Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans in any way

It's my second fanfic for this site. If by chance you're reading my other story, don't worry, I'm just on a slight writers block.

This story however I know I'll enjoy writing hehehe

First let me get one thing straight, I'll keep to the characters best I can, however I have no idea how Rorex acts. I'll just do what I can guess from the episode, Spellbound.

As for the timeline and character ages, I'd say its right after the Trigon event. The characters are in their mid to late teens, except for a certain white-haired wizard.

Please R enjoy or read,

Without further blah blah blah here it is....


"Where?" the man coughed in a ragged breath as he looked at his new surroundings. Tall familiar, hooded statues rose up at least five stories in all four directions. The air was heavy and quiet. That was also familiar. Large dome-like structure. Yes that too was familiar. Deep Shadows created by the light shining through the huge hole in the ceiling up high. Yup, everything was fami....wait... The man looked cranked his head up. Light? That was not familiar. What was that blue thing way up there? "T-the sky!" The man shouted in disbelief. The said man then fell to his knees, clenching his chest and nearly coughing up blood.

The trip had taken nearly all his strength. He was surprised he even was still alive after he had held onto his power, rather than give it to the portal. He would die before he let his power go away. Looking to his hand he tried to produce some of it. Only a small 'Flick' told him he did indeed still have it, even though, it was extremely weak.

Taking a breath he stood up, slowly regaining his normal composure, or close to it.

"Better have some than none. It'll come back with time...I hope." The man stretched, reaching his full height of 5'11. True he still felt like crap but he was feeling much better already. A gentle breeze came from up high, and brushed the long cloak of the man, blowing it behind him. The man closes his eyes and lets the soft wind go through his long white hair. How long had it been since he felt the wind? Far, far too long for his tastes. He was tempted to take off the cloth scarf that covered his nose and mouth, but knew better.

"Earth…finally here. Now I can start…my search."


That was strange. She woke up a full minute before the alarms started blaring. At first she thought it was the alarms that woke her up, but as she just told herself, she was up before the eye-pounding red lights had even flared. Stealing a glance at her clock as she pulled another blue cloak out of the closet, she saw it was 2:21 a.m. She never was up at this time unless...Pulling the pointed hood over her violet-blue, shoulder-length hair that cover her ears, she thought to herself "Did I sense something?"

The teenage Titan called Raven rushed to the monitor room inside the giant 'T' tower that was Titan's home. As she turned the last corner, a blaring alarm-light pierced the deep shadows of Raven's hood and shone off the sapphire stone in her forehead. Raven enter the room and quickly, quietly joined her friends at the giant view-screen that would shine over their window. She was the last one there. Cyborg, the tallest, biggest and 2nd strongest teen titan was there. Like his name suggested he looked over half steel, with light blue, glass special armor that made his brown skin look that much darker. Most likely the oldest of the teens, he glance at her arrival with his human, and left red robot eye before returning to look at the screen.

Next to Cy, stood Robin, boy wonder, leader of Titans. The only one who had no supernatural powers. Not that he needed any Raven reminded herself. Boy wonder always wore his mask, and was almost always in that...strange spandex outfit. His spiky black hair made him an inch or two taller, but he was still short. He scanned the display screen looking at the info. Raven knew he was piecing it all together and would tell them who they were properly up against soon. As expected from the most experienced person at fighting actual crime besides perhaps Beast Boy.

Speaking of the even shorter, green, pointy eared boy, he was standing besides robin in his black and green suit, tapping his finger one his arm as he had them folded.

That was everyone...wait...how could she possibly forget? Floating above all the boys, grin on her face, was the Titans' one and only beautiful alien girl. Wearing her usual purple tube top and skirt, her full green eyes seemed even greener. Her long red hair clashing against her unnaturally orange skin. 'Well...They say my skin is unnaturally grayish.' Raven thought to herself.

Nodding to himself, Robin turned to them all. "Its doctor light...again...Let's GO!" he shouted the familiar word. With the slowness of a race car, the Titans were at the scene of the crime, one of Jump city's many power plants.

