A/N: I figured it was high time I updated this ficlet with a new oneshot. I wanted some Gakupo/Luka love, so here it is.

Disclaimer: I don't own them... You know it as well as I do! -sobs- :'-(

strange obsessions

Megurine Luka had a strange obsession with literature. She loved literature so much she would even work overnight just to skim through all of the books piling up on her desk each day. That was probably the reason why all of her colleagues preferred to call her a bookworm instead of a workaholic; it was simple, really. She just worked and worked to read the books in her office. Remove the books, and you'll probably not find her anywhere in the office the next day.

She was different from the rest of her friends. While they would spend all of their time shopping for clothes and accessories, she would be alone in the office, enjoying the silence and humming a soft tune to herself while reading one of those many thesauruses hidden under her desk.

Megurine Luka was indeed a very attractive woman. There were several other men who had confessed their undying love for her, but as you have guessed it, she rejected them all without a second thought.

Perhaps this was one of the many reasons why Kamui Gakupo, her employer, was very very pissed off with her right now.

No, it wasn't because she hadn't managed to finish all the tasks he had entrusted her with on time; Luka would even finish the tasks way before the deadline arrived! It wasn't even because of the fact that she would request a new book as a reward for her hard work every time she did her job well; Gakupo would be more than happy enough to hand the books over! It is, after all, a way to encourage her to work harder than before.

It was because of the fact that she was paying a little too much attention to her books instead of the people around her. It was like books were extremely vital in her life, as if she would die and wither right away without their presence. Gakupo decided that he should try and get Megurine Luka's attention before he would eventually start developing a grudge for the innocent, lonely books sitting on his desk.

He hated to admit it, but he was madly in love with the mature, gorgeous and sexy Megurine Luka since the day she stepped into the office to work.

He also hated to admit to himself that he was indeed very, very envious of the books sitting stably on top of Megurine Luka's desk. In fact, he wouldn't hesitate to become one of them. That would give him a chance to be the center of attraction and also the apple of Luka's eyes, hm?

He was jealous of the books.

There she was. There she was, with her beloved darling of a book on her hands.

Her eyes seemed so focused onto the contents of the book. She didn't even notice him slowly and stealthily approaching her. She didn't even hear him clear his throat, even when he was standing just right in front of her, his precious purple hair caressing the side of her face like curtains. She didn't feel anything, and it was all because of the books again.

"Been reading again, Megurine Luka?" Gakupo whispered in her ears, a cunning smirk forming on his face as she tilted her head to look at him. "I sometimes wonder if there is indeed a time when you will put those books down and go outside to enjoy the breeze."

"I enjoy the breeze with the books, Gakupo," Luka stated sternly, her pupils dilating before she eventually continued with her reading. "Literacy is a good way to improvise your language, and expand your knowledge. There is absolutely no way I am going to miss out on that."

Her superior crossed his arms and frowned sadly, experiencing many different kinds of mixed emotions at the same time. He really felt like pelting the helpless little shrimp of a book, to do anything to get rid of it and make Luka at least look into his eyes when he spoke to her. He didn't, of course, because he couldn't and wouldn't want to face her wrath in this tiny little office.

"How about you put down those books and go out with some guys once in a while," Gakupo suggested with a smug and evil grin, hoping that maybe Luka would get the hint someway or another. "There are tons of guys waiting for you outside of the world of books. It isn't like you'll die if you stop reading for a day, anyway. Besides, books are clear evidences of the fact that you are escaping from reality."

"Oh, I see," The mature woman spoke quickly, almost as if she was afraid he would decide to continue on talking any further.

"That's enough reason for you to leave those books alone, Megurine. Those books are murderous, addictive, disgusting, vile, monstrous, and everything but nice," Her superior added on, the grin still intact on his face. "Someday the scientists will discover the true motives of the book. They will find out that the books are the monsters waiting to devour and brainwash others. They are the true monstrosities of mankind. Maybe even worse."

"Oh, I see," Luka repeated once more, crossing her legs with a rather annoyed expression. Her eyes were still glued onto the contents of the book, and she removed one of her hands from the book and began to use it to twirl one of her pink strands of hair around her finger.

"Are you even listening to me? I think you should look at me when I talk to you, Luka. Basic courtesy." The corner of Kamui Gakupo's lips twitched, obviously a valid proof of his displeasure. Yet Luka continued with her reading, not even turning up to look at the man who was trying to get her to at least understand his predicament. Only a single sentence escaped from her lips, and it was this sentence that was starting to get into Gakupo's nerves:

"Oh, I see."

"You're not listening now, are you," He simply said, suddenly waving his hands in front of Megurine in a desperate attempt to divert her attention to him. Not that book.

"Oh, I see." Yet the same sentence that came out of her mouth a minute ago appeared again, and her eyes were still the same, deeply hypnotized by that cursed item of a book. He was obviously getting a little mad for her lack of understanding, but he decided to play along with her for a while.

"You have seventy white strands of hair on your head, and I've just spotted another hundred on your arms," Gakupo uttered, deliberately trying to make that insult sound as horrible as possible, so that she would look at him for once, when he was talking to her!

"Oh, I see," Megurine Luka simply stated, flipping the book to its next page.

How could anyone get back to reading after that funny insult? He was trying to get her mad, and it wasn't even working. She was still staring into the book, worshipping it like it was some ancient relic from a million years ago!

"Fine. You don't have white strands of hair," He mumbled softly, almost like he was speaking to himself instead of the woman in front of him. "… You have coconuts. Huge coconuts. Bouncy coconuts."

Really, Gakupo himself almost choked and gagged himself to death when he said that. He was almost sure he was signing his own death warrant, but he wouldn't and didn't care what Megurine would do to him, as long as he got that beautiful and attractive pair of eyes to look at him straight in the eyes. He wasn't sure if Luka got what he meant, though, but it was coming from his heart.

