I don't own Stephenie Meyer, nor, Twilight. Only the plot and my ideas…..


/~Withstanding Gravity~/

Story Summary: Bella and Edward are about to face a divorce and separation away from each other forever. Bella, always lived a life of happiness in the other, Edward's childhood was filled with rage and neglect. Will looking back at the past save their marriage and save them. What if Bella leaves him with one secret he might never find out...


Author's Note: I would start off the first two chapters with Edward and Bella's lives on growing up and that's when I could start the story perfectly



Prologue Part I: BELLA'S STORY

As a little girl Bella was never one to take things for granted, she was always selfless and put people before herself. She was the perfect daughter any parent would be proud of: she had the greatest school grades that made her land valedictorian of her high school year, she had the most loving parents who couldn't take their eyes of each other, and the goofiest brother ever--Emmett, the carefree and cheerful. She didn't know what she would do without he brother in her life; he helped her through a lot in high school.

Then there's Jacob and Seth, Bella has never been the one to hang out with the typical girly girls in school and tried her best to avoid the drama. When she decided to hang out with her brother and his football team she grew a close bond ship between Jacob and Seth who often laughed at her clumsiness. In her senior year the new kid on the block brought an instant liking to Bella and started to brush up against her insides and caused her to blush. Bella and James were the couple of the year; it didn't take long for James to propose and wish to marry her after high school.

Getting ready for her wedding her brother walked in with the strangest look on his face--red with rage. As Emmett tried very carefully he told her the news that he left to the airport with some redhead Victoria she broke down in shock. Not tears. Shock. "Bella," there was a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Emmett asked nervopusly.

"Come in." She said excited. When he scattered his way in, Bella enloufed him in the biggest hug she possibly ever gave him. When he didn't hug her back she pulled away.

"Emmett, what's wrong?"

"Bella, I'm sorry, but James can't make it."

"What do you mean can't make it? This is his wedding."

"Yeah, he left to Las Vegas this morning. Bella I'm sorry." Emmett had to catch her from falling down. Bella cried all afternoon in her brother's arms; she didn't have the will to leave. While her cries turns to quite sobbs and murmurs she spoke broken whispers, "Emmett, why am I so stupid?" She asked.

"You're not stupid, you're beautiful."

Knowing she could never set foot in Forks again with that kind of humiliation being spread around she fled. She fled from her parents. Emmett. Jacob. Seth. Everybody. She never was those kinds of girls who got married right after high school or the ones who fell head over heels. She just felt normal around James, relaxing ,and never complicated. The funny things that she realized was she wasn't broken with the pain and ripples of her heart because there was nothing there, the only hurt she felt was hurt of humiliation and angry regret.

Bella left to attend the college she longed to go to San Francisco University and stayed living in a condo with a roommate going by the name of Alice Bandon. Bella found her enthusiastic and hyperactive, but Bella found that as a good thing in life. Alice is attending the same University as her, but majoring in the fashion world while she is majoring in English literature. Looking for a job she found herself working at a nearby nursery that paid her good money and still found her way to make it to school.

There she met a girl about two years older than her going by the name of Rosalie and by the look of her eye she enjoyed taking care of the children around her. Bella totally adored her and it didn't take long for Rosalie, Alice and Bella to bond as great friends

It didn't even take about a month until Emmett's possessive brotherly disorder kicked in for him to come out and look for a small apartment so he could keep tabs on Bella, she laughed at the idea. What really made her laugh was one day while Rose came hanging out at the condo her Alice owned Emmett came over and stop dead on his feet when Rose came out of the kitchen holding bowls of ice cream and her pajama's because she was sleeping over. That's the first time Bella ever seen him blush until he blushed even more when Rose offered him ice cream as well. After that night Emmett came back for more ice cream just to lay his eyes on Rosalie.

While, watching Rosalie's happiness grow and Alice's love for the fashion industry expanded Bella stop dead in her tracks when a large, black BMW limo stretched out in front of her. Bella sat cozy under a shaded tree when a couple of busy business people hopped out of the car and waited for someone apparently important because everyone knew it wasn't their ride. Then when whoever they were waiting for exit out the main buildings doors they hurriedly and did their job opened the car doors waiting for him to be seated

/~He apparently has been born with a silver spoon~/ Bella thought rudely.

Bella took one glance at him and had to admit to the honest truth that he was damn gorgeous. His messy bronze hair stuck out at different corners and his beautiful glistening skin shinned his way to popularity. He had a muscled toned body, not like body builders just one who does it regularly. Before he bent his way into his car, he took one look at me and wink at me wickedly. I blushed cutely, but he couldn't get to her that easily. \par

/~I I fell for those charms once, it won't work again.~/ she laughed hideously.

When she watched the car drive away she picked up her books and headed off to class wishing dead on her life to never see that beautiful face again.

