"Stupid TV… Thing is lucky that I don't smash it with a bloody hammer..." I mumbled as I stood from my spot. I was still waiting for Sebastian to come back from doing what ever the Hell he's doing. It's strange really… He would've called me or texted me by now with something. Anything. A lot of the time, he'll just send me a message just to see if I'll reply if I'm here. Why is he so worried? There's a security… thingy... around this place now so it's not like someone is just going to come in here and sneak up on me... right?

Oh snap…

I think living all these years has installed a bit of paranoia in me...

Gulping, I grabbed my iPod from off the coffee table and placed one earbob into my ear before flicking it on and playing my music very low. Perhaps I should just walk around... That would be good for me. I need the exercise. And before I know it, I'll be back in my demon's arms.

Safe and sound

Dammit! I need my phone now… I need to talk to him. Hear his voice... Something! Seems I'm really attached to the man. I need him with me. I need to know where he is. What if someone takes me? He won't be able to find me! There are more people and more places to hide now-a-days. Besides, I'm not really worth anything. I'm just a child that some git would enjoy d- No no NO! I have to stop thinking this way. Sebastian... I think there's something wrong with me...

I think I'm addicted.

To you.

Pfffft... How cheesy did that sound? Pretty cheesy! I sound like a love sick school girl! By now I had drifted into some hall way... Actually, this was over where the old servants' rooms used to be. God, did I miss them. I think I've already gone over this though…

Out of no where, a hand clamped over my mouth, an arm snaked around my waist.

I panicked!

I was about to start struggling and trying to defend my self until I felt hot lips on my ear and a silky voice speak out to me.

"Shhh... Shh... It's already bocchan, it's me… Stop panicking..."

My body went limp. As did the grip. Still fear stricken, I pivoted in his arms so I could bury my face into his sturdy chest, my arms locking around him and gripping onto the tight white shirt he was wearing.

"Don't do that!" I screamed, his chest muffling the sounds. "I had no idea where you were, I was panicking and... And..." I was starting to choke up so I shut up. There was no need for me to start bawling like a damn baby. The grip around my fragile frame tightened. I think, no, I hope that bastard feels bad.

There were no words spoken for the longest time.

I thought I was going to pass out or something, but then strong arms swept me off my feet. And I pressed my face into a warm neck. After, I noticed that I was being carried in the direction of the kitchen… Or the living room… Somewhere over there.

"I apologize for frightening you like that, my love, but I thought you knew I was there..." He murmured down to me while setting me down on the counter in the kitchen.

"Are you mad? You're like a ninja, so there is no way that I can here you walking behind me! Especially since I had an earbud in and my thoughts were elsewhere! Like, worrying about you, if I was going to be kidnapped and killed while you were away and about the others..." I huffed while crossing one leg over the other and my arms over my chest.

Sebastian sighed and went to put the bags of groceries he had away. However, he kept some things out. That meant one of two things: One, I was going to help him make some sort of sweet, which I LOVE doing by the way. Or two, there was going to be a few rounds of love making that involved sweet stuff... I was thankful when he pulled a few bowls out from the cupboard as well as the electric mixer. That vile thing. It nearly ate me the list time I tried to make it work! And once again Sebastian, being the evil man that he is, laughed the entire time.

Well, the meanie face didn't laugh when he realized that he was the one who was going to be cleaning up my huge mess after that little fiasco. Insert evil smirk here.

"-chan? Bocchan?" I was pulled out of my thoughts when my lover's voice reached my ears. He was holding out a bowl toward me in one hand, three eggs in the other. "Are you feeling alright?" I just nodded and took the items being held my way.

My thoughts were really taking me over today...

So, for the next twenty minutes, we were in silence except for the few noises that came with the cooking we were doing. But, through all of this, I couldn't help but have the nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen. I just didn't know when. It was probably just my paranoia.

All of a sudden I felt arms around me and a face buried into my face. "Bocchan..." Came the whisper. It wasn't suggestive, it was more… sad than anything. "There is something wrong with you. Please… Tell me. Perhaps I've done something out of order that upset you?" He whispered out again. I felt the arms around me tighten. I just leaned into him. "It's nothing, Sebastian…" I managed to get out, realizing that I was feeling really dizzy. Apparently, he sensed this and pulled me off the counter in a hurry... That the last thing I knew before I passed out in his arms.