Then the dreaded answer came again. It was the same answer as before, coming from the same person with the same tone, like an automatic answering machine.

"Oh, I see."

'Screw the books, screw coconuts! I hate all of them,' The now frustrated and stressed out purple-haired man declared in his mind, a vicious death glare threatening to take over his unusually calm and deceiving features.

"COCONUTS! BIG COCONUTS! I SAID YOU HAVE THEM," He repeated, this time louder than the last, almost as if he was screaming insanely at a psychopath.

He saw Megurine Luka stir for a moment, but it was only so that she could adjust her reading glasses. She stopped playing with her hair and placed her hand back on the seductive book, somehow oblivious of the insults that Gakupo had politely thrown to her, err… Assets.

'No, not that sentence again-' Gakupo continued praying, and came to a halt when that particular sentence escaped from her lips again.

"Oh, I see."

His face nearly turned as red as the sun when she unknowingly repeated the sentence again for the umpteenth time. He clenched his fists until his knuckles formed droplets of sweat, turning white with the amount of force he applied. His lips twitched, his whole body trembling like an earthquake of some sort had occurred.

"That's it! Stupid book," Gakupo growled, grabbing the piece of precious treasure away from Megurine Luka's hands, tossing it conveniently on the floor like it was some rotten thrash. A look of horror and shock crossed Luka's face, her small and glossy lips forming into a circle in reaction to her employer's sudden act of violence.

She didn't know what or how she should react; she wasn't even given enough time to do so. She could feel the warmth of his lips as it came crashing down onto her, eagerly using her temporary immobilization to his advantage. Both of his hands were gripping onto either sides of her shoulders tightly, refusing to let her stand up or walk away from him.

After a moment, Megurine Luka parted her lips and allowed Gakupo to probe further with his tongue. She could feel him desperately tasting her lips like it was some dessert. There was some weird taste of mint in his mouth that caused her to want more, to have more, to crave for more of him. She wrapped her slender arms around Gakupo's neck, hoping that he wouldn't stop and hoping that he would at least continue with what he had just started.

However, she remembered that this was a T rated story right here, so it was actually impossible to even hope that he would carry on.

Gakupo pulled back, freeing Luka's grip on his neck, licking his lips hungrily in an attempt to recall how she tasted like when they kissed. He was, truth be told, a little shocked when Luka didn't push him away or anything near that. He was expecting her to scream, to use the books on the desk to hit his head, but she did not even do what he had expected her to do.

"Was that a confession?" She asked, her voice a little hoarse and tired. She was panting, desperately breathing in greedy amount of oxygen. "Was that why you have been trying to mess with my head and distract me from my dear books?"

"It was a confession, yes," He admitted, grinning a little sheepishly and tucking a few strands of his vibrant purple hair behind his ear. "… But I wasn't trying to mess with your head. You were the one trying to mess with my mind! I mean, I dropped you hints and such, and I was also kind of irritated that you kept on ignoring me and talking to your useless book."

"I didn't know you would be jealous of a book, Gakupo," The woman commented, standing up and waltzing gracefully to where her employer had dumped the book. "I have always thought you've treated me as a friend and all, even with those hints you were dropping to me."

"Well, now that you know," Gakupo watched with amusement as Luka bent down to pick her book up, dusting off the dirt that had gathered on the surface of the book. "I think it would be appropriate for me to know the answer. How does that sound? Oh, and don't go 'Oh, I see' again, because it wouldn't work on me anymore."

"I'll think about it. You can't just force an answer out of me all of a sudden like that," Luka said, letting out a soft giggle and retraced her steps back to where she stood just now. She spun around to face the thrash bin behind her, and dumped the book into it.

"Wait, you dumping that?" Gakupo asked with mild interest, curiosity getting the better of him. He furrowed his brows and examined the bright smile on Luka's face.

"What, you want me to take it back? I thought you said you were jealous."

"Is that a 'yes', then? You'll go out with me?"

"Il told you already. I'll think about it."

"… Fine. Don't keep me waiting for long, though." There was a mischievous glint in Gakupo's eyes as a grin crept itself up onto his face. "I'm not very well known for my patience."

"Oh, really."

"Oh, and Luka?"


"I think I'm addicted to the taste on your lips."

"… You mean the taste of the eggplants I had eaten this morning? Yuck." Luka made a slightly disgusted face, wrinkling her nose and pouting her lips slightly. "It was gross, the taste I mean. I didn't expect you to like it. Strange guy you are, honestly."

"… What's an eggplant?"

Megurine Luka wished she had kept her mouth shut back then. She didn't know why she had to mention about the eggplant at that time. It was just a slip of her tongue, and now she was beginning to regret saying it. Now she was feeling exactly what he was feeling a week ago. Pissed.

She tilted her head so that she could get a clear view of Gakupo's office. She hoped and prayed he wouldn't be in there, feasting on that strange monster of a plant-

Yet there he was, with the disgusting eggplant in his hands, almost like he was cuddling it. She was starting to develop a phobia of that purple slimy and vile plant after seeing it consecutively in his hands, and even his work desk, for the past few days.

She hated to admit it, but it was starting to get into her nerves.

... She was jealous of the eggplant.

Lucky vegetable.

I fail at kissing scenes, I fail at romance, I fail in comedy. NUUUUUUU~ T__T Seriously, though, I did, yeah, I did my best to think of funny stuff, but no, my brain is dry and malnourished right now so it ain't working. Tough luck :-X. Any suggestion on who which pair I should do next? Suggestions are welcomed anytime, anywhere~

Review please! (They keep me going :-D)