Disclaimer: I dont own anythng....


"Alright…Hermione…and you may call me Draco, but remember only in each other's confidences" Draco stated. Hermione nodded and they made their way back towards the carriage. As they reached Hermione's aunt's house Draco escorted her to the door and bid their goodbyes. Draco grabbed Hermione's small hand and brought it to his lips. As he kissed her knuckles, sparks flew between both of their bodies and Hermione couldn't help but have shortness in breath.

"Hermione, may I call upon you again tomorrow?" Draco asked. Hermione just smiled.

"Yes Draco, you may, I will see you tomorrow."Hermione said as she entered her house and closed the door. Draco walked back to the carriage, his fingers touching his lips as he still felt the electricity. He knew from that moment that he was going to make Hermione his wife and future Duchess of London.

Chapter 5: Running the Estate alone for now

It had been a week since the beginning of Draco's courtship with Hermione. He had been the happiest man alive when he was with her. He always got a warm feeling in his chest and it just seemed to get even warmer when she was closer to him. He knew he had strong feelings for Hermione, but just how strong. He was still contemplating this greatly. He needed to speak to his brothers, get their opinions on the matter, maybe finally make choices he would be proud of for the rest of his life, who knew. Draco was sitting in the sun room talking to his financial managers; he held the meeting once every two weeks to discuss any upgrades to the estate, problems, and current worth of his property. He was sitting on a regal dark golden yellow chair in front of circle wooden table, his advisers surrounding him. Paperwork spread out everywhere, and paper with scratch notes at the head of every person. He drummed his fingers on the wood, as his landscaper was bickering with finance manager on what to improve on.

'This is a woman's job' Draco thought to himself. As soon as the thought passed his mind it instantly went to Hermione. Could she be doing this one day? Taking care of the problems and being the Lady of the Estate? As he pondered these astonishing thoughts, he didn't realize that they had asked him a question.

"Lord Malfoy where do you stand on the matter?" they asked him. Draco snapped out of his dream state.

"I'm sorry may you please repeat the question?" He asked politely. The landscaper took in a deep breath.

"I think we should add more flowers to the backyard garden and make it more secluded from the outside and their prying eyes, but he thinks it would be a waste of money" the landscaper finished.

Draco turned his head from him to his finance manager.

"And would it be? How much would it set me back?" Draco asked him. The finance manager flipped through his paperwork charts.

"If you were to consider it Lord Malfoy, it wouldn't set you back at all, you have a quite large sum of money consider you are 2nd cousin to the King of England, but if you would like it to be installed do you want me to start making arrangements?" he finished.

Draco squinted his eyes. He hated being reminded he was the 2nd cousin, his father being the 1st to the King and as of yet the King had no heirs, if anything were to happen to him he would take the throne, a responsibility he did not want at such a young age.

"Yes I do wish it, make any arrangements necessary, how about the stables were the roofs fixed from the last rain?" Draco asked. His maintenance manager nodded.

"Aye we fixed 'em up good, not a tornado can break those roofs now" he said. Draco smiled.

"Well pray that a tornado doest come now to test your word, any other matters must be discussed to day gentlemen?" all the men shook their heads no, except for his finance manager.

"My lord just one question, should I set aside money for a potential engagement ring and wedding ceremony?" he asked.

Draco looked at him dumbfound he hadn't thought of that, he really had no idea the cost and expenses of a wedding, since he never had one before or was trained in the matter. He placed his hands on the table to push himself back and rise from the chair. He stood up straight like a true lord.

"As of now, my answer is yes, this meeting is now adjourned, good day to all of you" Draco walked out of the room.

He was heading towards the library, to have a little bit of peace to think. As he was walking he passed by his butler, he asked him to send for his brothers, that he needed to speak with them regarding family issues. As he shut the doors behind him, he plopped down on the red sofa and stared at the ceiling. His platinum blonde bangs hanging just below his eyes, 'he would have to get a haircut soon' he thought. As he was finally feeling some ease both his brothers walked in at the same time, each having their own curious look on their faces as to why Draco would call the both of them for 'family emergencies' since they never had one before. Harry and Ron were curious; they sat down across from Draco and waited for him to start. Draco perched himself up, breathed deeply, and began.

"Brothers I need your brotherly advice, I'm desperately confused when it comes to this matter" Draco started. Harry and Ron both looked at each other with confusion.

"And what matter would that be Draco?" Ron asked.

"Tis about Hermione" Draco said. Harry and Ron both exchanged glances at each other and then back at Draco.

"What about her mate?" Harry asked. Him, Ron, and Hermione have gotten very close these past couple of weeks, she eventually found out that we were his brothers, very clever girl she was, and she was considered one of their best friends.

"I think I want to ask her to marry me" Draco said unsurely. Ron rose in eyebrow.

"You think you want to marry this girl, that's not a great opening line for a marriage proposal, almost sounds like its being forced out of you?" Ron said. Draco lowered his head in shame.

"I'm sorry, that's why I asked for your advice, I have never really seen real love before, my father was always out at sea, and I barely saw my parents showing their love for each other, I don't know how to act with all these mixed feelings" Draco said whole heartedly. Harry got up and sat next to Draco. He clapped his hand against his back as a sign of encouragement.

"Cheer up mate, will help you, I mean what are brothers for, right Ron?" Harry cast Ron a glance to agree with him. Ron following Harry's orders nodded as well. Draco looked up with a smile on his face, he was grateful to have brothers like them, even if they were only half brothers.

Draco was sad about one thing though; he still would continue to run his estate by himself without a companion for just awhile longer.