* Squall and Zell went back to Garden, signed all of Squalls papers, and had hardcore sex on the desk. After that, they lived happily ever after.

* Seifer moved to Esthar, but one day ran into Zell who had a mission there. They got together and one thing led to another. Zell is now frequently visiting Esthar with the pretence of buying nectarines for Squall (they are apparently much better in Esthar).

* Rinoa and Selphie is best friends now. They are both happy with new partners, but Selphie is having a secret crush on Rinoa, now when she's not a big ass bitch anymore. She has on more than one occasion masturbated in the shower thinking about Rinoa.

Rin on the other hand, has found a new obsession. A thirty years older man.

* Xu and Irvine is expecting their first baby, if it's a boy his name will be Adam (after the first man) and if it's a girl, her name will be Quistis, for, in a far-fetched way, she was the one that put them together. They are eternally grateful to her.

* Quistis won the Pulitzer price for her article, earning her a reputation of the best reporter in the world. She moved to Balamb and owns the bar where she got the info for her story.

* The writer of her story, is now taking a long and well earned vacation, where she is laying on the beach with her fingers in buckets of ice, because they ache like hell. This is not entirely true, she more like working on her next story already, together with some major studying, but what the hell, it's fiction!


I'll be back

// Zierra