"Dudes where is he?" The green Beast Boy asked

"Yeah, it's like too quiet." The large Cyborg looked to his friends

"Careful guys. It's a trap, I know it." Ordered the leader Robin

"It's a guy in a bright suit; yeah he's going to sure get the jump on us." Raven said in her legendary sarcasm. Robin gave her a slight glare, but knew she was right. "Let's hurry this up. I want to get back to sleep." Raven sighed

"I agree with Rae, let's kick his can and get home!" Cyborg chimed in.

Before Raven could give a cold threat to Cyborg for her new nickname…

"None of you are going anywhere!" The crazy doctor's voice rang out before every light in the area dimmed dangerously low before darkness finally won out and engulfed all.

"Star! Cyborg!" Robin yelled through the darkness. Instantly the bright green light of Starfire's energy mixed with Cyborg's strong, shoulder, white light. Standing up high stood the ever persistent Doctor Light. Four tubes burst off his back, sending electric sparks in every direction. A low, rumbling sound was heard as his, larger than normal, suit flared to life.

"Dark little girl, your darkness will be destroyed! No one defeats Doctor Light!" cried the not to bright (in the head that is) man as he launched a beam as bright and hot as a small star at Raven.

Why was he made at her? Oh that's right she nearly scared him to death…twice. Raven rolled her eyes as she gathered her dark energy, letting consume her as she melted in the shadow of the ground. The other Titans avoided the blast their own way, and charged at the man. Did he really think that he had a chance? It was time to end this, for Raven was tired, and the other Titans knew that a tired Raven meant whoever woke her up would not die quickly.

Raven appeared behind the crazy doctor as he just blasted Cyborg back a few hundred feet back, the only apparent damage on the large teen, a slightly blacked piece of steel.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinth-" Raven tried her famous three words, but was stopped as a voice rang through her head,

"At last! Are you from Azarath?" the voice asked

Unfortually Raven's slight pause was all the time Doctor Light needed to trap her within a white orb.

"I have you! Finally! I'm going to enjoy banishing you later, first…" Doctor Light smiled with glee before dodging Starfire's beam of green plasma and gave a large beam of his own, nailing the alien girl in the chest. "…I'll destroy your friends! GRAHHHH!!!" Screamed the crazy man as he let loose light beams from all his orbs on his suit. The other Titans couldn't keep up and were hit on way or another.

"Nooo!" Raven screamed as Doctor Light instantly began charging up his suit for one final attack, determined to reduce her friends to ashes.

"What happened?! Are you or your allies in danger!?" The voice asked again in her mind, concern clearly in the man's voice

"More than you will ever know…" Raven replied as she desperately tried to break free, only to fail; the doctor's suit glowing dangerously.

"I'll be right there, hold on!!" The voice screamed

"You'll be too late…" Raven could only watch in horror as her friend staggered up, still dazed. Doctor Late laughing ecstatically as he reached full power and raised his hands to produce a solid stream of light straight up to the sky.

"No one defeats Doctor Light, No one!!"

"I'm no one?" The voice rang out the question, but it wasn't in Raven's head this time. Doctor Light barley had the time to clock his head to the side as his line of light up was drown out by a tower of light down a ruined road a good 300 yards.

This shaft of pulsating light roared toward the very heavens themselves. The Titans, just recovering from their shock were now dumbfounded. Doctor Light could only, like Raven, watch in morbid fascination as the powerful light imploded and shot at them...FAST!

"Wha-!?!" Doctor Light managed to squeak as the light was upon them. A powerful kick flashed at the Doctor's chest, cracking the large yellow orb on the front. In a fluid motion of a cape, the figure slammed a hand to the feeble man's chest, sending him flying in a burst of white energy.

With the doctor out of the way, the caped figure turned to face Raven. With a sudden jerk the man took a step back.

"Lady Ang…no…are you fair Raven?"

Raven's shock matched the mans.