eyes stung as if I had, had acid thrown at them, I peered around the room searching for a door in the emptiness.

But it was quite impossible to see.

Until I heard a sudden bang of the door, then a light flickering on.

My eyes now began to adjust, I could see tables, lamps, books, machines.

Then appeared Carlisle, who was staring back at me with concern, a black folder in his arms.

He rushed to my side, gently placing a finger on my forehead.

"Oh, Bella!" His cries surprised even me, Carlisle - the man who could always keep his cool, was showing - his limited amount of - emotion.

"Car-." I tried raising my fist to my mouth to cough, but my hands couldn't move "-Lisle."

"Bella, I'm so glad you're awake, I'll need to do some test if you could just lift up your top." I gave a nod of my head and rolled up the hem of my
top, staring down at my bruised stomach, I let out a surprised gasp as Carlisle gently prodded my stomach with his finger.

I hadn't felt any discomfort, all I felt was - nothing, completely numb in my lower body, my guess was antiseptic.

"Bella, you're a very lucky girl, no broken bones only some minor fractures that will soon heal." I rolled back down my top once Carlisle had given
the okay, he then sat beside me on the bed, careful not to hurt me.

"Carlisle, I can't remember anything that happened, is Edward okay? - Alice, Jasper, Esme, please tell me they're okay." I felt a little drowsy, I
couldn't even lift my arms.

"They're fine Bella, we - made sure that it would never happen again, but only under strict circumstances." I raised an eyebrow as he stood up
from the bed, his head flicked around to the door where Edward waltzed through.

"Bella." In a heart-beat he was beside me.

I forced myself to move my torso so I was closer to him, I could feel his cool skin touching my shoulder, his hand slided up to my face.

"Bella, I'm so sorry for this, we only went out to hunt for a little while if I had've heard their thoughts, or Alice seen them coming I would've saved
you sooner, before you got these injuries, its all my fault." Edward's hand skipped to my other shoulder, where he slowly and gently brought me closer placing
his lips on my chin.

"I love you, and I don't know what I'd do without you, please forgive me." I was almost speechless I couldn't organize enough words to fit in a
sentence let alone find the perfect ones.

"I love you too, with all my heart." It was simple but it had come straight from the heart, and I think Edward recognized that, his hands played over mine, it brought a smile to my face how nervous he seemed to be.

"Bella, I think I need to tell you something, something thats very important for you to know." I titled my head and tightened the grip on Edwards hand, he had become suddenly serious if he had've said one of the Cullen's had been hurt, - because've me - I could've died right there and then, but instead he said something completely different.

"You remember how we said - your parents were killed by bears, that isn't the truth." I closed my eyes then re-opened them, staring intently into Edwards bronzed eyes.

"Edward, I get it - they were killed by those nomadic vampires you warned me about, I figured that out a while ago actually, you don't need to
explain." Edward still hadn't eased up, I looked at him confused - hadn't that been what he wanted to say.

"You're right Bella, they were killed by a terrible monster; a vampire, a stupid disgusting creator that doesn't deserve to live on this earth for that
kind of behaviour, but Bella you think it was nomadic vampires who killed your parents - it wasn't."

My heart began to race as it started to sink in, the worry in his eyes explained everything.

"Bella, I killed your parents." My heart broke, several tears rolled down my eyes, and my stomach fliped.

" - Bella." Edwards face looked mildly distressed, I ran a tounge over my dry lips, as the tears contiued falling down my face.

"Edward, its fine , really - I just .. need to be alone." The truth was, I wasn't okay, even though it happened a long time ago, I wasn't fully over it - I'd never be over it.

And to find out that the person you now loved killed the people who gave life to you, certainly throws things out of balance.

"Bella, it was an accident I never meant for it to happen, if you blame me for your mum and dads death, then I understand." I shook my head,
trying to fight back the tears but they just kept coming, Edwards arms reached out for me, he then pulled me in his chest cradling me softly.

It was exactly what I needed, how could he be so perfect at everything.

"Edward, I don't blame you for my parents death, I could never blame you for anything, you obviously weren't you at the time, but I still need to
be alone."I was suprised at how calm I was keeping, yet Edwards hesitation was starting to get irritating, but he eventually placed me back down in my orginal spot and left the room.

I heaved another sigh as he left, I pulled the blanket over my body, as Edward had left me cold.

The last thing my parents seen before they left earth, was Edward Cullen's body lingering over them, sucking them dry - alive.

And now I was dating the man who killed my parents.

A/N I hope this chapter was a bit better then the last, I try avoiding fighting scenes, it doesn't really match my writing.
So please leave a review of what your thoughts are - constructive words would be nice, even just a simple 'good story' makes my day.

peace & love, Sheridan.