Yes, that's right guys, I'm back with another story! This one is a little different than the rest though. This is a story all about Bree (the newborn Jane had killed after the fight in Eclipse). BUT what would have happened if the Cullens decided to keep her survival of the fight a secret from the Volturi? What would have happened if the Cullen's adopted her? I'll stick close to Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, but just another character will be added to the Cullen Family. This will be in Bree's POV. This first chapter pretty much explains what's going on. Hope you like it!

The warm June sun shone bright in the sky. Even though it seemed to be a fairly warm day, I was not happy. School was almost done and I still had a lot of studying to do. I hated to study, so I was not looking forward to it at all. I hoped for some small miracle that would excuse me from my finals. I laughed at myself. Like that was ever going to happen. I sighed and grabbed my bag as I ran down the stairs.

"Morning, Mom." I sighed and slid into my chair. Most fifteen-year-olds don't get along with their mothers, but mine was my best friend. Her blue eyes, the same as mine, sparked as she smiled.

She placed a bowl in front of me with a box of my favorite cereal. "Ready for your first final today?"

"No," I groaned and reached across the table to take the milk. My very annoying brother pulled it just out of my reach. "Come on, Josh!" I wined.

"What?" He asked innocently. For a seventeen-year-old, you would think he would be more mature.

"Joshua," my mom's warning rang out as she spoke his name.

He sighed and pushed the milk towards me.

"Josh, did you want to take my car to school today?" My mom dangled the keys in front of his face. His beat up 1984 Honda Accord was in the shop, again. He spends more time having that car fixed, than he does driving it.

"What's the catch?" He asked warily.

"You have to bring Breanna to and from school." My mom spoke quickly and dropped the keys on the table in front of him.

He looked up at me and I smiled innocently. "Come on! She's got an afternoon final. I only have to go in for a few hours this morning." He wined.

"So, go back and pick her up. The busses aren't running today and if you want to drive the car than it involves taking your sister with you."

"Fine." He groaned and jabbed a finger in my direction. "Don't go taking your time, Bree. I have better things to do this afternoon than sitting around waiting for you to dally your way through your test."

"Joshua Michael! Don't make her rush! And I want you coming home right after school. This gang is really starting to scare me." My mom said and tossed the paper onto the table.

"I'm so glad you're graduating this year." I mumbled and got up to clean my bowl out.

"Oh, admit it! You're going to miss me." Josh chuckled. He got up and followed me to the sink to clean out his own bowl.

"Bree!" Cara waved eagerly in my direction as I made my way through the hall to my locker. Cara and I have been friends since Kindergarten. We're more like sisters, even though we look nothing alike. "Hi Josh." She smiled and waved, her obvious obsession over my brother showed clearly on her face.

"Hey," Josh smiled back at her before punching my arm. "See you later. Meet me outside when you're done!" He called over his shoulder as he walked towards his class.

"See ya." I yelled after him.

"I don't know how you live with him and not think he's the most gorgeous man alive." Cara's voice sounded far away, her eyes were even further as she watched Josh walk away.

"You're gross!" I yelled and made a gagging noise.

"Time for our Science final." Cara said excitedly.

"Why are you so happy about it?"

"Because we only have three more days of school left! What are we going to do this summer?"

I shrugged and tucked my short dark brown hair behind my ear. "Don't know. Maybe we could go to a beach. We'll do plenty of shopping."

Cara nodded and we both laughed.

The science final went smoothly, but that could either be a bad or good thing. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know which way it was. I would just have to wait for my report card. Next was my history final which was a little tougher. I had to write two essays on top of the multiple choice questions. I finished on time and was relieved that I didn't have to hear it from Josh on the way home that I made him wait longer than he already had to.

"How do you think you did?" He asked as soon as I got in the car. Cara slid in the back seat behind Josh. She smiled and stared at the back of his head. He caught her gaze in the rearview mirror and chuckled.

"Ok, I think." I sighed.

"And you Cara?"

"Huh? Oh, er… yes?"

I looked over my shoulder throwing her a confused look. She shrugged and shook her head. She didn't hear his question. "He asked how your finals were today."

"Oh…" she laughed uncomfortably and dropped her gaze, embarrassed. "Fine." She mumbled and hid her face behind her long blond hair.

Cara was quiet for the rest of the ride home, and it took everything in me to not burst out laughing at the fact that she was caught drooling over Josh. As soon as we got out of the car, Cara towed me behind her up to my room. She slammed the door as soon as we were inside.

"I am such a loser!" She groaned through clenched teeth and threw herself on my bed.

"Relax, it's my brother he's too old for you. Besides, he going off to college in August."

She sighed deeply. "I know, it's so sad."

"Gross!" I yelled and hit her with a pillow.

"Study time?" She asked as she pulled out her books from her book bag.

