Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Vampire Knight by Hino Matsuri.

My plot and Arionna, Choritha (kor-ee-tha), Ari, and Arinthia

Sorry the Intro isn't funny...The story will be when it really starts! I promise! *sweat drop*



Arionna looked out over the balcony. The sun was setting lighting up the sky in a vibrant display of colors. It cast shadows on the palace grounds and gardens. Far away, over the high stone wall she could see the forest that dominated most of that world.

Arionna was pretty by their standards. She had long light golden hair that, if you let it down, would have reached the floor and then some. She was average female hight of 5' 3" and looked extremely dainty. She actually might have been considered nearly as beautiful as her older sister if not for her one "flaw". She had brown eyes, a recesive gene in their blood line. She had gotten them from a human great grandfather of her's.

She was the only one of their kind alive to have them. Her twin had had them too, but he had died when they was four years old. She still missed him teribly. "Ari, I hope your safe in heaven. I miss you so much." Arionna gave a melancholy sigh.

"I'm thinking that you have something to ask me?" Choritha said from the door way "Seeing as you are in my bedroom."

"Yes," Arionna said. Then she braced herself. "I was wondering if....if I could leave."

"Ah, I see. Well, wait a moment." Choritha answered. She left for a few minutes then came back. Handad Arionna a portal divice and gave her a hug."I'll miss you love...but you should leave before Arintha finds out. You know she won't let you go."

Arionna winced. Yes, big sissy wouldn't like that. She was very attached to her family and would freak if she found out one of them had left. "How are you going to deal with her?"

"I have my ways. She is married to my twin after all, and I to one of her brothers." Arinthia was a quadruplet and the only girl out of the four. "Though none of them will be perticually pleasent."

"I'm suprised your letting me go this easy even."

"I knew this was coming for a while. I don't blame you really, though I do hope you come home eventualy."

"Thanks Choritha."

"Don't worry, your my sister and there for I must try my hardest to make sure your happy."

Arionna gave her sister-in-law one last hug. "Ok, one thing before I leave. Make sure you tell my siblings and perants I love them and will miss them."

Choritha laughed "Wouldn't dream of doing anything else. Take care of yourself."

When Arionna left the palice grounds (the portal wouldn't work within them) she gave one last look around and left.


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