I'm sorry. I can't do it, I just can't. No, I'm not discontinuing this fic, BUT, I am taking the whole Sakura thing out. You see, It was in the middle of the night, I was so tired I couldn't comprehend 1 from 2, and I didn't really know what I typed until the next day. I tried to make it work because I thought " It's too late to change it now! ", however, I can't do it anymore. I put up the poll in an attempt to find some ideas to make it work ( And to see what people wanted in regards to that ). It didn't work.

The Sakura thing wasn't the direction I originally wanted the fic to go in. So, I decided to fix my mistake.

I'm sorry if this upsets some people.

What I am going to do is I am going to re-post this, without the Sakura chapters. That will be it for the changes except for one. I'm also taking Sasuke's cats out. I might have them come back later on, but I don't want them in there anymore. So they will be edited out.

So, expect that to be up soon along with a new chapter.

I hope I don't loose reviewers over this! :)

Thank you ( Please don't shoot me!T_T ),