Boy was she wrong…


Prologue Part II: EDWARD'S STORY

People all around him took his life for granted only seeing the picture of the outside and not looking into the frame.

/~It's my life is a hell hole~/

Edward lived a life or ruin and hell, fighting his way to have a normal life, but always failing. Being thrown down from nanny to nanny and every possible daycare the only one who really cared about him was his compassionate brother Carlisle and loving fiancé' Esme. He always questioned God's acts to why he had the most unconventional parents.

Growing up was always hard for him, always trying to put on a cold and stone face around Edward Sr. and Elizabeth Masen never really considering them parents. The only person he could ever smile around is Carlisle and Esme. Edward often wanted to grow up and be just like his brother. He never lets him down and never hurts him to cause a bruise or a tear to his heart. Elizabeth tried to be a good mother and tried her best to compose her tears in place before she set out to rescue her children from awful beatings, but soon she gave up after six years of her alcoholic husbands gruesome beatings.

Carlisle did his best to try and stop him and Edward's stupid father from his antics, but when he failed he found it his duty to try and keep Edward and Elizabeth away. One night, Carlisle tried to get his mother and Edward out when he was too drunk to even walk, but Carlisle was dead wrong.

Reaching the door twenty-year-old Carlisle held his mom's wrist held captive in his hand and carrying eight-year-old Edward in his arms. Reaching the door Carlisle witnessed a wine class being shattered on the door right in front of him. Carlisle and Elizabeth turned to find his father speaking drunk,

"You three aren't going anywhere." he pointed out.

"Go screw yourself!" Carlisle screamed at his father and turned to hurry at the door, but his father made it to him in time pulling his mother's hair back into the house and Carlisle followed. Edward Sr. dragged Elizabeth all the way into his room and quickly, Carlisle placed young Edward under the stable. "Stay here," Carlisle ordered. All young Edward heard upstairs were constant screams and grunts with each punch he could imagine seeing it first sight. He heard the doors swing open and heard his father scream to Carlisle, "Get the fuck out!" Edward Sr. screamed.

Coming downstairs Carlisle dragged me out with his mother sobbing hysterically.

"Let's go!" he said quickly, trying to get us out. Before we got outside Edward Sr. grabbed young Edward by the back of his shirt and threw him against the wall

"He isn't going anywhere with you. You two can go, but he am not going anywhere." Edward Sr. spoke fiercely

"He's coming with me," Carlisle directed

"No. You make take the whore you call your mother, but you isn't taking my son away from me."

"And what does that make me?" Carlisle asked. Not hint of hurt, more like rage

"A boy had to deal with all my life because you're mother got to drunk."

"My mother and my brother is coming with me and you are letting them come with me."

"NOpe, take your pick. Who do you want more? Your precious mother? Or your weak little brother?" Suddenly the doors open to a innocent Esme. When she took in everybody's state of look he eyes grew in shock including her voice.

"Carlisle?" Carlisle walked to her and on on his way he pulled Elizabeth off the floor.

"Esme, honey. I want you to do something for me?" Esme took one look at little Edward and faced Carlisle, "Anything."

"Take my mother and take her far away until I call you. Make sure she's safe." She looked at dunk, fucked up Edward and looked at Carlisle with fear of what would happen.

"What about you?" Esme asked..

"I can't leave yet, I don't think I can. Not without Edward, ad he won't let Edward go."

"Carlisle, I'm scared." she begged.

"I know baby, but it will be okay. Just for a while."Esme kissed Carlisle and took the sobbing Elizabeth away from the treacherous Masen house.


Edward lives in a high society all characterized by wealth, not brains. You never really realize whose your true friends and who are the ones you can really trust.

/~I can't even trust my father.~/

So now here he stands in his own home with Carlisle and Esme perfectly happy living in small town Forks, Washington. Carlisle pursued his dream to become a doctor and Esme is an architect building the best homes. But Edward was forced to live with the Masen fortune and all the Masen companies spreaded out into the world.

But before he inherits all of it he was forced into San Francisco University to major in business and management. He hated to live with the burden of being the heir to this dynasty.

Walking out of the doors of SFU Edward walked into the awaiting car of his services who he needed to help him run his future businesses.

"Good day, sir," Aro greeted.

"Good day, Aro. What's new?"

"You're father called and wants to have a meeting with you as soon as possible and you're brother called."

"What did he say?"

"He said he's in town for business and wants to meet you."

"Good. Call him and tell him tonight." Before Edward got into the backside of his limo he go a glimpse of the most beautiful brunette and brown eyed girl he has ever seen. Edward was always one with the ladies, but mostly blonde babes. He winked at her and he had the privilege of seeing her cheeks blush a bright red. He smirked and made his way into the limo, driving around the block he caught a glimpse of the same girl walking back into campus.

/~I am going to get to know this girl, I'm going to make my way into her life~/




katleen_ (k is lowercased.)