Hello there my most lovely reviewers. I still need a beta. xD

I have decided today to bring you a OS focusing on Seifer and Hayner. This may develop into a music fic. Iunno. Decisions, decisions.

The song at the moment is called 'Sex, Sex, Sex' by Black-eyed Peasant. I suggest listening to this while reading :D

Oh and the "I like peircings . . ." part is two parts repeated, so I only put one. xD If you get confused, that part is sang twice together several times in the song. This part is focused on that one part of the lyrics, not the whole song.


I like piercings, dyed hair, tight jeans, nightmares,
ice cream, bright things, I love it when you bite me,
French kissing, lip rings, razorblades, sick dreams,
cuss words, body art, ladies who can party hard

Hayner sat on the window sill staring out into the brightness of the mid-day sun. He saw Seifer and his gang of misfits parading around in the streets, like the Disciplinary Committee of Twilight Town should. Ever since Hayner had changed his look, Seifer treated him like a 'little emo faggot', but in secret Seifer worshiped the ground that Hayner walked on.

Hayner was pierced, he had died his hair a darker color, his jeans were definitely not loose on his body, he likes to wear bright colors, he has bitten Seifer, he did have sick dreams towards the older boy, and he cussed a lot. Hayner opened his window randomly and shouted "Fuck you, Seifer Almasy!" Seifer smiled at the brunette that had stolen his cold heart.

"You wish, lamer!"

And he does.

So many people called Hayner the dreaded 'E' word. He in fact, was not emo . . . just a little gay. Like the time he went to an Escape the Fate concert with Roxas and the gang, where Seifer coincidentally showed up in the seat beside Roxas. Oh how great that concert was with Seifer Almasy and Fuujin there.

"Oh come on, lamer. It's not that bad of a concert. Get off your ass and scream!"

Hayner sighed and stood up, leaning in to whisper into Roxas' ear. "I'm so out of here. I'll be at the Usual Spot if you're lookin'."

Seifer had ruined the concert for Hayner. He didn't want Seifer there for some odd reason.

Roxas had headed to the Usual Spot and damn right insisted that Hayner come to the Escape the Fate after party in their hotel room.

Hayner downed a few drinks, and the rest of the night was a blur. And when he woke up in the morning, guess who was there? Yeah, you're right. Seifer.

They weren't cuddled up or anything, but Seifer was in his bed. Not even naked. But, Seifer Almasy was there!

"Holy shit!" He screamed, and his mother came running.

Hayner shook his head to clear his thoughts. He never knew what happened that night; neither had Seifer. They both kept it a dirty secret between them.

The phone rang. As soon as Hayner picked it up, Seifer muttered, "I'll be up in a minute, chickenwuss." And then he hung up. Hayner closed his phone and ran his fingers through his hair. He made sure that he looked fine in the mirror and ran downstairs to the door. The doorbell rang and Hayner opened the door quickly.

"Miss me, lamer?"

Hayner looked to his feet, blushing. "No, I just wanted to be friendly and invite you in."

Seifer smirked. "Oh? Is that so . . ."

"Whatever, mom's cooking. Want to stay for dinner?"

"How can I pass that up?"

"Mom! Seifer's staying for dinner!" Hayner yelled into the kitchen.

"Alright! Hi Seifer!"

"Hi!" Seifer yelled back. "Take me to your room, Hayner. Oh, never mind. I know where it is."

Did he really? He had only been in it once.

Seifer led him all the way up the stairs. "Let's play a board game?"

"Sure . . ."

"No, you know what . . . lets play truth or dare."

Hayner's eyes widened. "Alright, but . . . no eating bugs or gross shit like that."

"But that's what makes it fun!" Seifer sat down in the floor. "Fine, you win chickenwuss. But I won't go easy on you."

"Fine," Hayner sighed. "You go first."

"Alright lamer, truth or dare?"

"Truth," he whispered. "It's my tradition to always pick truth first."

"Is it true that you used to have your nipple pierced?"

"Yeah, it is. I had to take it out a few months ago." He smiled at Seifer. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to walk through the house naked, including the kitchen."

"No problem." Seifer stood up and pulled his shirt off. Hayner tried his best to look away but something inside him wouldn't let him tear his eyes off his wonderful, toned abdominals. Seifer undid his pants and slid them down to his ankles, where he kicked the pants and his shoes off. Then, he pulled his boxers down, and Hayner forced himself to tear his eyes off Seifer.

However, he watched Seifer's perfect ass as he walked through the door.

Hayner sighed, and tried to keep the blood flow to his brain.

Seifer returned in a few moments, grinning. "Alright lamer," He paused to pull his boxers on. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth, again."

"Do you like me?"

Hayner coughed. Did Seifer just ask that? "Uh, yeah. You're a great friend."

"That's not what I meant."

"You've already used your question, I told the truth. Truth or Dare?" Hayner asked, blushing crimson.


"Why did you ask me that?"

"Because I love you, lamer."

Hayner almost choked on his sanity. "Y-you . . . l-love me?"

"Yeah, I have fucking loved you since day one, Hayner."

"I . . . I love you too." At any moment, Hayner was prepared for Seifer to say 'At least I got the truth out of you. I pick dare.' But he never did.

Hayner looked at his lap and frowned. He didn't know if Seifer actually did or not.

Seifer lifted Hayner's chin up with one finger and placed a gentle kiss on those beautiful, round lips. Hayner gasped and kissed back delicately.

Was this really happening? Was Hayner kissing the man of his dreams . . . on the mouth?!

That must be it, it's a dream. It was one-hundred percent real.

"Boys, supper's read— ooh! Finally," Hayner's mom squeaked under her breath.

Seifer paid no attention to the constant rambling of Hayner's mother, slipping his tongue in the little blond's mouth. Hayner pulled a pillow off the bed and threw the pillow at his mom. He missed by ten feet, but who cares? His mom scurried off as their tongues started battling and Seifer pulled back and smirked.

"Always thought you'd be a good kisser, lamer. I kind of underestimated you. Good work."

"Uh . . . ," Hayner paused. "Thanks . . . You too?"

Hayner smiled as Seifer stood up. "There's one thing I didn't do chickenwuss."

"What's that?" Hayner asked as Seifer pulled him to his feet.

Seifer started sucking on Hayner's neck, which eventually left the blond moaning for more. Seifer nipped down slightly hard, pulling back and admiring the mark he had left. He pecked him on the lips before continuing, "You're mine now, lamer. Got it?"

"Memorized." Hayner leaned up against his boyfriend . . . yes, his boyfriend. "Funny, I just sounded like Roxas' boyfriend," He chuckled.

"Hah!" Seifer smiled, pulling Hayner towards the steps. "I love you more than anything in the world."

Hayner smiled, "You too."

Seifer's phone started ringing, and his boyfriend looked at him. "I like piercings, dyed hair, tight jeans, nightmares, ice cream, bright things, I love it when you bite me, French kissing, lip rings, razorblades, sick dreams, cuss words, body art, ladies who can party hard."

*Line goes here!!*

Sooo. . . you likee?

If I was to continue this, the next song on the list would be Smile by Lily Allen. Such a classic song :D