Edward Cullen and I are ment to be together. Honestly he just doesnt relize it yet. I'm not a freaky stalker I swear I'm his best friend and maybe that's all Ill be but maybe just maybe we could be something more I think as I look at the clock. Last period. 3 more minutes till I'm out of this hell hole. 2 more minutes... 1 more minute... and then something hits me. Not mentally, but physically. I break my stare at the clock to look in the direction that it was thrown. Alice. I should've known. She motioned for me to pick up the ball of paper at my feet, and I obliged.

Shopping after school IMMEDIATLY

I look at her and she shoots looks at my outfit. I put on a hurt face and face the front. There is nothing wrong with my t-shirts and jeans. The bell decided to ring just then and within a second Alice was at my desk telling me to hurry up.

"Sorry Alice, but your talking to the athletically challanged here. If I don't do it at a slow pace I hurt myself." I reminded her, and she just rolled her eyes and tugged on my arm. We made it to our lockers and I caught a glimspe of Edward making out with his girlfriend, Lauren. I looked away and fought the urge to run and puke, instead getting my stuff so Alice could drive me to her turture chamber. She saw what I saw and blocked it from my view. My best friend; always looking out for me. She shook her head in disgust.

"Someday he's going to wonder what he ever saw in her." I laughed.

"Big boobs?" I suggested. Alice smiled. Looking past her, I could see Edward had broken away from Lauren and they were walking this way, hand in hand. I swallowed and shut my locker.

"Hey sis," he greeted Alice. "Hey bells." Lauren looked away in disgust.

"Hey Eddie boy." Alice and I said in unison he rolled his eyes.

"Eddie baby can we go get a milkshake?" she looked at him.

"Sure. Hey maybe Bella and Alice could join us?" he looked hopefully at us while Lauren threw us a hateful look. Before I could say anything, Alice stepped in.

"Sorry Ed we have an emergency shopping trip to make." she told him. From a distance, I heard someone calling my name. I turned to see that it was Rosalie, my other best friend.

"HELLO! BELLA! ALICE! YOU PLAN ON GOING SHOPPING OR NOT!? she screamed at us and we laughed. Waving goodbye to Edward and his whore, we joined her by her in her red convertable before driving away. Shopping. Yay.


We made it home after two brutal hours of shopping. We all live on the same street. Alice lives to right of my house with Edward and Emmett, Rosalie's boyfriend, and Rosalie and Jasper live across the street. Suburb living for ya, I guess. After I was done putting all of the new stuff away (courtesy of Alice), I turned on the radio and got out my history notes. When I heard something hit my side window, I opened my curtains to see Edward with a handful of rocks in his room, with his window open across from mine. I opened my window.

"DROP THE ROCKS!" I yell. He dropped them and put his hands up in surrender, and I laughed "What do you want Eddie boy?" he smiles.

"How was shopping?"

"Do you even have to ask?" I asked sarcastically.

"True. Bells, can we go to the movies?" My breath caught in my throat. Did he just ask me out? "You know its been a while since we all went out together. I mean with Rose Em and Jazz leaving next year, we should make the most of it." I sighed. False alarm. It's been 7 years and he hasn't even shown the slightest interest. Maybe I'm just wasting my time... or maybe it was time well wasted..

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns slowly
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
'Cause everything is never as it seems

I heard the familiar tune of my ringtone and rushed to answer it. It was an unknown number. I just shrugged and answered it.


"Bella? It's Mike. Mike Newton." I had walked back to the window just in time for Edward to see my jaw drop.