"Study time." I repeated as I pulled out my own books.

After Cara left and I said goodnight to everyone, I laid in bed excited for Summer to finally be here. The clanking noise outside my window made me jump. "Who's there?" I asked, my voice shaking. I got up nervously to investigate. My room was on the second floor, so I knew it was impossible for someone to try and break in. I didn't have any tree branches outside my window either. I shoved the glass out of my way and peered into the darkness. "Hello?" I whispered. Something white fluttered across the yard and disappeared into the trees. I gasped and slammed my window shut, locking it. "What was that?" I whispered to myself.

I waited by the closed window to see if the figure came back. My eyes got heavy, so I decided to go to bed.

"I'm free!" I yelled as soon as I walked out of the school doors for the last time. My summer vacation has officially started.

Cara looked at me and we both shoved our notebooks in the garbage cans by the doors. "Movies tonight?" Cara asked as we made our way to my mom's car.

"You bet." I said excitedly. "Let's get a late movie." I suggested. We didn't have to be in early since it was now summer vacation.

"Sounds good to me!" Cara agreed.

"Hey, Mom." I smiled as we got into the car.

"All finished?" She asked excitedly.

"Yup!" Cara and I said at the same time.

"Can we go see a movie tonight?" I asked my mom.

"I don't see why not. What time?"

"We wanted to get a later one, since we don't have school in the morning."

My mom glanced at me quickly before looking back at the road. "Not too late. These killings are not something to play around with. Take them seriously please. Those were innocent people."

"Ok, ok." My mom was a trauma doctor in ER, so it was almost expected for her to overreact to something like this. Her worst fear is having either me or my brother brought into the ER.

"I'll pick you up in three hours." Josh told us before he pulled away from the curb. He was meeting up with a few of his friends, so he gave us an extra hour to grab something to eat after the movie.

"What are we going to see?" Cara asked as we walked into the theater.

"Something scary." I insisted.

Cara sighed. "Bree, you know those kind of movies freak you out."

"So, I'm not feeling freaked out. I'm in a good mood, and I want to laugh at the fake blood on the screen."

"Ok, it's your nightmares." She giggled and we bought our tickets.

The movie was a little scarier than I thought. From beginning to end it was nothing but a blood bath. "You ok?" Cara asked. Her voice made me jump.

"Don't do that!" I snapped.

"Do what? I just asked you a question."

"You asked it without any warning!" We were walking down a back alleyway, so I was bound to be freaked out. I could see the lights from the city street just a few yards away.

"Crap." Cara groaned.


"I left my jacket in the theater." She turned to walked back the way we came. "Don't worry about it. We'll get it tomorrow. I'm hungry."

"I'll just be a second. The theater is closer than the restaurant." Cara pointed at the lights from the front of the theater at the end of the alley. "Stay right here, I'll be right back."

"You want me to wait here, alone?"

"What are you scared of? The boogieman?" She looked around the empty alley. "It's just us. Don't be such a baby. I'll be right back."

"I'll be right here." I groaned.

I pressed back against the brick wall, settling in to wait for Cara. I shivered from the chilly night and tightened my sweatshirt around me.

"Hey, you." The voice was soft and soothing, but I still jumped. My scream got stuck in the throat and I choked on it.

"Me?" I asked as I strained my eyes to look through the darkness. It wasn't hard to see him. His skin seemed glowed in the dark.

"Yes." He hissed.

"What do you want?" I looked at the lights from the theater and contemplated running towards it. I took one step and he was in front of me, his hands like restraints on my shoulders, pressing me against the wall. I could feel his cold touch through my sweatshirt. I gasped when I finally saw his eyes.

"This is a dream." I decided. I was having a nightmare, that was it. No human has eyes that red, but I couldn't look away from his angelic face.

"I assure you this is far from a dream." He chuckled softly. His face got closer to mine and I felt his cool breath on my neck. His nose pressed into the skin on my neck and he sniffed. "Intoxicating." He breathed.

"Excuse me?" I tried shoving against his chest, but his body was as hard as a rock.

His bright red eyes glared at me, and a evil smile spread across his face. I turned to run, but his hand clamped over my mouth while his other arm grabbed me around the waist. I clawed helplessly at his marble arm as he dragged me further into the darkness.

I didn't stop fighting until he let me go. I looked around me for the first time and realized I was in a room. It was so dark that I ran into a wall in every direction I tried to run in. The man chuckled somewhere behind me. "What's your name child?"

"B-Bree." I stuttered.

"Hello, Bree. I'm Riley. I must warn you, I'm not as good as my creator, but I will try not to kill you."

"Kill me?!" I gasped in sheer terror.

"Yes, we have a lot to talk about, but after the change is done." Riley licked his lips and reached out for me.