My girlfriend is Medusa

Pikachu compares me to the snake-haired woman... ain't that romantic?

I have a list on why I believe Pikana Gerlda Chuster is Medusa. Yes, I'm comparing a mighty and powerful authoress to a monster of Greek Mythology. ... Yes, the one that has the human versions of Ekans for her hair. ((I just noticed 'Ekans' was 'snake' backwards XP))

Before you ask 'why am I thinking about this horrible comparison.', I completely blame Clash of the Titans. Pikana and Pit were debating on Medusa and personality in the movie to the Medusa Pit beats up in his own adventures. Of course, Pikana was all for supporting the said woman: stating that Medusa may of been 'a total whore' (Her words not mine) in some representations, but turning some girl into the most iconic form of female rage was kinda harsh. She knows a lot more mythology then she lets on and she just argued with Pit all through the last stretch of the movie (and well into the night) about that one character. Pikana really likes Medusa.

Then I wondered randomly 'Maybe she saw a bit of herself in Medusa' so that's why I've borrowed Samus' laptop and I'm writing down this list. So I can get it checked twice and find out if my girlfriend is naughty or nice.

... Okay... Why Pikana is like Medusa.

1. She considers herself 'The guardian' which is the Greek meaning of Medusa's name.

Although you can argue that she/they are both some sort of 'destroyer'

2. Despite her origins as a beauty, the name in common usage "came to mean monster

True for both cases. Although she's my beauty ;)

3. She pretends to die when she sees a mirror

*true fact*

4. You will freeze up if she gives a 'Death glare' at you

Pikana didn't like Young Link taking her cookies... I think he's still in the back garden traumatised.

5. She gives birth to crazy things

Medusa gave birth to Pegasus and some guy named Chrysaor when she died. Pikana gives birth to crazy ideas 24/7

6. Some people only care about her head

For Medusa, it's her stone powers... for Pikana, the amount of sanity her head contains

7. Her hair is wild and insane

Pikana's frizzy hair in the morning... it may as well be filled with Ekans

9. She has crappy ex's

Poseidon pretty much dumped Medusa after Athena found out about their one night stand (and made Medusa hideous) and Pikana's exboyfriend dumped her unofficially when he made out with some random chick.

8. Her face is the symbol of female rage

Your death will be painful if you flame her or steal her sweets

10. She's beautiful and terrifying

Okay, I'm a little biased but give me a break. You know it's true.

... Ten reasons, not bad. Although... unlike Medusa, Pikana has a big heart and she's a softie deep down.

I love my authoress very much

Now I shall print this to show it to her... hopefully she's in a good mood and won't muder me.

I laughed. I haven't updated this in ages. I based this on a true convo.
